Kaider Getalahan
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Character name: Kaider Getalahan
Mutant name: Cord
Abilities/powers: Kaider used to be an agile telepath, but eir powers were messed with, which caused a significant boost in eir agility as well as a loss of eir telepathy. Not only did Kaider lose eir telepathy, but due to the origin of the substance that caused eir powers to change, ey is now immune to it as well as other similar psychic powers.
Kaider is extremely agile and has superb body coordination. Ey can put professional gymnasts to shame, jump high and far and land from even greater heights (though this usually ends in slightly dislocated joints unless Kaider rolls with it), and perform impressive acrobatic feats such as running up or along walls for a short distance or winning at human Tetris. Kaider also fits through surprisingly small spaces since eir body is very much double-jointed and eir skeleton surprisingly rubbery. Eir joints can bend up to the point of impossible, though of course that renders the bended body part nearly useless strength-wise. Strength is one of Kaider's weaker points, since ey can control weights only marginally larger than eir own, rather feeble mass. If Kaider tries to manipulate more weight, eir joints just give in and bend, which means that ey can never push or squeeze very hard. If ey can use all of eir limbs equally and effectively and get eir spine properly supported, ey can almost double eir theoretical maximum, but such ideal circumstances are rare. Ey can pull better, but even in that case eir bones start stretching and joints coming apart before ey can put eir full theoretical strength into it.
Kaider's bones bend very poorly at the moment, since they are still composed of Kaider's old cells and can't be replaced as quickly as soft tissues. In eight months, Kaider's bones reach their maximum stretching capacity: they can bend to 150 % of their length without causing pain, 200 % with bearable pain, and beyond 400 % causes Kaider enough pain to pass out. Eir bones can still break at approximately 500 %. Eir long bones can also be bent at angles, but a bending of more than about 10 degrees causes pain, and ey passes out due to pain before getting to 90 ° in the case of eir largest bones. Smaller long bones bent at nearly 90 ° cause very much pain, but won't usually make em lose consciousness. Angles of about 120 ° or more break eir bones, though the smallest ones can bend up to 140 °. Bones like the skull and hip can be dented slightly without permanent damage, and all the bones can be squeezed or twisted somewhat. Kaider's soft tissues, particularly skin and the kind of tissues found at joints bend in the same way as eir bones. The tissues of eir other organs, such as kidneys and brains, bend a little as well. This makes em withstand blunt strikes quite well. The only part of eir body that still won't bend particularly well is eir windpipe, though it too bends more than a regular human's should. The bending of eir bones and other tissues is completely involuntary and happens only if enough force is applied to them. The amount of force necessary is again just more than what Kaider's own mass could exert. Once the external force is no longer applied to Kaider's body, eir body automatically and instantly reverts back the way it should be.
Power development options:
a) Gaining access to eir old telepathy. ((Definitely not, though this is what Kaider wishes.))
b) Conscious control of whether eir bones and joints bend or not when force is applied to eir body.
c) Conscious control of how eir body deforms (stretching, compacting, twisting or bending at will).
d) Greater tolerance for pain when ey bends.
f) Greater amount by which eir body parts can deform before breaking.
Sex: Kaider has an unknown intersex condition.
Age: 19 (birthday on 22nd of May)
General appearance: Since Kaider is Amerindian, ey has red complexion. Ey has straight black hair in the style of a mohawk and blue-green eyes. Ey is 184 cm (6' 0,4") tall and weighs 62 kg (136,7 lbs). Kaider's build is very thin and ey looks rather spindly, but ey has enough hips to look a little strange if someone assumed em to be male. Ey also doesn't have breasts. Kaider wears punk-style clothes; usually shiny fake leather pants, a torn T-shirt and a vest with some highlights. In addition, ey almost always has a headband. Kaider's voice sounds like a low woman's voice.
Additional appearance: Scars on forearms and legs from fighting (not very visible), biggest in the back from a whipslash.
Personality: Being a telepath, Kaider was used to being very much aware of everyone and their thoughts. Now ey isn't, and it causes em much confusion. Ey has never learned to interpret neither tone of voice nor body language properly, and as ey is fairly reserved emself, ey has quite a lot of trouble understanding what other people are trying to say if they don't say it directly. The issue isn't helped by the fact that Kaider can get offended at questions or statements that assume too much or are absolute. Ey also has trouble concentrating on speech alone, as ey has always heard people's thoughts in addition, and thus tends to miss things, especially if there are many conversations going on. Therefore, Kaider usually looks permanently confused when talking with people, often answers only after a considerable delay and even then with just a continual question. If Kaider is sufficiently purposefully distracted while trying to have a conversation, ey will bluntly leave or tell the offender to shut up.
Regardless of eir lost telepathy, Kaider is usually very logical, intelligent, straightforwar
d, cynical and mostly quiet, definitely preferring to speak only when ey has something to say. Ey didn't care much what people thought of em when ey was a telepath, possibly because ey trained to be that way, and now ey cares even less. Ey is sometimes provocative and tends to not express any feelings except amusement, anger and confusion. Kaider is honest, but aims to be polite and tries to act responsibly. However, if people are outright dishonest or impolite to em, ey is very quick to return the attitude, and finds it extremely hard to give such people second chances, though ey will almost never come to hate people so that ey couldn't work with them if needed. Eir parents raised em to know emself and be proud of what ey is, and thus ey never pretends to be anyone else. Eir multitasking skills from practicing telepathy are still intact, though ey never was particularly good at it. Ey becomes incredibly incompetent when faced with situations ey's never been in, and thus comes off as quite of a coward.
