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2005-01-24 22:31:12
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- : EXperiments : -

Darkness is unable to comprehend light, for how could it? It merely covers, shadows, absorbs and destroys it, while thinking nothing of it afterwards...

There are a variety of EXperiments, the majority really quite nasty. Sadistic beings, living for the joy of causing others pain, they cannot be reasoned with. Here's a few that may be encountered.

The Guards
Created by humans to help control the rising populations of races trying to cause harm to the humans. Manufactured beings, they do not have independent thought or emotion, operating in groups of six or nine. These groups sometimes combine. There is an unending supply of Guards, as there are more manufactured every day. Main purpose to infiltrate the population and weed out those not human, and end those things existence. They are also not always completely accurate, though the human court thoroughly believes that they are foolproof. It is also an extreme crime to cause harm to one of the Guards. Heartless and cold.

Considerably rare, they are an attempt made by a group of human-like demons to counteract the Guards. They are genetically altered lesser, beast-like demons and very crafty in getting orders completed, but not very smart on their own, and look and act similar to each other but are completely independent and dislike working in teams or groups unless it is an order. They are easily influenced but trust no one. Often they are destroyed within several years of their creation and recycled, for eventually, they become too smart and independent to be sufficiently controlled by their Masters, which is a constant worry in case they reveal their makers to the human court. Capable of feeling emotion, a flaw their creators are unable to get rid of, and they act on instinct the majority of the time and are very slow to learn. Their job is to assassinate humans who pose the largest threat to the other races, such as members of the human court. Most Wraiths, after successfully completing their job, are captured and destroyed as usually they do not have orders to return to their makers in case they are followed.

EXperiments who are just that…EXperiments. The first of the EXperiments created, they are not nearly as refined or crafty as most of the others. Usually have very noticeable problems and differences, which make them considerably unique. Most are forgotten and allowed to wander the city in search of prey…their human makers make sure each unsuccessful EXperiment prototype has a hunger for non-humans.

Creatures made of metal and genetically altered parts. They serve as the city’s ‘wildlife’ and were created by the humans in an attempt to make their surroundings more ‘normal.’ These creatures are manufactured constantly, with several types symbolizing such things as insects, birds, rodents, lizards, and several more, rarer creatures. Be careful, however, for the human court sometimes uses them as spies. Prototypes have also been created by other species.

Basically, people who have been erased from society and the world. Failure or action against the human court may result in this. After being put through the experiment, the prosecuted becomes a mindless and easily controlled monster. Often used as bait to draw other, more dangerous creatures away from a particular area, or just to abait the beasts undying hunger.

Humans that have been modified in someway to make them superior to their own or other races. Tend to be quite stuck-up, looking down on everyone less powerful than them. Quite a few of these in the human court.
The same thing happens with some of the other races, though the other races tend to be already more powerful than humans, so they don't really feel much of a need to improve.

EXperiments are non-player roles that do not require a formal bio and can appear at any time, played by anyone. This goes the same for the UnsEEn.

I am COMPLETELY open to any suggestions for eXperiments, as it is true that until I manage to draw a couple, I will not really be able to describe them well...

completely open to any suggestion *poke*

Re-Enter Purgatory

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2005-01-15 [chelekat]: *pokes back* I might have a few suggestions...crazy experiments like to run around in my stories...*scratches head*...depends on what kinda experiments you be looking for, though...

2005-01-15 [the crazed artist]: cool...message me some of your ideas...

2005-01-15 [chelekat]: righto, then...

2005-01-17 [the crazed artist]: thnx ever so much Chele for the EXperiment ideas...

2005-01-17 [chelekat]: no prob...glad to help....:D

2005-01-18 [3 Dreizig]: May be able to come up with a few....maybe a sentry who was originally a human but subjected to experiemtn because he did soething wrong as repentence? Open to suggetion too

2005-01-18 [chelekat]: how about, all the humans who fail the human court in some way, go through some experiment that makes them mindless, easily controlled monsters? o_O

2005-01-18 [the crazed artist]: dude that is awesome!!!!! I'll put it up time tonight...

2005-01-18 [chelekat]: dude that ish freaky!!!!! hehe, j/k...maybe traitors and humans they find working for da other races fall under that category...

2005-01-21 [chelekat]: how 'bout experiments who are just humans, experimentally altered to be a bit maybe through genetic treatments or something like that, so they can seem more supierior to the other races...or something...bleh, I ish tired...

2005-01-21 [the crazed artist]: hmm...that could work too...I'll see what i can do...

2005-01-21 [chelekat]: eegads, my creativity is reaching an all time low at the moment... O_o

2005-01-21 [the crazed artist]: *pat* tis all;ve still given me tons of'll get it back...

2005-01-21 [chelekat]: *sigh* yeah, I guess so...*falls over*

2005-01-24 [the crazed artist]: I love how the amount of description for each one gradually gets smaller...oh yes, I am lazy...

2005-01-26 [chelekat]: lol...less time to read, more time to play... :D

2005-01-28 [Pnelma Tirian]: I think one race should be bliiiind....>)

2005-01-28 [the crazed artist]: oh god YES!!!!! your are a genius pnelma...I"ll come up with something...tis an excellent idea...

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