This is the Elftown Grand Airport
Welcome to the
Elftown Grand Airport! Your start to explore the dull earth and the magical world of Elftown! Fly with our luxurious Elvish Arrow or the powerful Dragonbreath ot places you never thought existed! Our staff of helpsome kabouters will assist you in every choice!
So, buy your ticket at the Elftown Grand Travel Agency, and begin your wonderfull adventure around the magical world of Elftown and the less magical world of Earth!
The goal of this project is to set up pages for diffrent places in the world, so one can be able to travel "for real" without leaving Elftown. Elftowners are welcome to document and describe the places where they live, and set up their own airports. The airports can be serious or humoristic, informing and educational or imaginative. Feel free, as long as it is in the spirit of Elftown. The Elftown Grand Airport's main purpose is to act as the hub for all the other airports out there, keeping links to all the destinations, so that all other airports doesnt have to keep track of all the others.
the Elftown Grand Travel Agency and Elftown Grand Airport Staff.
around the globe.
So far, we still dont got any destinations. Work is going on to get the Stockholm and Tehran Airports up.
Elftown: Location: ???
Stockholm: Location: Sweden (Flight attendant: [sprattel_dvaerg])
Tehran: Location: Iran (Flight attendant: [Sunny Silverunicorn])
The Shire: Location: Midgard
Kvarch-Gaz-Caheim: Location: Somewhere north

Control Tower staff are:
sprattel_dvaerg] in charge of EGA and Stockholm.
Sunny Silverunicorn] in charge of EGA and Tehran.
Other parts of the Elftown Grand Airport project
Elftown Travel Agency Feel free to add your destination here!
EGA Art You can steal "art" from here, using the nifty template system :)
Elftown Hangar Check out the diffrent aircrafts to be sure you get the speed or comfort you request!
Swedish-Farsi Classroom! In case of travelling between Sweden or Iran, or for all matter, if you are english talking and just want to learn either Swedish or Farsi, check it out. Kind of built with the aim of beeing a
Swedish-English-Farsi Travel Dictionary

At the Airport:
The loud typical airport noise from the travellers in the check-in is suddenly gets even more chaotic when a sparkling voice, belonging to Eeky Squeek, announces in the speakers
*sccrrechh* Next flight to Tehran, scheduled departure at 14:30, please begin the boarding! End of message! *sccreeech*

Company policy:
Of course, on our flights, weapons are not forbidden. What would a bunch of drunken warriors be without their swords? A dwarf without his axe? An elf without her bow and arrows? A troll without his mace? A spider without its web? What we demand of our travellers are no more than fantasy and a good sense of humour. :)
What to do?

What about a contest?

Needs some graphics maybe? What about company logos?

Is more airport personal needed for the Elftown Airport?

Maybe better aim to get some other airports up and working.