Page name: Hound [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-08-26 19:41:36
Last author: Roma
Owner: Roma
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User Name: [Roma]

Character name: Blythe Cartwright

Mutant Name: Hound, and it is her preferred name

Abilities/powers: An acute sense of smell. She can smell tracks up to three days old and can almost always smell someone before she sees them, making her difficult to sneak up on. Since scent is the strongest sense tied to memory, her memory is also improved and she can memorize things like books, people, and languages easily.

Sex: Female

Age: 26

Birthday: December 16, Sagittarius

General appearance: Hound is a black woman, standing at 5'6. She's a slight figured woman with a wiry frame - she looks rather like an adult tomboy. Her hair is long and dreaded, always pulled back into a thick ponytail with a leather strap. Her lips are big, her nose is slightly flat, and her eyes are piercingly brown. Her eyes are somewhat weakened so she wears reading glasses when she's studying.

Additional appearance: Most of her body is covered with tattoos – arms, legs, back, etc, all in black ink. Her nose and eye brow have rings in them (I could get more specific but I figure if anyone asks what they are I can just wing it then add it to the description).

Personality: She acts as more of a teacher-like character, learning plenty but not with the students and can help in the Danger Room and hang out with the big kids, basically. She is expressive, passionate and observant. There isn't a shy bone in her body, she's comfortable just about anywhere and with anyone. Though she can talk to anyone, she's not always in a mood to reach out to other people (mostly when she's studying) and can throw cold water on anyone who disturbs her with an icy stare. Most of her less-than-friendly communication is nonverbal. However, mostly she is warm. Hound is very observant – she's the first person to notice someone wrong with someone and she'll mention it, though she means no harm. She loves to advise people if they need it or ask for it and is generally easy to get along with. Adventure is the name of her game, hence her colorful history. At times, she can offend people with her honest words, and then, ironically, she doesn't notice unless they tell her. In fact, she prefers to be told as she rarely ever means to be a jerk.
Special Skills: She can speak French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Hebrew, and Latin.

Place of birth: Taos, New Mexico
Weapon(s) of choice: Knives, but she's mostly skilled at not being attacked in the first place
Medical information: She wears glasses to read. No known allergies.
Brief History: Blythe came from a nice family in New Mexico. She is the older of fraternal twins (brother) and has three elder siblings (none of whom show any powers). She was educated privately in a Catholic school and made fair grades until she was about 12 and her powers began to manifest. Her memory was what she first noticed, for her grades began improving vastly, and then she found that she was beginning to predict people approaching. That is when Xavier found her and offered her a place in his mansion. She declined however, and finished high school as valedictorian with many scholarships awaiting her. However, she too refused to continue her education and opted for a more exciting route.

So, Blythe found herself in Europe, traveling around and staying in hostels as she worked to support herself. Easily, she maintained jobs with her skills and learned German, Russian, and French on top of Latin, which she mastered in high school. She traveled around more and found her way to Israel, where she added Hebrew to her list of languages. She had found a gig as a taxi driver since her knowledge of the roads was nearly perfect. While driving a group of gentleman one day, she discovered her passengers were members of a bounty hunting group (they were not smart enough to keep their mouths shut). Then, boldly, she decided to ask the men if they needed another member to their bounty hunting party and asked them to give her a chance to show them in what ways she could be useful. One expedition to the woods later, where she found her way back to camp flawlessly with one of the group members as captive, she was in. It was here that Blythe earned her new name - Hound. The group called themselves the Holy Reds and she kept them rolling in money by sniffing out camps, learning how to scrap, tracking moving parties. However, the holy Reds soon disbanded over a rather violent fight over money shares - eventually someone leaked information and a few of her once teammates were behind bars. Hound ran then, and bartered passage on a ship back to America. When she was reunited with her family, she decided it was time to try Xavier's mansion, and here she is.
Relatives: Mother – Mary
Father – Devin
Eldest Sister – Blair
Eldest Brother – Sam
Middle Brother – Max
Twin Brother – Kevin
She and her siblings get along well enough, and her parents are loving. She shares a special closeness with her sister, her mother, and her twin. They were never wealthy but the kids never wanted for anything.

How long your character has been in the mansion: Brand new arrival but met Xavier years ago.

Relation chart (1: bad; 10: good)

Vladimir Shostakovich -

Kaider Getalahan -

Daniela Morgan -

Elizabeth Charms - 5; Flame smells very interesting

Shana Grace Tilar -

Josephine Balliett -

Valerie K. Sprouse -

Alexis Meldoon -

Michael Moonfrost -

Shade -

Korvka Shostakovich -

Summer Blair -

Light Arely Tilar - 6; Light smells particularly intriguing, and seemed to be the girl in charge of the drinking and Twister

Zane E. Lewis -

Teena MacTormin - 6; the little bundle seemed happy and piping.

Adrianne Wagner -

Jacob Cavie -

Lisa Harrington - 5; she only briefly saw the girl, but she was blocking the lane with her car

Mihir Proudclaw -

Kyle Bedlington -

Squid -

Ricin Sickert. - 7; this is the first person she really spoke to in the mansion and in their short time she thinks she's gotten to know a bit of the man behind the demeanor. Deep down, she's pretty sure he's a good guy, even if he does desperately need to lighten up.

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2010-08-26 [Rice]: Ricin's heart is broken that he's not on here..poor guy 8(

2010-08-26 [Roma]: OH SNAP - you are SO right

2010-08-26 [Rice]: He's crying in a corner.

2010-08-26 [Rice]: What are you on about..RICIN IS A RAY OF SUNSHINE 8D lalala

2010-08-26 [Rice]: BTW you need to add a '.' to the end of the wiki name, that is the link to his main character page as opposed to the one for this role-play.

2012-09-07 [XxTsomexX]: Is she still in? :O

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