Quote of the day: “Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold...”

What Virgil is wearing as of now: baggy, black, shorts with golden trim And a loose, sleeveless, white hoodie with a Red/Gold/Green stripe across the middle.
User Name:[
Character name: Virgil Hawkins
Mutant Name: Smokey
Abilities/powers: Pyro-Smoke-kin
esis (the ability to manipulate smoke. No true fire is needed for smoke to be created and controlled) and to turn himself into smoke(Self-pyro-smoke-metamorphosis).
Currently can:
-Turn full body into smoke, Self-Metamorphosis (for 10 minutes max.)
-Turn rough body parts into smoke(hand is as small as he can go. Can hold transformation longer than whole body, less for larger amounts, more for smaller)
-Control various shades (black, grey, white) of smoke, but no unnatural colors (takes a few seconds and has to be in contact)
-Control amount of heat the smoke has (from luke-warm vapors to heat that can burn and blister.)
-Ranged attack smoke balls (various sizes from huge{takes time} to bouncy ball sized{2 seconds} and can burst into smoke screen{depends on how potent the ball is and this is run based on a program type power} or be a ball of heat.{Simply thrown})
-Ranged attack Smoke tunnel(a controlled almost cyclone like tube of smoke that bursts from his hands or head{can go about 20 feet before dissipating and its, normally is in the range of 8-12 feet and about a foot in diameter. The further it goes the thinner and gets, and thicker vice versa.} can project from either his hands{doesn't lose intensity but can't make as much heat} or from his head in any direction but himself{much more powerful but can only do one.}.).
Wants to develope:
-Finer self-metamorphosis (to at one point be able to make a small tube of smoke throught his body{like bullet sized}.)
-Quicker self-metamorphosis (it takes about a minute to turn into smoke, but only seconds to revert.)
-Smoke Stamina (to stay in full smoke form longer, and to be able to hold partials longer too.)
-More control over his smoke body
-Reactive metamorphosis full body (say he falls from really high, he is instantly -poof- smoke that spreads then recollects itself and reverts to his physical form)
-Reactive metamorphosis partial(if he's punched the affected body gives way to smoke, nullifying most damage.)
-More heat to his smoke and possibly cold smoke
-More control of his smoke balls (wants a "sticky smoke" {a ball hits you and covers you{or covers part of you like your head}, hiding you somewhat, can be suffocating if he chooses, or blistering heat})
-More places he can exude smoke from(instead of just his hands and head{eyes, ear, mouth, nose, and from where his hair grows to be exact})
-Make "heavy" smoke (isn't easily affected by wind.)
-To be able to actually control smoke from a distance(say a invisible connection like telethapy or a mental link to the smoke) instead of his program based control(he sends his smoke out on set parameters and rules, the smoke has no cognitive ability)
-Ability to separate himself(in physical form to have his arm detatched by smoke, in smoke form to literally separate and control the other mass)
Known and Current Limits
-Must be able to breath or have intaken oxygen that has converted to carbon dioxide to use his power(I'm going at a theory that he converts CO into CO2 inside his body.).
-In smoke form he can retain humanoid shape or a blob(indiscernable shape like of a shifting cloud)
-Cannot make smoke in smoke form, however can still manipulate other smoke via touch
-In moments of extreme panic or purely survival instincts he can activate his Reactive Metamorphosis ability but causes temporary loss of power(seeing as how his lungs are full of smoke with no air in his body which in turn makes him dizzy for several seconds.).
-Due to his human psyche he cannot continuously inhale oxygen and make smoke, and the act of breathing helps him build up his power and he "releases" the smoke, its the same as if he was breathing out.(can't inhale while he is exhaling...yet.).
-His closest apparel, like shirt, pants, socks and shoes, or X-uniform(he's commando.. only cause his power can't affect it properly) will turn to smoke with him, most everything else that isn't considered a part of him(like the stuff in his pocket) will drop if that portion of him is smoke mode.
Sex: Male
Age: 14
General appearance: He's already tall for his age at 6 feet tall and with a lean almost sinewy frame, usually wears clothes with a pattern of Red, Gold, and Green, he has some scars on his legs running horizontally along them, thus he always wear pants.
HAIR COLOR AND STYLE: Shoulder length ashy-brown dreadlocks that's usually in a semi part down the middle, the two foremost dreads has an inch long bead in a red-gold band-green pattern and with this engraved across the gold,"Runners UNited breda." Near the end of these said dreadlocks.
EYE COLOR: Light brown, turns a smokey gray when concentrating.
ETHNICITY: Jamaican American(First gen.).
Smoke form
Human- mostly the same height but has a light fading smoke trail, even if he isn't moving(in the direction of the wind, if none is present then upwards) and generally moves like a human would
blob- a shifting and almost random puff of smoke, when moving thens to funnel forward and a twisting and almost cyclone like tendency
Personality: He acts mature for his age, and looks older but once you get to know him he reveals the kid within, loves making people nervous and can be a bit of a prankster, though he is more solemn since the funeral, he will never let a bully pick on people if he sees one and can be witty.
Special Skills: can "blind" fight, in a "Pitch Black" environment, or thick, thick smoke. He doesn't use his eyes to fight, his ears, nose, and a little gut sense. He also knows some capoeira(later is merged with his smoke power for better fighting ability.)
Place of birth: Dakota, MN
Weapon(s) of choice: Unarmed (Capoeira)
Medical information: Perfectly healthy, immune to all smoke damage and resistant to heat, slightly affected by cold, severely damaged if asphyxiated.
Brief History: He was brought up in a upper-middle wealth family, his mother was a paramedic and his father is a civil worker, his mother, Jean, died while on duty, which has put a sense of heroism and justice into Virgil at a young age, he was constantly getting into fights with older and bigger bullies but stopped as he grew up, mainly so he wouldn't get kicked out of the private school that he was going to, his father started dating and got a girlfriend which made Virgil very rebellious against him and became Rastafarian though not just as an attempt to anger his father but also for a sense of belonging and Jamaican heritage, He however is 1st generation American, His father came over legally years before he was born.
He attended Mutant high for a few days before hearing his grandfather that he hadn't seen in years, was approaching his deathbed and wanted to see his whole family before he left. Virgil spent the 8 best days of his life with his grandfather before it was time.
Relatives:His father, Robert Hawkins, and his sister, Sharon Hawkins(these names have been Americanized).
and Deceased:Jean-Pierre Hawkins and his grandfather.
HOBBIES: Walking around in nature,Joe Harriott, Music, Spiritual completion, Incense Burning and Collecting, Jamaican capoeira, heritage, parkour, and Rastafari.
Has been enrolled into "Mutant High" since Tuesday, September 21st
Relations chart
On this chart the rates are 1-10,1 being horrible, 5 being neutral, 10 being awesome, and 11 being crushing
I am currently housed in: Dormitory 395
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