Kaider is very unwilling to talk about eir close family, as ey hasn't actually dealt with their passing, having only learned to cope with living "alone". Ey has no idea how to react to romantic or sexual love, since eir only really close friends was eir family, and ey always knew what ey could do with them. It's likely that ey would have to deal with eir dead family before ey could even think of making another family-like commitment, unless the commitment thoroughly just replaced eir original family – emotionally, not functionally.
Special skills: Mathematically and technologically talented, can build, fix and use all kinds of technical devices. Wants to build a spaceship but hasn't yet succeeded.
Place of birth: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Weapon(s) of choice: Self-made fighting staff with technological enhancements, army knife, modified machine gun, laser gun. Kaider nearly always carries the staff, other weapons only on special occasions. Ey might have something else occasionally. Kaider tries to compensate eir weak physical strength with good fighting skills and fancy weapons.
Medical information: No reproductive organs; can't have children or certain STDs, etc.
Brief history: Kaider's both parents were mutants. They had triplets, Kaider, Genon and Ikary, who all inherited their parents' powers: their mother's telepathy and father's agility. Due to the fact that all the children looked rather weird, their parents homeschooled them until they heard about Xavier's school. The kids would move away from home and live in Xavier's school and the parents would stay in Edmonton.
Right after the kids had left for New York City with their car, a wild Sentinel with a few screws loose attacked their parents and killed them. The Sentinel looked for the kids and found them, and after a bit of fighting only Kaider was alive.
After the mess had been cleared, Kaider continued alone to Xavier's school.
Relatives: Parents, twin brother and sister (all deceased)
How long has the character been in the mansion: 1,5 years (arrived in February of the previous year).

Pictures of Kaider
And now for something related: since Kaider doesn't do gender and because English is a crappy language for existing gender-neutral pronouns, here are some neo-pronouns for you to use! I also approve of "it", and I don't tend to mind that much if you use she or he, as long as you remember that they aren't true.
ey = he/she
eir = her/his
eirs = hers/his
em = her/him
emself = herself/himself
Do the neo-words look funny? Imagine the letters 'th' in front of them and see how they suddenly look exactly like the third person plural pronouns!
Relation chart (1: bad; 10: good)
Shana Grace Tilar – 7; Shana is a casual friend at the school.
Elizabeth Charms – 7; Kaider sort of likes Flame, but she can be too rash and nosy at times.
Korvka Shostakovich – 5; Korvka's association with Myetel as well as a certain fight don't help Korvka's case, but she and Kaider have apologized and Kaider mostly thinks she's a down-to-earth and trustworthy person otherwise.
Vladimir Shostakovich – 8; Vlad has been very nice to Kaider and he is a good friend.
Myetel – 2; Kaider really hates Myetel, but ey thinks that all chances of reconciliation are not lost between them. Kaider can still lay eyes upon him without launching a full attack.
Nicole Archer – 4; Kaider met Nicole only briefly, but she seemed to have an odd effect on em for some reason.)
Danielis – 4; Kaider just met Danielis, but the kid seems too unstable to be trusted.
Virgil Hawkins – 5; Kaider doesn't really know the apparently forgetful zone-outer.
Daniela Morgan – 6; Daniela seems to be a little shy, boring and really careful around other people, which is something that Kaider identifies with.
Devin Fortis – 5; Kaider just met the new student who has trouble with English and doesn't particularly like or dislike him.
Shade – 3; Kaider liked Anton Black, but he seems to be gone, and Shade isn't exactly a good substitute. Nevertheless, Shade hasn't been excessively annoying, at least yet.
Alexis Meldoon – 5; Alexis seems like a decent person, though Kaider doesn't really know what to think of another kind of psychic.
Josephine Balliett – 5; White seems like a fairly simple but likable person.
Valerie K. Sprouse – 8; Valerie is a nice person, and Kaider is glad that ey could help her out with her thoughts. She's a good training partner and even talks to em about other stuff.
Michael Moonfrost – 8; Michael seems like a good person and is a fellow Amerindian, and that should be a good thing. He's a good training partner too.
Light Arely Tilar – 3; Light is a bully and a nagging mouth-flapper, which are rather negative qualities.
Summer Blair – 5; Kaider didn't really speak to her, but she seemed okay.
Aidan Murphy – 6; Kaider talked to Aidan some more and came to the conclusion that he's quite all right.
Zane E. Lewis – 6; Kaider didn't really speak to him, but ey thinks he looks good.
Teena MacTormin – 5; Kaider thinks Teena is a bit eccentric, but ey has no problem with her innocent honestness.
Adrianne Wagner – 5; Ey only showed her inside the mansion.
Squid – 5; Squid has a sort of childish quality to him, but Kaider doesn't mind that.
Lisa Harrington – 5; Lisa's from the deep south and clumsy, but seemed okay to Kaider.
Justin Alphar – 5; Justin was even clumsier than Lisa and oddly clothed.
Mihir Proudclaw – 8; Mihir was very nice to Kaider and seemed to be on top of his doings, though ey found the bromance between him and Michael very odd.
Laurel Stutten – 5; Laurel seems like a regular person, even so much so that ey could think she wasn't a mutant.
Kyle Bedlington – 5; He's totally aloof, but whatever floats his boat. It doesn't bother Kaider.
Endelyn Hagan – 6; Endelyn is a decent person and an occasional training partner.
Everett Rowels – 5; Echo is okay.
Hound – 5; Hound seems disturbingly forward, but that can be a good trait too.
Ricin Sickert. – 7; Ricin is totally knowledgeable about science and Kaider doesn't mind his social anxiety at all.
Camille Anderson – 6; Camille is sort of ...flaky? But she's friendly, and that's good.
Nikoli Kael Gallagher – 5; He really likes being by himself in the garage, which is quite okay.
Magnolia Cassabella – 5; Well, she keeps to herself, okay.
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