Page name: Easter Photography Contest 2011 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-04-28 15:01:00
Last author: Nioniel
Owner: Nioniel
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Easter Photography Contest 2011


The Easter Photography competition!


Deadline: Closed

RULES can be read on: Easter Festival


How to post your entry:
Add your username and entry after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, thumbnail them to 300, and separate them with the <hr> tag:

1. [Marlene'Jacques] "Daffodils"


Easter Festival

Username (or number or email):


2011-04-19 [Alexi Ice]: Oh, Mystin! I love your picture!

2011-04-20 [Alexi Ice]: Where did you get the jacket? (I think the face paint is what makes this one amazing though O.o But I totally covet that jacket! Lol ~) *Goes to check out the one in your house*

2011-04-20 [Alexi Ice]: The other one is cool (though it might scare children since it looks like you have blood on your hand! LOL ~) Awesome! My town is not cool enough for something like that...>> grr

2011-04-21 [Alexi Ice]: Ah! Well then in that case it's amazing!! (I like the bluhd. But I can see poor widdle children running for there lives from the evil bunny, baskets flopping in the wind and dropping eggs, stuff like that.) Then again, that's hilarious!! <3 Either way, bravo.

May I ask who took the photo? Or was the camera self-timed? (Does not know much about photography. Forgive me!)

2011-04-27 [Marlene'Jacques]: why [Mystin]??

2011-04-27 [Lord Josmar]: That is a very poor attitide [Mystin]. Your photo entry was fine but since you entered the art contest late you remove your photo entry?

2011-04-28 [Marlene'Jacques]: ah well mystins default then i get a new badge!! should rightfully be mystins but..

2011-04-28 [Nioniel]: [Lord Josmar]; would you please badge [Marlene'Jacques] for 'first place in photography'?

2011-04-28 [Lord Josmar]: I sure will.

2011-04-28 [Nioniel]: Thank you. :)

2011-04-28 [Mystin]: Congrats [Marlene'Jacques] on two badges! <3

2011-04-28 [Marlene'Jacques]: thank you [Mystin] and [Nioniel] and [Lord Josmar] :) loving my new badges

2011-04-28 [Mystin]: You really did do a great job compared to me. All I did was play dress up but you really got the essence of Easter and I love pictures about nature!

2011-04-28 [Marlene'Jacques]: aww thank you :) I did love your rabbit pic though

2011-04-28 [Mystin]: I appreciate all of my supporters and I hate to disappoint anyone but I had some personal reasons for withdrawing but I'm glad people liked it. It took a lot of time to get ready =P

2011-04-28 [Marlene'Jacques]: well hope the personal probs get resolved soon and look forward to when we compete again :)

2011-04-28 [Mystin]: Same here & look forward to it! :-)

2011-04-29 [Layre]: You didn't disappoint me, I understand and I'm happy you entered seeing as I helped you get ready! XD

2011-04-30 [Mystin]: I'm sorry that I didn't go through with the submission after all the work we put into it, but thanks for understanding!

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