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2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Like, even if Cash was open to commitment, that relationship would crash.
Tilly, on the other hand, could work with it. It would be a majorly slow progress, though.
And before you say she seems too independent: SHE BUYS AFFECTION WITH FURNITURE.
2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: I'm still not sure who that right type of person is though. :/
2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: She really doesn't have to buy Dorian's affection.. he's pretty giving even without that.
2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Yeah. Exactly. But the fact that she even tries kind of proves that she's not very emotionally independent. XD
2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: I like Cash better just because with Tilly Dorian is likely to scare her off by going to fast too soon, or she's too likely to doubt him or think he's messing with her or something. Cash is more likely to NOT take Dorian seriously- ever- even if he is being very sincere- and more likely to stand firm about it being casual, keeping Dorian at arms distance, unlike Tilly who is more likely to bolt.
.... just in my opinion.
2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Yeah. XD She's totally unused to Dorian's sheer volume of affection.
I was actually just thinking about an hour ago while making breakfast that Tilly being in a relationship with Dorian would actually take longer to develop than her being in a relationship with just about anyone else! Your opinion is very accurate. :P
2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: I like the idea of lack of sincerity from Cash born of his expert knowledge of relationships failing, even if it's just a mask to hide truly wanting a real relationship.
I think it would temper Dorian too... The challenge, but having to hold himself back and really calculate so as to not anger him because he knows Cash would be ready to say "I told you so" and leave instantly.
2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: So...
The Dorian X Tilly ship is dead.
Long live Dorian X Cash.
And, yeah, Cash /would/ want a real relationship but not want to risk the blowup. Plus, as sweet as he can be, he's really, /really/ bad at putting other people first, so he would leave if something went wrong.
2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: Then Cash will just have to be confused when Dorian continues to pursue him despite being repeatedly shut down.
2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: And he will be. Very, very confused. XD
2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: I'm amused by the idea of Cash seeing how far he could push Dorian too as he tries to win him over. "These aren't the flowers I like." "I don't like your hair." "I don't like your facial hair." "You're not fit enough."
Subsequently watching Dorian almost completely change to try and suit his tastes. While not as dramatic, he is a descendant of Eros, who would shape shift to get his jollies.
2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Omaigawsh.
Cash totally would do that once the relationship started feeling too serious for comfort. XD Like he wakes up one morning cuddling up to Dorian and then spends all of breakfast nitpicking at him.
2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: I think in the end he'd feel bad for forcing Dorian to change so much, realize he's no longer even the man he liked in the first place, other than that dogged loyalty. But, in the mean time, Dorian would certainly get a hell of a make over, and general life over....
... I could see if Jade or any of his friends caught on though, they'd hate Cash even more.
2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Oh, he'd definitely feel bad. Once he reached that point he'd be all:
"No, no. Go back to how you were before."
And never ask him to change, again, /because he knows Dorian will take it seriously/.
2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: Very seriously.
2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Poor Dorian. XD
2016-05-15 [Synirria]: He takes things to the extreme
2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Cash is going to have to get used to that. XD But he'll be much more accepting of it than Tilly would.
2017-02-03 [ancienteye]: Dorian's perspective (as far as I can tell):
2017-02-03 [Painted Autumn]: Spot on.
2017-02-03 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD XD XD
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