This is the Elftown Hangar
Here are all the aircrafts that traffics the
Elftown Grand Airport and the other airports.
So far the list aint to long, but stay tuned, as more happy crafts will arrive! Feel free to create your own favorite flight and add it to the page :)
Elftown Aircrafts:
Elftown Great Zeppelin
A trip in the Great Zeppelin is like traveling the seven seas with the mightiest of the juggernauts in the dwarf fleet. Comfort, speed, luxury - all the joy wrapped into one big flying sausage! Don't miss this opportunity!
Pilot: One mushroom chewing goblin
Passenger: 3 ogres/10 humans/18 dwarfs.
Cargo: As much as one can fit!
Speed: 10 daymarches in one day in good winds.
Weight: 20 piles of donkeymeat.
Ticket price: 12 rupies.

Elftown Elvish Arrow
In case you are looking for a fast flight, without unecessary humblebumble, screaming orcs, stinking swamptrolls and grumpy dwarfs, this is the flight for you!
Pilot: A brave but sneeky elf.
Passenger: No ogres/20 humans/26 dwarfs.
Cargo: Depends on if you want to take off or not..
Speed: 50 daymarches in one day.
Weight: A piece of handluggage and your lovely mule.
Ticket price: 31 rupies for the big and 23 for the small..

The ETish Flying Blob
A flying blob..
The latest and greatest in lazy technology by the Ranting Rat Company..
Pilot: An automatic pilot built into the chair.
Passenger: One mushroom chewing junkie..
Cargo: Nothing to declare!
Speed: 14 daymarches in one day.
Weight: Quite light actually..
Ticket price: Rent it for a week, only one donkey-head!

The Dragonbreath
Fast, crude and evil, every orcs first choice..
Pilot: No need of one
Passenger: As many as can pay
Cargo: Not to much please!
Speed: 45 daymarches in one day.
Weight: A real heavy one..
Ticket price: 3 gems, if you dont pay, you be flamed!

Slow and uncomfortable. Althought the cheapest one :P
Pilot: You are in charge!
Passenger: Just one per pair..
Cargo: As much as you think you can handle
Speed: 1 daymarches in one day. uhm? not so strange..
Weight: what? if its to heavy, chop it off!
Ticket price: just the price for the food
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