Page name: Dr.Tony [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-15 14:33:32
Last author: Dr.Tony
Owner: Dr.Tony
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Welcome to Dr.Tony


Doctor [Dr.Tony]

Co. Doctor [1aa]

Co. Doctor [General Lee]

We also have other doctors including:

Anger Managment Therapist


Here you can ask any question that you might have a problem with and I will help! No matter what it is..categories range from: love, past love, pain being in love, or just relationship problems. Also if your having family problems I really good at it! If you have problems with knowing what to do with life can message me privatley if you don't want anyone to know about anything and I will be totally confedential with you! Or you can go to my private room i've set it up alot diffrently no one will know you name so that way it can be totally confidential!

"Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end."

"LOVE is a risk. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Whether it's right or wrong, misery or joy, love don't have any space for mistakes--only lessons."

"You will never learn anything if you continue to be alone, give the world a might get hurt in the process but you will learn from it and it will make you stronger!"


Hired so Far:
Head Nurse: [Priscilla. (la la) ™]

Other rooms:
Private Room: Dr.Tony's Private Room 1
Anger Managment Room: Anger Managment Room
Psychologist Room: Dr.Tony's Psychologist Room
Docotor's Meeting Room: Dr.Tony's Meeting Room (This was made for doctor's only!!Please have some respect don't come in unless you are one of my doctor's!)

Username (or number or email):


[comet13579]: i believe ive been pissed so much at so many things i can help any1 control their anger but if its something really really small then suck it up pansey

[Dr.Tony]: the doctor is home lol!!

[Priscilla. (la la) ™]: Hah.. hola lovelys.. The nurse is here.

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: hey guys

[Dr.Tony]: hi...

[Dr.Tony]: how is everyone???

[Tiffy♥]: are you?

[Dr.Tony]: another day...i guess ....i'm pretty sad right now....

[Tiffy♥]: awwww Im sorry

[Dr.Tony]: it's ok ....i'll get over it as usual....

[Tiffy♥]: yea....does teh doctor wanna about it?

[Dr.Tony]: what?

[Tiffy♥]: lol do you wanna talk about it?

[Dr.Tony]: not much to say.....i'm worried about me and my gf she's not talking to me or nothing...and i'm starting to wonder if she's cheatin on me or what...

[Tiffy♥]: aww Im sorry v_v she might not be...maybe shes just pmsing and stuff

[Dr.Tony]: lol...i dunno but i'm starting to get worried!

[Tiffy♥]: I bet...maybe its just hard for her to get to a phone or something

[Dr.Tony]: yea maybe...i dunno enough about me what about you how have you been latley?

[Tiffy♥]: sucky but lets not talk about me

[Dr.Tony]: lol...y not?

[Tiffy♥]: cause its depressing

[Dr.Tony]: oh ok *gives her a big hug* *smiles* better?

[Tiffy♥]: lol not really but thanks anyways. *hugs* does it make yo ufeel any better?

[Dr.Tony]: of course lol!!! so what you gonna do for the rest of the night?

[Tiffy♥]: sleep...i dont have anythin eles to about you?

[Dr.Tony]: about to leave to go to the store and then to a i'm gonna get off of here don't do anything i wouldn't do lol!!!*big hugs* take care!

[Tiffy♥]: lol I dont have anyone here to do somethin with v_v lol *hug* you to

[Dr.Tony]: I'M BACK!!!

[Tiffy♥]: heh welcome back

[Dr.Tony]: thank you! and as for u as well!

[Tiffy♥]: lol thanks

[Dr.Tony]: anytime!

[Tiffy♥]: lol

[Dr.Tony]: i might retire!!

[Tiffy♥]: why

[Dr.Tony]: i i should?

[Tiffy♥]: i dunno...i like it here

[Dr.Tony]: lol...ok i won't retire then! as long as some people are happy here!

[Tiffy♥]: lol yep

[Dr.Tony]: so what kind of music do you listen to? i never asked you that~

[Tiffy♥]: mainly rock but i listen to everything

[Tiffy♥]: how about you?

[Dr.Tony]: country mostly...but i'm starting to like rock!!

[Tiffy♥]: lol awsome

[Dr.Tony]: hell yea!

[Tiffy♥]: heh

[Dr.Tony]: so what you doin?

[Tiffy♥]: not a thing...i just wrote in meh journal thing and im sitting here talkin to you and someone eles and thats bout you?

[Dr.Tony]: talking to you and a friend...and listening to music!

[Tiffy♥]: sounds fun

[Tiffy♥]: hallo

[Dr.Tony]: hey how are you?

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: i'm

[Dr.Tony]: it's going good...

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *jumps up in the rafters*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: hey you

[Tiffy♥]: hallo

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: hey whats going on?

[Tiffy♥]: heh nothin much you?

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: just sittin here pettin my dog and chillin

[Tiffy♥]: lol sounds fun

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea i guess

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i would rather have a dog than the freakin cats!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea me to,but i've got some cats

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i have 5-6 cats!

[Tiffy♥]: i got one cat.

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: we have 6 cats

[Tiffy♥]: wow lol

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea i know if you think thats alot wait til you hear how many dogs we have lol

[Dr.Tony]: hey yall!! sorry i haven't been on in a while had alot of things to do!

[Tiffy♥]: hey. its alright! I understand

[Dr.Tony]: thank god lol!!! at least i know somebody cares!

[Tiffy♥]: of course I care

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea me too

[Dr.Tony]: lol

[Tiffy♥]: so hows everything with you?

