Page name: Dr.Tony [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-15 14:33:32
Last author: Dr.Tony
Owner: Dr.Tony
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Welcome to Dr.Tony


Doctor [Dr.Tony]

Co. Doctor [1aa]

Co. Doctor [General Lee]

We also have other doctors including:

Anger Managment Therapist


Here you can ask any question that you might have a problem with and I will help! No matter what it is..categories range from: love, past love, pain being in love, or just relationship problems. Also if your having family problems I really good at it! If you have problems with knowing what to do with life can message me privatley if you don't want anyone to know about anything and I will be totally confedential with you! Or you can go to my private room i've set it up alot diffrently no one will know you name so that way it can be totally confidential!

"Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end."

"LOVE is a risk. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Whether it's right or wrong, misery or joy, love don't have any space for mistakes--only lessons."

"You will never learn anything if you continue to be alone, give the world a might get hurt in the process but you will learn from it and it will make you stronger!"


Hired so Far:
Head Nurse: [Priscilla. (la la) ™]

Other rooms:
Private Room: Dr.Tony's Private Room 1
Anger Managment Room: Anger Managment Room
Psychologist Room: Dr.Tony's Psychologist Room
Docotor's Meeting Room: Dr.Tony's Meeting Room (This was made for doctor's only!!Please have some respect don't come in unless you are one of my doctor's!)

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[Tiffy♥]: oooh okay i gotta there any way to get my mom to like my boyfreind....she dont like him but refuses to meet him....and shes never talked to him ither

[Dr.Tony]: ok for this solution try to...make nice comments about him or stuff your bf does for you maybe she will realize that he appreciates you and will gradually start to like him!

[Tiffy♥]: I do but she says the only reason she doesnt like him is his age....and if she would just meet him she would see he isnt a bad guy

[Dr.Tony]: ok whats the age diffrence?

[Tiffy♥]: im 14...I turn 15 on the 25th and he is 20

[Dr.Tony]: ok in this have to give your mom some time cause she just looking out for you and most mothers will bitch and make up the sorriest excuses about dating older my suggestion is just give her time and eventually she will come around to long have you been dating him?

[Tiffy♥]: yea I understand that but I kinda figured it would be my dad who was all against it and he is fine with it. what really pisses me off tho is she used to date this man whos like 20 years older than her...and i know shes a grown woman and can make her own decisions but hes a nasty old pervert and i hate him and she wants to start datin him again.....hmm Im not exactly sure...I guess around a month

[Dr.Tony]: well talk to your mom in a regular manner and be like why is it that you can make your decisions in a way that you want and i can't...just be like i wanna make my own decisions so that you can grow up, and tell her you wanna take responsibiltiy for it! And if that don't work just keep at it evenutally she will see that you want to grow up and become a proper young lady and she will start to understand.....

[Tiffy♥]: she said i cant make my own decisions because i am still only a teenager and i am not ready for teenage pregnancy or im not prepared to live with STDs the rest of my life...v_v we covered this one today heheh...I dunno..honestly i want her to like him but if shes not gonna like him for the age differnce then thats kinda to bad....heh its just pissy she wont listen to me about her sicko guy she likes

[Dr.Tony]: well for that she will have to see that you made the right decision with this don't prove her right..that's the one thing parents love...,and thats to be right if you prove them right then they will always have the feeling the can rule you but if you prove them wrong they will see that you were strong enough to make your own decisions...

[Tiffy♥]: yea...and honestly I dont see how she says Im gonna get pregnant...I mean he lives 3 hours away from me so I dont get to see him that much...we have completely differnt scheduals and even when hes down we are almost constantly watched by my dad....of course not always but most of the time...and we are gonna use least until Im 18 and he wont go to jail if he did get me pregnant

[Dr.Tony]: well that's the parents thing today they always think someone's gonna get pregnant but just overlook that and about being watched by your dad that just show he wants to trust the guy...about the protection part thats good thats always good but don't ever get caught up in the moment! i know all about that cause i have a son! but as long as you try they will eventually see! like i said give it time

[Tiffy♥]: yea heh it takes a lot for my dad to trust him as much as he does. if i did get pregnant i would be fine with it...a few months ago i started hopein that this one guy had gotten me pregnant cause we didnt use protection but he is gonna wear a condom and im now on birth control so that kinda taken care of... i really hope my mom warms up to him tho cause he might be movin back down here where i live and im gonna see him more...and if it got to the point where she wouldnt let me see him when im with her i wouldnt come stay with sucks to think it might come to that but it might

[Dr.Tony]: yea..but don't do anything that you will regret think about that...but other than that it sounds like you got your head on staight and if you have any other problems come to me or one of my other doctors!!! :) love to help!

