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2010-09-26 [NinjaBasco]: I hope this is better if i missed something please tell me.
2010-09-27 [Figgy]: Im sorry. I've been extremely busy. I will come to a decision about this tonight. :)
2010-09-27 [NinjaBasco]: that is fine no rush. if i can't make the character better any way tell me. Thank you for all the help with him. I am sorry i am not the best writer.
2010-09-27 [Duredhel]: I think it might be good to call in Veltz to check the science behind this... I had suggested it'd be like sonic booms, but reading it, it works differently... and I don't really know if it works as is because as far as I'm concerned;
1. You cannot increase or decrease the volume of sound waves that are already moving.
2. No matter how loud the sound, you won't be able to push someone back. Explosions push people away because they create massive air pressure, and its that air pressure that creates the sound, not viceversa. In the case of a sonic boom, it would work, because what you are creating is the explosive air pressure wave, the sound is a byproduct. That byproduct could be used to gauge the strength and direction of the boom, but it doesn't create it.
3. The strength of a sound is not even measured by its volume, infrasound is far more powerful than regular sound waves but humans can't even sense it.
So yeah, the power, as it is, doesn't seem to work well. If it was a sonic boom thing.. yeah. But the whole "increasing and decreasing volume of things around him" makes no sense :/ At least not with the other effects of the power. I might be mistaken though, so i'll defer to what Veltz says. I think the power needs streamlining.
2010-09-28 [NinjaBasco]: and another power bites the dust
2010-09-28 [Duredhel]: Not necesarily :3 Powers can take a lot of fine tuning at times. Maybe this is perfectly fine and it just *I* that have a problem with it. I am by no means infallible >__>
Wait to see what Veltzeh and Figgs say about it before you decide on it.
2010-09-28 [Figgy]: You don't necessarily have to throw out the power. If every power you come up, you in turn throw out because of a flaw, you'll never settle on one.
2010-09-28 [NinjaBasco]: i don't mind coming up with powers so i hope you took it as the joke that it was meant to be. my favorite part of RP's is making the character. if you haven't noticed the two times i have made this character there has been something different about him. It is something i enjoy
2010-09-28 [Veltzeh]: I'll just refer to Dur's points to be more organised.
1. He can be a human amplifier to increase the volume of existing sound waves, that's a pretty straightforwar
2. All sounds are air pressure, so to me the power looks fine except for the bit where other people see waves. Everett may be able to use echolocation, but for other people to see pressure waves, they'd have to be massive. So all I recommend is taking off the bit where other people can see the sound waves and then all is fine. :)
3. Yeah, a pressure wave that is very loud doesn't necessarily push people back at all, while a "soundless" wave could topple people. However, a wave that could almost send people flying would probably (nearly) break the sound barrier, and that causes a big boom and might even break bones.
2010-09-28 [NinjaBasco]: i like the way you think madam Veltzeh. and the idea behind the sound that could send people flying was when he lozt control it was a sonic boom but the others were sonic blast that he channeled through his body and sent them in a single burst. i know i didn't go in to that much detail but i thought if i went in to that much detail i was kind of making him god like. and i do like the whole development of his powers i will work on this more but before i do please tell me anything else that i might have messed up on so i can change it at the same time.
Yes this was one giant continues thought for me
2010-09-30 [NinjaBasco]: I changed his ability i hope this is kind of what you were thinking.
2010-09-30 [Veltzeh]: Haha, suddenly madam. Oh well... X) (The correct honorific for me would be something gender-neutral
Yeah, the power looks okay now. Do [Duredhel] and [Figgy] have anything to add?
I'd just remove that development bit about other people seeing the waves, though. Considering the effect, it's impractical and seems pretty unimportant. Or is there some hidden importance in it?
2010-09-30 [NinjaBasco]: there is but nothing to important.
i have changed it.
sorry about that Veltzeh-sensai
i hope madam Figgy and master Duredhel like the changes.
It is a sign of respect. I only give out honorifics to people i don't know but have a lot of respect for.
2010-10-03 [NinjaBasco]: so can I join the rp?????
2010-10-03 [Figgy]: Oh man, so sorry it's taking us so long >.<
Dur says there is something about the powers still rubbing him the wrong way, and he was going to look at it some more today and come to a decision tonight. Dur is out right now, but when he gets back, I'll be sure to remind him of his decision making. ;)
2010-10-03 [NinjaBasco]: ok thank you
2010-10-05 [NinjaBasco]: I don't mean to be a nag but i still haven't heard any thing could you please get back to me as soon as possible
2010-10-05 [Figgy]: Crap >.<
Putting Everett up in the characters now. You may start playing him at X-Men Main Gates. ^_^
2010-10-05 [NinjaBasco]: SWEET!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-10-08 [La Luna]: Laurel's going to have fun with him, haha kidding .. maybe ;)
2010-11-29 [Flisky]: I just realized why his power sounded so familiar to me... X-men Fanfics part three! And his code name is the same as another character of mine (who is ironically named after my nickname, which is Echo) in part one. :P
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