User Name: [
La Luna]
Character name: Laurel Stutten, will respond to Kitten, Kitty, Streaks and other various nicknames
Mutant Name: Midnight
Birthday: March 17
Abilities/powers: Shape shifter: she can change into any common animal that is still around today, but it would be in her own way,also she could change herself so she looked exactly like a peculiar person if she touched them no more than one day prior to when she wanted to shift into their form. When she shifts into a animal she will shift to the average height/weight of that species, but no one has figured out where the extra mass/weight goes when she shifts. Her power also limits her so that she can only shift into living a moving thing which excludes all plant life.
Sex: Female
Age: 16.
General appearance: Light brown hair with turquoise streaks and bangs, about 5'6", fit in an athletic way, she weighs about 120 pounds, turquoise eyes , light pink lips that are always smiling, and she has high cheek bones and soft light colored skin.She usually wears Bright colors.Her closet is full of all diferent types of clothing like skirts, tee shirts tank tops, jeans, and her beloved converse collection.
Additional Appearance: She has a silver tattoo of a crescent moon on the outside of her right ankle and freckles on her nose and cheeks.
Personality: She's kind in the way where even if she doesn’t know you very well she will still say hi or wave to you in the hall or if you're upset she will try to make you feel better at all costs. She’s also smart but not in a genius way more like in a she's above average, but not that much above. She’s funny even if she doesn’t mean to be, most of the things she says are funny without her even trying. She's random like for example she will dance all around to music no matter where she is or what she is doing. Her favorite thing is laughing and she always is no matter how she will find a way to get everyone to laugh, but she can also be totally serious if she needs to. She loves animals too because well she can be one so she feels connected to them.
Special Skills: She can pick a lock ,though it might take a while, thanks to a friend of her's who was a thief in Ireland, and can speek Irish Galic(though not fleuntly), French(also not fluent) and English with a slight Irish accent
Place of birth: Long Island, New York.
Weapon(s) of choice:
Medical information: She's never broken a bone or been stung by a bee
Brief History: She was born in Long Island, New York and lived there till she was four.Then her parents moved her family to Tara, Ireland.A few years later when she was 12 her brother , who was seventeen, left her to join the army.She was heartbroken because he was the only one who understood her because he was a mutant too.Her parents weren’t mutants so they had to hide the fact they were mutants from them, so when he left she was alone so a few months.Later she ran away from her parents and traveled until she found the school.
Relatives: she has parents but she doesn’t talk to them anymore and she has a brother,James, who joined the army at seventeen but they stay in touch.
How long your character has been in the mansion: she is new at the mansion

(Sorry it's a little fuzzy and not my best work, but it's Laurel.)
X-Men Rp X-men Characters
1=bad 10=AMAZING
Korvka Shostakovich-3 She kicked her out of the library that puts you on her bad list
Vladimir Shostakovich-7 They met and he was really nice
Daniela Morgan-6 They met breifly and she was pretty nice
Shana Grace Tilar-6 They met breifly nothing more then a short hello but she seemed very nice.
Elizabeth Charms-N/A
Valerie K. Sprouse- 7 They met in the kitchen ans she seemed nice and down to earth.
Shade- 5 They met but she hasnt really decided what to think of him yet.
Light Arely Tilar-4 They met and she made a bad impression on Laurel
Kaider Getalahan- N/A
Teena MacTormin-6 They met and she was very nice.
Adrianne Wagner-6 They met but only briefly and she was nice
Mihir Proudclaw-5 they met but she hasnt decided yet
Kyle Bedlington- N/A
Endelyn Hagan-7 They're turning out to be really good friends.
Justin Alphar-3 They had a breif meeting in which he exited rudely
Camille Anderson-3 She doesn't like her because shes annoying and a bad idea for a room mate
Magnolia Cassabella-6 The girls nice, but way to quite
Nathan White-N/A
Lucas Alexander-N/A