[Tiffy♥]: yea but most things i do i dont regret..cause most of the time i learn somethin or somethin good comes outta it..alrighty i will ^_^ heh im a problem child so i will be back

[Dr.Tony]: come back anytime and if it's personall and you don't want anyone to read it message me privatly and i will respond then too!!!

[Tiffy♥]: heheh alrighty but im open about most stuff heh

[Dr.Tony]: lol cool.....but i'm here for any problem you have cause i've been through alot of shit in my life so i will be totally honest with you...thats what i was created for to help people!

[Tiffy♥]: heheh awsome! my life has actually calmed down this past month...i have never been as happy has i am and it feels so great

[Dr.Tony]: good...everyone need to be happy...

[Tiffy♥]: yep....but its kinda scared im gonna loose my happyness and i know how i would be if i did and i dont want it

[Dr.Tony]: well don't think that way always think positive even if you know your not just keep your head up and try to keep yourself in order and it will make you stronger!

[Tiffy♥]: i had a relapse the other day but before anything got to bad i stopped myself...

[Dr.Tony]: how do you feel about that?

[Tiffy♥]: heheh you kinda sound like meh old sucks that i might do it again but at the same time i cant bring myself to get rid of all my glad i didnt go majorly suicidal but it could happen...i know i wanted to bleed earlyer but i wouldnt let myself because i want to stop

[Dr.Tony]: lol i don't know to take that as a compliment or a bad thing lol but oh well....yea i know all about the suicidal thing...cause i used to believe that i was too fat and too ugly to get a gf and i lost weight and brought up my self confidence and i feel better about myself, but about cuting yourself please don't i hate that whenever you think of cutting yourself do something that you enjoy to do like draw, write poetry or something trust me it works!

[Tiffy♥]: heh I guess its a compliment cause I liked her...i feel that way but i never really had any self motivation to loose weight but lately i kinda have been..i still dont think any better of myself..but i dotn really like me. i havent wrote any new poems lately..last time i did my dad made a smart ass comment about them and pissed me off. i have actually done very well wit hthe no cutting recently...the other day was the first time in a long time that i had....and the yare already about healed

[Dr.Tony]: lol ok....well the best way to self-motivate yourself is to think positive say to yourself you know you are beautiful and no matter what anybody says i am who i am...and look you have a bf he thinks your that self motivates you...well at least your progressing on it, think most people continue to do and then they end up anerecsic and other shit too...

[Tiffy♥]: heh...i dont think im beautiful...he says i am but i disagree with him....well I got another problem for you ^_^ its actually one of my friends problems but im tryin to help her out.....she likes her cousin...but its her 3rd cousin by marriage and he was removed...and she dont know what to do

[Dr.Tony]: well in that case if it's in the 3rd generation there shouldn't be a problem...does he know that she likes him?

[Tiffy♥]: she told him she liked him before they found out they was related but she sadi she was gonna talk to him about it tonight

[Dr.Tony]: ok what she has to do is be totally honest with him and if they have family problems tell me i will help them through it!

[Tiffy♥]: heheh ^_^ alrighty

[Dr.Tony]: lol ok...

[Tiffy♥]: why can guys be such asshole? do they think it makes them cooler or somethin

[Dr.Tony]: no they just think they rule everyone and when they grow up and get off their cocky stage they will realize they are assholes!

[Tiffy♥]: oooh they eventually grow out of their immatureness to

[Dr.Tony]: yea takes a little while but they do eventually....

[Tiffy♥]: lol okay...that makes me feel alittle better then

[Dr.Tony]: lol..good...but see it takes women less time to grow up but guys always take a long time to grow up!

[Tiffy♥]: heh

[Dr.Tony]: lol...i know it's bad to say since i'm a guy but it's the truth....

[Tiffy♥]: heh yes well at least your has been such a suck ass day

[Dr.Tony]: why?

[Tiffy♥]: in third period today we watched this movie about this little girl who was beign molested and it made me think back to this guy that used to always touch me when i was he never molested me but he was very touchy and i didnt feel comfortable around him....and recently i havent liked it when guys touch me or look at me in a way i dont like and at lunch this dumbass i know said somethin and it made me feel sick and then my mom and i got in a wreck on the way home and she bitched at me alot for it and then my dad bitched at me for having a flash back to when i was younger with that guy and he told me to just get over it....heh its just been a bad day...i told my mom i was gonna

[Tiffy♥]: i ran outta room......but i told my mom i was gonna eat everything we had so maybe i would have a heartattack and die and it would be considered suicide

[Dr.Tony]: no don't say that...please don't...makes me feel sad....about the wreck it's not ure fault you weren't driving! Parents like to blame the children cause they have nobody to blame it on but themselves! And about the guy touching you did you do anything about it?

[Tiffy♥]: awww dont get sad over my messed up life v_v....ummm i quit going ot that church on sunday mornins...really other than that nope v_v i hated him...he started showing up at my school as a substitute teacher and i got so paranoid i thought i started seeing him every where v_v...i actually started hating reading cause his name was reid

[Dr.Tony]: ohh...he don't touch you no more does he?

