Teena MacTormin
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Character name: Teena MacTormin.
Mutant Name: Glissade
Abilities/powers: Teena can decrease the effect of gravitational force on objects. She can make the objects weigh less, but not less than air or more than their original weight. The "weightless" objects can then be pushed around or levitated, but regular force still needs to be applied to them to make them move anywhere and the object's mass is not diminished.
Teena needs to touch the object whose gravity she wants to increase. Her power usually affects a congruent object, though she can affect only a part of an object as well. She can easily affect objects that are smaller than a truck. She can also keep the gravity-cancel
ing effect active on many objects at a time, though if they are in different places or if there are too many of them, it takes much concentration or she might fail. She can sustain the effect indefinitely and without remaining in contact with the object, but if she forgets about it, the object will again be affected by gravity. The effect also ends if she falls unconscious or asleep, though she has tried to keep the effect going in her sleep and succeeded on a few occasions, for a while at least.
Options on developing the power:
1) more objects or further away,
2) using the power from a distance,
3) increasing the effect of gravitational force,
4) making the objects weigh less than air (which would allow instant upward movement) and
5) manipulation of other, similar forces.
Sex: Female.
Age: 16.
General appearance: Teena is 163 cm tall and weighs 58 kg. Her hair is of a colour best described as dirty not-quite-blonde but not-really-brown-either, and her eyes are olive-coloured. She appears rather English; she seems small but not short or particularly young despite her age. She has a fairly wiry and large-boned body and no breasts or hips to flaunt, which doesn't prevent her from flaunting nevertheless. The fact that she's obviously used to even heavy physical work is apparent in her body structure. She could easily pass for a younger boy if she saw a reason to, but she doesn't. It also isn't difficult to mistake her for a boy in a dress, though usually her voice and obviously non-fake breasts help to not make that mistake. Dresses and other women's clothing usually look awkward on her and don't particularly fit her, but she doesn't care about that. She still dresses quite conservatively because she doesn't like how women in provocative or too revealing clothes look like. The most revealing piece of clothing one would see on Teena is a knee-high dress with no sleeves and a neck-cut less than 10 cm below the part where her clavicles meet. Other than combing her hair and making sure that she isn't outwardly particularly dirty, Teena doesn't spend too much time on her appearance. Her usual choice of clothing consists of jeans, a close-fitting T-shirt and a knit sweater made by her father. In warmer weather she would wear a dress with flower patterns.
Additional Appearance:
Personality: Teena doesn't feel embarrassed, awkward or self-conscious in most situations that would grant for such feelings. She is often direct, says what's on her mind and expects everyone to deal with it, though if she understands that her words would hurt someone who she thinks shouldn't be hurt, she will refrain from saying insensitive things. In general, Teena is neither particularly mean nor polite. She is self-confident and sometimes even self-assertive but tends to consider her doings before actually doing them, though her judgement isn't always the best. Teena's conservative manner of dressing extends to her manner of expressing herself as well; even though she is direct, she doesn't curse profanely and usually looks severely down on those who do so unless they had really good reasons because she thinks it's a sign of emotional immaturity. Teena is fairly well-mannered even though she doesn't behave quite like a "proper lady" should; her manners are good but rough. She also isn't afraid of physical work.
Special Skills: Teena has practiced karate as a hobby since she was nine, but she never competed because of her mutant powers.
Place of birth: London, England.
Weapon(s) of choice: Body and fists, though she does like to fire guns too, just not at anything living.
Medical information: None.
Brief History: Teena is the only child of a hippie couple. for some reason she didn't absorb their ideology, and is much more like a middle-class worker in her mindset. Teena grew up in a fairly calm neighbourhood in London area and has never lived anywhere else. Her father made a living by knitting and her mother earned some money by playing guitar with other performers. Quite obviously they were thus rather poor, which was Teena's biggest source of irk in her life. She herself has gotten summer jobs ever since she was 13 and has always made more money in a month than her parents put together.
Teena always did fairly well in school, though her interests were more often of the physical kind. She was teased in school because she was poor, but she put up a fight against anyone who tried to push her around and ignored any name-calling and such. She became friends with other rejects like geeky or shy kids, but she didn't really have much in common with them. Usually she just protected them by being around them so that other people wouldn't come close to them.
