Page name: Dystopia [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-12-14 10:54:08
Last author: Rice
Owner: Rice
# of watchers: 6
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Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord.

Revelation, 1. 7

In the post-apocalyptic world of New Earth, nothing is ever as it seems. After the end of the world, it seemed human life was just as stubborn in nature as it was cruel, like a parasite it attached to the earth and refused to die even while stationed on an ever dieing planet. Earth ground broke and crumbled, even the most lushest of forests turning into baron waste lands. Cities were decimated and abandoned, villages left to rot, many things were lost and forgotten. Time gave the world no favours, and as it passed, so did the world continue to crumble and break around humanities' eyes. Over time the sky turned red, the weather a constant temperament phenomenon, and civilization disbanded, it's modern theories and values now only a fractured memory.
Five hundred years past; five hundred years of nothing but an eternal struggle under a scarlet sun.
A new age dawned and with it a new breed of man, natural selection brought out the inner instinct, the greatest minds built new cities and new villages, and along with it, new weapons.
Welcome, to the end of the world - Date 2521

[Rice] here, behold my new RP which I created mostly due to my boredom and a sudden spark of random ideas, the end of the world is always a fun topic, so why not create my own version of it. I hope you read the summary, if you didn't you're a severely lazy bastard with no attention span. Just a few important notes, this wiki is going to contain violence, sex, naughty language and many other things that may cause children to cry, so it's going to be rated R to stop said tears. If you don't like it then you then kindly leave.
IMPORTANT: This wiki is semi invitation only, since I am sick of getting new role-players messing up my Rp's. But for the sake of my soul I am going to be merciful and allow anyone to apply, send me an amazing character and I'll let you join.


Residents of New Earth

Dystopia's Soundtrack

Dystopia's Artbook

Chapter One - Revelations

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2009-10-26 [Rice]: Thanks.
You going to join?
Don't worry you have a while to make a character. 8)

2009-10-26 [*Leric*]: it sounds intense. i'd really like to join, but i'm really bad with keeping up with rps ;_; promise not to spear me if i take a while?

2009-10-26 [Rice]: I promise...<3

2009-10-26 [*Leric*]: slpeennndid. i'll conjure up a character as soon as i can.

2009-10-26 [Rice]: Ok.

2009-10-26 [Duke Devlin]: Yay for elitism! <3 I'll write a character now, most likely. :P

2009-10-26 [Rice]: Awesome beans.

2009-10-26 [Duke Devlin]: XD WTF XD *Done* <3

2009-10-27 [Akayume]: :o

2009-10-28 [Duke Devlin]: I was just casually re-reading this page, when I saw this little bit of a line "behold my new RP" <-- Now, when I read this, I got this fantastic image, of you stood up on a pedestal, with one of those pointy-conductory-sticks in one hand, throwing your arms out like you're embracing the air (Like THIS terrifying Pope Guy - <img100*0://>) shouting it very loudly. oO Seemed very commanding to me. XD

2009-10-28 [Rook.]: XD OMG duke... you are soooo right XD lOl!

2009-10-28 [Rice]: XD OMFAO
That is me..

2009-10-28 [Rice]: I am the new GOD of this new world.

2009-10-28 [Rook.]: lOl

2009-10-28 [*Leric*]: I believe it xD

2009-10-28 [Rice]: Im going to draw myself in the pose and place it above the summary

2009-10-28 [*Leric*]: rotfl do it!

2009-10-28 [Rice]: With a crazy expression like this >8D

2009-10-28 [*Leric*]: yo, i'm working on my character now. it should be done soon. i just got distracted for a bit o.<

2009-10-28 [Rice]: Ah it's ok. Send whenre you're done.

2009-10-30 [Duke Devlin]: I think that you should definitely do that. ;D The world would be missing something without that picture. ;D

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