[Tiffy♥]: no...i anit seen him in maybe 6 or 7 years but im still scared of him....i hope i never have to see him again

[Dr.Tony]: yea you always still have that fear until you prove to yourself that your not scared anymore

[Tiffy♥]: yea...i ahvent thought about him in so long and today just brought everything back

[Dr.Tony]: yea i understand it's normal for that to happen cause your temporal lobe part of your brain stores the things that you don't remember and they sometimes send electric shock to other parts of your brain to remind you

[Tiffy♥]: i just feel so sick from it

[Dr.Tony]: yea..try to think of other things when you think of that it will help think of a part of you life when your happy it will go away

[Tiffy♥]: heheh actually right now im lookin at pretty stuffs

[Dr.Tony]: lol cool

[Tiffy♥]: lol yeah...if iwas to buy anything tho i dunno where i could have it shipped

[Dr.Tony]: to your house?

[Tiffy♥]: heh my daddy would shoot me if he knew i was lookin at this stuff...^_^

[Dr.Tony]: what are you lookin at leave it on here i have to go i'll be back on later ok....*hugs* bye

[Tiffy♥]: okay ^_^ *hugs* bye

[Dr.Tony]: oh ok....

[*-*kRiStEn*-*]: wat is this

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *walks in and jumps up in the rafters*

[Dr.Tony]: This is for people who need advice...or need someone to talk to....

[Dr.Tony]: lol...ok...

[Sad Lonely Angel]: sorry.....i was just checking the area to see if it was a good place to talk about my problems.......*jumps down adn starts to wak towards the door* i am sorry for interupting!

[Dr.Tony]: *runs and catches her before she leaves* no i won't talking to you lol!!! i was talking to that person that was asking about this place lol1

[Dr.Tony]: *hugs*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: oh...okay *hugs back* i shall then return to the rafters!!! *lets you go and jump up in the rafters once more*

[Dr.Tony]: ok...what do you mean by rafters?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: o.O  ceiling.......lofty rafters...O.o  do yu undertand?

[Tiffy♥]: i anit never sat in anyones rafters o_o

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i always sit in the rafters!!! i feeel more comphy!

[Tiffy♥]: heh i will just sit in a chair in the corner *sits in the corner*

[Dr.Tony]: lol i love!!!yall are crazy in a good way!!

[Tiffy♥]: heheh ^_^ i love you to heheh you anit gotta tell me im crazy..i know it

[Dr.Tony]: lol...

[Tiffy♥]: heh

[Dr.Tony]: i'm sooo bored....ol

[Tiffy♥]: yea....i wish i could go to the football game tonight

[Dr.Tony]: theres like 2 or 3 of them around here tonight!

[Tiffy♥]: lol ours is an away game

[Dr.Tony]: ohh..ares are at home...

[Tiffy♥]: our next home game is on the 23rd

[Dr.Tony]: cool cool...

[Tiffy♥]: heh yea

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *watches rom the rafters*

[Tiffy♥]: heheh...whats up?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: rafters!!!!!

[Tiffy♥]: yes they are up

[Dr.Tony]: so yall been talking without me? *frowns*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: hey guys waz up

[Tiffy♥]: nope we have been talkin with just wasnt here..

[Dr.Tony]: lol....hello rat1990

[Dr.Tony]: what if i was hmmm?????*ponders outloud!!*

[Tiffy♥]: lol well then if you was here and we was talkin then we was talkin to you

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *sits in rafters thinking*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: hey dr.tony,how are you?

[Dr.Tony]: lol...i fell loved good and you rat1990?

[Dr.Tony]: feel i meant lol

[Dr.Tony]: If I were dying what would you say to me????

[1aa]: to bad lol

[Tiffy♥]: awwww that would arnt dying are you?

[1aa]: naw he aint dying

[Sad Lonely Angel]: o.O *looks down* how is everone?

[Dr.Tony]: doin good and you???no i'm not dying i was just saying lol!!

[Dr.Tony]: *takes his hands and lifts up her head and gives her a big hug* no need to frown!!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: i'm good lol

[Dr.Tony]: cool what did you do today?

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: went to school,and hung out with friends you

[Dr.Tony]: took a college exam for my pshcology exam...ummm then went to the mall with my nephew and his girlfriend other than that being bored..

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: sounds like fun,lol

[Dr.Tony]: yea just another day for the doctor lol....

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: lol,so what kind of doctor are you?

[Dr.Tony]: well i'm not a real doctor but i'm trying to major in pshcology cause i wanna be a therapist for people that have all kinds of problems..such as love, family, and so on....i love helping people!!as you can tell!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: kool,i think that is nice of you

[Dr.Tony]: yea well i love doin it soo..that why i created this...

