This is the face that lives in this room.

The walls in this room are covered in posters, all kinds of them, some are in a different language like Jamaican, most of them are either parkour contests or Rastafari, and some photos of his family.
The bed is pushed to the furthest corner from the door with a large and thick black comforter that has in a large white font,"If puss and dog can get together, why cant we love one another?" but no pillow.
Next to the bed to the right is a small dresser with a candle holder and a box of unscented white candles on top of it.
In front of the bed is the dresser with a row of 4 drawers and in front of the dresser, against the wall, is the computer desk, on this said table is a closed Sony Vaio and the charger, unplugged and rolled up, next to this laptop.
Instead of there being some drawers on the computer desk its instead 2 rows of bookshelves, on the top is crammed with heritage research and books upon; Jamaican culture, parkour training, muscle anatomy and health, and the rest of them are anything about Rastafari.
The bottom shelf is where all the notebooks, research papers, important documents, and just doodles are at.
On the left wall in the middle, there is a white rectangle, about 7 feet tall and 4 feet wide, of padding, framed with wood and nailed, and mirrored onto the floor, near the top of this padding is a simple pull-up bar stuck out, wrapped in white cloth-tape, and to finish it, about a foot away and three feet out is a red square with a switch in the middle of it.
Dormitory 395 H1
Monday, October 31st
With a wide yawn
Virgil stretched himself and hopped up to take a shower. Several minutes later he came out with black shorts with a gold trim and his white sleeveless hoodie on and his hair partially pulled into a ponytail as he exited to
X-Men Hall East 3rd.
Virgil walked in and over to his desk to grab his saxophone case and returned to the hall.
Much, much later...
Virgil returned with his saxophone case and set it beside his desk with a somewhat wearied look on his face. He then decided to refresh himself with a nice steam-shower and walked over to the pull-up bar and flipped the nearby switch, activating the "door" and entered the bathroom..
Virgil came out with half of his costume on and facepaint all over his face, not quiet done yet but on its way.
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X-Men Dormitories
X-Men Hall East 3rd
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