This is the Stockholm Airport
It is four hours past sunrise, when the old Dragonbreath Jet you traveled with finally lands at
Stockholm Airport. A bit tired, you walk out of the craft, and into the main building. A huge hall opens up before you, and there, over there to the left far away in the hall, you see the kabouters carrying out the luggage from the flight. You start walking over there, to pick up your stuff. Once you reached the huge pile of bags and sacks that the quick kabouters piled up, you realise this will take some time before you find your bag. A bunch of orcs arrives about the same time, althought they are not as gentle with trying to find their luggage as you are, resulting in a total mess, as they throw bags and things in all directions. Then you see your bag, unfortunatly, its flying right over your head, landing about 20 feets behind you. With a crack. It was probably your new bow that broke. Damn those orcs. You will have to complain on the company later on, right now, you only wants to leave this airport and go to the city.
Suddenly you hear someone shout your name
"Uhlín! Uhlín! There you are!" and you turn around, it's your far away related relative Gäwendor, who promised to pick you up at the airport.
Flights from Stockholm
Elftown Grand Airport: Location: ???
Tehran: Location: Iran
The Shire: Location: Midgard

At the Airport:
People come, people go. Some stay, some disappears, some dies in duels, some gets busted by the royal airport guard.

The Old City of Stockholm:
A brief description of the Primary city in the democratic monarchy of Sweden. Yet to be stuffed.

Current flight leaders and Control Tower staff at this airport are:
sprattel_dvaerg] in charge of Elftown and Stockholm.
In case of travelling between Sweden or Iran, or for all matter, if you are english talking, check out the
Swedish-English-Farsi Travel Dictionary at
Swedish-Farsi Classroom! It is also a part of the
Elftown Academy Languages.
This airport is a part of the
Elftown Grand Airport Project. Go there to check out the main goals of the whole thing. And feel free to contribute if you want.


Need some graphics here too.

Which places? slottet? gamla stan? djurgården? hagaparken? skärgården?
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Elftown Grand Airport.