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Duke Devlin

Member #108993 created: 2005-01-15 19:54:52Simple URL:   

Name: Rickettsial - For SPNThisIsMyDesign


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These mean I am one of the EG Artists, one of the Daily Poets, Featured Writers on Main Street, one of the donors of writing, ET roleplayers one of the Reviewers, and This means I was a Featured Member!

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Name: Stephanie

D.O.B: 5th February 1991

P.O.B: Oxford, United Kingdom

I was born into a normal family - dad worked, mum worked, we had lots of pets though at times maybe it wasn’t the best decision to do so. I’ve got three siblings, two brothers (one older and one younger) and a sister (older). I like to think I grew up to be respectful of others, though a little lacking in self-esteem (through no fault of my parents), leading me to be a little shy around others. I tend to thrive among a group of people I’ve known a long time and remain silent among those that I don’t. You can tell I'm comfortable with you if I'm talking like a gangsta, or being loud and slightly abrasive. My ambition is to be a published author of fiction, and maybe to travel the globe once or twice. :)

I have a few places where you can find the things that I do. Of course I have an exhausting number of wikis on here, though these are infrequently updated in comparison to other places. I spend most of my time on Tumblr... Tumblin'. I spend less time on Deviantart, but you can find some of my artwork there.

Duke's Bucket List

This member is a fan of these wiki-pages:
So you want to be a serial killer!Childe Roland To The Dark Tower CameDystopia
And of 10 more wiki-pages.    List them 

Age: 28Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 2Day of birth: 5

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Human
Elftownworldmap 51°47.910'N 2°28.938'W

Place of living: United Kingdom-England

Town: Salford

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

ICQ number: 354213523

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: thin

Height: 179

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