Light Arely Tilar
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Character name: Light Arely Tilar
Mutant Name: Impulse
Abilities/powers: Light is a creator and manipulator of electric current. A charge is constantly flowing through her body, and with a snap of her fingers, she can direct that charge in any direction in the form of lightning. Also, as a result of the charge within her body, anyone who touches her or comes too close will receive a small initial electric shock. With effort, she can keep a charge connected between herself and another person, but they must first have actual contact and only up to 4 or 5 feet. When Light is around electronic items, she can affect their ability to function correctly.
Disadvantages: Just as water can accelerate electricity, if Light were to be wet and not take care in using or be in total control of her powers, the consequences could be dangerous for bystanders and herself.
Sex: Female
Age: 18
General appearance: Light stands at about 5'9". She has a slender build with curves that aren't overly dramatic. Light's skin is tanned and her naturally dark brown hair falls to about her mid-back. She has a tendency to change the color of her hair, however; when she first arrived at the mansion, her hair was a light shade of lavender, but currently it is black. Her eyes are a vibrant green and seem to almost sparkle with electricity when she uses her powers.
Additional appearance: Light has her ears and bellybutton pierced, as well as a rose tattoo on her lower right hip.
Personality: Simply put, Light is a bitch. The girl is normally unsociable with others, unless she finds certain likeable characteristic
s within a person, such as what she considers to be a delightful disposition for inflicting pain and discomfort upon others, a quality of her own. Most of the time, she seems relaxed and uncaring, unless she finds a chance to hurt or insult someone else. She thinks highly of herself and generally goes through life without much care for others.
Special Skills: Light is weaker than others when it comes to brute strength, so she fights with her electric abilities, both naturally (snapping her fingers or touching someone) or with a long chain that she has learned to ignite with electricity at will.
Place of birth: Florida, United States
Weapon(s) of choice: Light uses a thin chain that extends to a total of 10 feet, displaying chain-wielding skill in taking down her opponents. She can also manipulate the chain with her mutant powers, engulfing the metal in electricity and making it float above ground with static.
Medical information: Her electric current is very slowly inflicting long-term damage to her heart.
Brief History: Light grew up knowing nothing about her history before her adoptive parents, thinking they were her biological parents (recently, Shade learned from Shana that the two were sisters and were adopted out by different sets of parents at a young age, and he informed Light. She still doesn't know the bulk of the story, and she's currently not interested). Around 8 years of age, after Light's mother had lost her job, Light's father, who supported the entire family with his low-paying job, was fired for showing up to work intoxicated. He had developed an addiction to alcohol and spent most of the money he made on liquor. Light's mother had no other choice than to invest her time into prostitution in order to support the family. The father's alcoholism grew worse over the next year, and he grew to be physically and verbally abusive toward Light's mother, and even Light soon after. Several years later, around the time Light was 13, her father, in a drunk rage, killed her mother. Light was then approached by her father who attempted to strangle, and scared and enraged, her hands sparking wildly, she dug her fingers into the man's arm, sending out multiple strong waves of electricity. The strong shock cause the man's heart to give out, and Light ran from the room escaping to the family's storage building. She spent the night there testing out her new powers, coming across a long chain that should could inject electricity to. The next morning, she used her powers to set fire to both the shed and the house, leaving to live on the streets for 5 more years until the day that she found Xavier's mansion.
Relatives: Shana Grace Tilar - Sister
How long your character has been in the mansion: About a month

Relations Chart: 1(Terrible) - 10 (Well... it's doubtful anyone will get a 10)
Justin Alphar: (N/A)
Camille Anderson: (1)For Light, Camille is nothing but trouble. She wants nothing to do with this woman, and doesn't approve much of Shade being around her.
Kyle Bedlington: (N/A)
Magnolia Cassabella: (5) She's not sure what to think about the girl, as quiet as she is.
Elizabeth Charms: (2) Light really has no tolerance for Flame after their catfight at the pools, though she respects her uncaring attitude.
Endelyn Hagan: (N/A)
Daniela Morgan: (4) Daniela seems to have misunderstood that Light could be her "friend", but Light thinks that could work out to her own and Shade's advantage somehow.
Mihir Proudclaw: (2) When Light learned the Mihir shaved his head because too many questions were asked, she couldn't help but laugh.
Shade: (8) Light has officially claimed Shade as her own. For the month they've been together, their relationship has gotten stronger, and now she is starting to feel rather protective over him, which may or may not be a good thing.
Korvka Shostakovich: (6) Korvka has been alright to hang out with for the past few weeks, though Light knows she doesn't approve of Shade, but she looks past that.
Vladimir Shostakovich: (1) Light correctly suspects Vlad of spreading lubricant over her bed on a bad day, and has avoided him since.
Valerie K. Sprouse: (5) Valerie minds her own business and doesn't do anything really to annoy Light.
Laurel Stutten: (2) The girl is way too preppy and cheerful for Light's taste.
Shana Grace Tilar: (1) Light still has no preference for the girl she shares DNA with.
Adrianne Wagner: (6) Addy and Light have become closer over the past month.
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