[Dr.Tony]: good i guess

[Tiffy♥]: heh thats good

[Dr.Tony]: yup what about you how have all yall been latley?

[Tiffy♥]: sucky

[Dr.Tony]: can't be as bad as mine......what makes it sucky?

[Tiffy♥]: guy bout yours?

[Dr.Tony]: family problems my nephew got in a wreck yesterday and my nerves are still shook up....what about guys whats wrong?

[Tiffy♥]: awwww Im sorry v_v heh my boyfreind is mad at me....he anit talkin to me or nothin...

[Dr.Tony]: y what happened between yall.....

[Tiffy♥]: I was kissed by one of my exs and my boyfriend is pissed about it

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *jumps up in the rafters*

[LeoPrince]: hey any one here need help im me im leoprince the psychologist

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: oh ok thats kool

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *looks around*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: 8dont look this way and hides*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *looks at [PiT bUlL gIrL_33]* hullo

[Dr.Tony]: hey ebveryone long time no see!!!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea i know so how ya been?

[Dr.Tony]: pretty good tired latley and i've had alot of shit to do latley so i'm not here very often....

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea i know how you feel

[Sad Lonely Angel]: same here!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea so how ya been?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: depressed

[Dr.Tony]: depressed why?

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: hey guys

[Sad Lonely Angel]: b/c my b/f forgot me

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: thats sad

[Priscilla. (la la) ™]: Hey Tony.. I gotta talk to you. .. . So eh yeah, call me sometime or whatever <3

[*-*kRiStEn*-*]: wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Priscilla. (la la) ™]: Nevermind (:

[LeoPrince]: thats sad

[Sad Lonely Angel]: no kidding

[Sad Lonely Angel]: how is everyone?

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: i'm ok ,you

[Sad Lonely Angel]: spiffy

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: thats kool

[Sad Lonely Angel]: yeppers

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: jeepers

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *cries and jumps up in the rafters*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: wait for me

[Sad Lonely Angel]: kk *wonders*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *sits and stares off in deep thought as tears run down my face*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: whats wrong *sits down beside you*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: thinking of a friend who died last thursday....well that when i found out anyways *wips some of the tears from my face*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: oh thats so sad*hugs* what happened to him?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *crioes real hard* he commited suicide

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: omg thats so sad*hugs*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *hugs back* this makes three

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: oh i' sorry

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *sniffles* thank you *hugs*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: so how ya been?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: depressed, not as bad tho. and i moved out

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: you moved out of your parents house

[Sad Lonely Angel]: yep, they were just making the depression worse!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: oh ok i moved out of my mom's house about a year ago

[Sad Lonely Angel]: thats cool

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea so who do you stay with

[Sad Lonely Angel]: friends!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: thats kool

[Sad Lonely Angel]: yeppers!!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yeppie

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *gets up and wonders through thy rafters*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: whats on you mind?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *sighs* a lot of things

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: want to talk about it

[Sad Lonely Angel]: not really, it will just make me more depressed

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: oh ok i hope you get better

[Sad Lonely Angel]: me too

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *tears run down my face* i cant stop remembering things

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: awww i'm sorry *hugs8

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *hugs back* i miss him so much!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea i say so

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *cries*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: *hugs*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *hugs back*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: you feel better?

[Dr.Tony]: hey yall haven't been here in a while how is everyone?

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: i'm doing ok you

[Dr.Tony]: doing good i see everything has been cool since i've been gone.....

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea i guess

[Dr.Tony]: anything new happen latley>

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: no not really

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *smiles for the first time in days* thank you [PiT bUlL gIrL_33] i feel much better!!!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: i'm so glad well what can i say thats what friends are for

[Sad Lonely Angel]: too bad someone had to play a sick joke on me and send me right back to the begining!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: why what happened?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: you know how i was going through a hard time with the lost of one of my friends, and most likely the search of one who disapeard...well i was talking to ones brother and another person told me that he was alive.....i was so happy thinking it was true and all....well i was told by ones brother that he was dead.......

[1aa]: Whats up tony aint talked to you in awhile

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: oh i'm so sorry

[Sad Lonely Angel]: tomake things wworse...its christmas and i have no home....the streets are my home

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: thats so sad you can stay with me

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i wish.....a fiend down in mississippi was suppose to come and get me, but he hit a dear and cant. so i will just go back to the park and sleep in the slide some more

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: i'm so sry

[Sad Lonely Angel]: no need to be. i am use to my strange life. it isnt what will kill me!

[LeoPrince]: what dont kill you makes u stronger

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i know. thats y im not dead....yet

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea so how ya been

[Sad Lonely Angel]: tired, and cold.....tis winter

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea i knoe

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: yea i know

[Sad Lonely Angel]: lol how is everyone?

[Dr.Tony]: The doctor is in how is everyone??

[Sad Lonely Angel]: I am good. Found a new b/f that i just love to bits.

[Dr.Tony]: cool beans so how is everything else going?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: stressful, but not too stressful. self medication works wonders these days.

[Dr.Tony]: lol....ure telling me!!

[Sad Lonely Angel]: lol. too bad i have to quit!!!! bummer. 

[Dr.Tony]: y? you could always try the new medicine out these days!!!

[Sad Lonely Angel]: im pregnant though.

[Dr.Tony]: wow....ummm cigarette's maybe lol

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i smoke one every now and then, like when i want to piss the b/f off

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