Since Teena wasn't popular in school, she couldn't really practise sports there, and her parents didn't have enough money to pay for any hobby. Therefore, she spent a lot of time watching TV or walking or running around, sometimes with the other rejects of her class. When she was nine years old, her parents could finally afford one paid hobby, and thus Teena started practising karate.
Teena also visited her extended family, since many though not all of them lived in London or nearby. Most of them weren't very close to either her or her parents, but Teena has at least met nearly all of them.
Teena's mutant power manifested when she was 13 and had just recently studied gravitational force in school. She was lifting a desk just too heavy for her and thought it should weigh less, and the desk then proceeded to weigh progressively less. She was excited and tried the ability on many objects, which all became weightless in turn. Her parents were more worried than excited, but they weren't too concerned. They did ask Teena to keep the ability secret, and so she did.
Not too long after, Charles Xavier phoned and then appeared on their doorstep to explain certain things about mutanthood. Teena didn't want to move away from home quite yet, even though she had always resented the fact that they were so poor and would have wanted to make a living on her own.
However, when Teena was 16 and had earned yet another good paycheck by working at a warehouse, she thought it was time to move away, and so she flew to New York and traveled to Xavier's school for the gifted.
Relatives: Parents, aunts, uncles, a few cousins, grandparents and a great-grandparent. Only her parents know she's a mutant.
How long your character has been in the mansion: Teena is a new arrival, but met Xavier years ago when her powers manifested. She arrived on the 2nd of October.

Relation chart (1: bad; 10: good)
Daniela Morgan – 7; Daniela has become a good friend over the last weeks.
Shana Grace Tilar – 7; Shana is knowledgeable about the mansion and has become a good friend over the last weeks.
Elizabeth Charms – 5; Flame seems like an interesting person.
Alexis Meldoon – ;
Josephine Balliett – 6; White is level-headed and neutral.
Valerie K. Sprouse – 6; Valerie reminds Teena of herself a little.
Shade – 4; Shade is just dull.
Aidan Murphy – 5; Teena barely met him.
Michael Moonfrost – 6; Michael is a werebear and that is pretty cool.
Summer Blair – 4; Summer is irresponsible.
Light Arely Tilar – 4; Light seems to be a slut and plays with electricity.
Zane E. Lewis – 4; He sure can't really control his powers and is dangerous on top of that.
Kaider Getalahan – 5; Kaider is odd.
Adrianne Wagner – 5; Adrianne seems kind of odd at times but usually friendly.
Korvka Shostakovich – 4; Korvka seems slutty.
Jacob Cavie – 5; He turns into stone.
Lisa Harrington – 5; Teena barely met her.
Erik Von Gyldenstjerne – 5; Teena barely met him.
Squid – 7; Squid is an okay boy and has tentacles and Teena thinks that's cool. He's also nice to run around and train with. She isn't quite sure what's with the flirty thing though.
Mihir Proudclaw – 8; He seemed sort of aloof first, but one explosion and apology later he's been very nice.
Endelyn Hagan – 8; Teena's grown very fond of Endelyn and honestly, what's not to like?
Laurel Stutten – 5; She is some kind of shapeshifter.
Everett Rowels – 6; Echo seems pretty friendly and he likes music.
Vladimir Shostakovich – 6; Even though Teena hasn't really spoken to him, prancing around wearing only swimming pants is a good way to get attention.
Kyle Bedlington – 5; Teena talked to him once, but that was about that. Apparently he really doesn't like people.
Hound – 6; Hound was a little strange but very enthusiastic!
Ricin Sickert. – 5; Teena's a little careful around him since she fears he's going to have a heart attack any moment.
Virgil Hawkins – 5; Virgil seemed sort of boring.
Camille Anderson – 5; She's friendly but so loose!
Nikoli Kael Gallagher – 5; Nikoli's some shy kid.
Justin Alphar – 5; Teena's rarely seen him around and hasn't really talked to him.
Magnolia Cassabella – 5; Teena hasn't gotten a good chance to speak to her yet.
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