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *smiles and wonders through the rafters*

[Dr.Tony]: missed ya!

[Tiffy♥]: heh I onced considered being a therapist

[Dr.Tony]: really why don't ya?

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: l love animals i''m thinking of being a vet

[Dr.Tony]: my nephew wants to be's a really good feild!

[Tiffy♥]: I dunno....heh...I havent really made up my mind yet

[Dr.Tony]: i think you would make a good one!!*smiles*

[Tiffy♥]: lol thanks

[Sad Lonely Angel]: o.O therapist..... *stops*they dont like me!!

[Dr.Tony]: well we do!!!!*hugs*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *hugs [Dr.Tony] back* they dont like me after five minutes!!!! lol

[Tiffy♥]: heh my old therapist liked me...i think

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i scared all of mine!!!!

[Tiffy♥]: heh i have only had one

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *giggles* i have had 4

[Tiffy♥]: lol i was "well" so i got leave...heheh i had a case manager to

[Dr.Tony]: well i see yall are getting along good without me*frowns*

[Tiffy♥]: lol we get along good with you also

[Dr.Tony]: lol i know i was kidding *HUGS*

[Tiffy♥]: heheh *hugs* your so sweet

[Dr.Tony]: really....??

[Tiffy♥]: yes really

[Dr.Tony]: thank you *starts to blush* u are too!!!!!

[Tiffy♥]: your welcome heheh awwwww thankies ^_^

[Dr.Tony]: anytime!!!

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *giggles quietly* hehehehe *rafters*

[Tiffy♥]: lol is all of yall

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: alright you

[Tiffy♥]: im good

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: i'm glad to hear that so whats goin on

[Sad Lonely Angel]: hell...thats what

[Tiffy♥]: not to much.....aww why is hell going on?

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: same here,why is hell going on?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i cant forget my past!!!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: what happen in your can't be any worst then my past!!

[Sad Lonely Angel]: when i was 12 years old........i was raped, and what i did to try and get over it has made me deathly afraid of any kind of medicine!

[Tiffy♥]: i never forget my past....i never will


[Dr.Tony]: well thats what we are here for to be friends and to help the pain go away i'm told i'm good at this lol!!!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: well you think you could help me get over my past?

[Dr.Tony]: yea...tell me and i can help...

[Priscilla. (la la) ™]: Hey Tony...

[Dr.Tony]: hey niki!

[Priscilla. (la la) ™]: guess what

[Dr.Tony]: what?

[Priscilla. (la la) ™]: I like the things you do <3 haha Jk.

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *jumps back up in the rafters*

[Dr.Tony]: hello my favorite people!!!!

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *looks down* hi [Dr.Tony]

[Dr.Tony]: *picks up her face and gives her a big hug* hey how are you??no need to be sad when i'm here!!!

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *giggles* om up in de rafters!! lol *hugs back*.......and the hws u part....hhmmm.....i did something really bad *hunkers down*

[Dr.Tony]: what did you do??

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i-i-i-i-i...........oooooo...i cut myself again!!!!

[Dr.Tony]: please tell me your kiddin cause you know how i hate that!!come on i know your a better person than that i believe in you...did you try to do what i said about trying to do something else?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i know, i havnt done it in so long, but everything seemed to hit me at once...and i want allowed to leave....and then....*cries*

[Dr.Tony]: hey hey no cryin remember i'm the angel to help you see through your tears and fears, i will be hear will all elses fails, and i will be the one to put you on the right trails!*smiles at her and gives her a loveable hug*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *hugs back and sniffles* i just cant believe it that i did it either!

[Dr.Tony]: i just want you to try to think of something else to do when you get the urge to do it again try drawin or writing or doin your favorite hobby helps....try it and tell me what you think trust me it helps!

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i had written 6 poems, and no go

[Dr.Tony]: well try something else....

[Sad Lonely Angel]: i cant do anything else!!!!

[Dr.Tony]: what about drawing or taking a walk or something?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: jeah right

[Dr.Tony]: what?

[Sad Lonely Angel]: anything that i family hark on my about, so i dont do that anymore, and walking....i would if my parents would let me outta the house for more than just skool!

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: oh ok

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *jumps on and hugs [PiT bUlL gIrL_33]*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: thanxs*hugs back*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: welcome *dances through the rafters*

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *gigglesn and draggs [PiT bUlL gIrL_33] up with me*

[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]: *draggs{[sad lonely angel}] up with me *

[Sad Lonely Angel]: *laughs*

[LeoPrince]: hey any one here need to talk just im me im a psycologist and a d!@3 good one at that

[LeoPrince]: just ask Dr.Tony

[LeoPrince]: im Dr. Mike at the psycologist room or Leoprince is my name on here.

[comet13579]: hey yall im not as much as a pansey as dr.mike im dr.will (anger managment theropist)

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