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2007-03-11 14:30:19
Last author: iippo
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Name: Victoria (Tori) Darling

Gender: Female

Age: 18

D.O.B: 21st June

Hair: Long, wavy, auburn

Eyes: Grey, black rimmed (witch eyes)

Height: 5”9

Weight: 10 stone

Skin tone: Soft and pale, like apple-blossoms

Nationality: ZAMBA

Race: Cross breed Demonic/Elven Warrior/Enchantress

Unique features: In my human form I have interesting eyes known as witch eyes they’re grey with a black rim around the edge. I have pointy ears and natural Elven beauty. In my demon form I have snowy white skin with red markings over my body and long claw like nails and bright red hair. My eyes also turn into that of a cat.

Family: hmm well I have two families, I have my immediate family and I have my friendship family. MY immediate family consists of my twin sister Lola and our older brothers Alex and Shane (age 21 also twins, how strange) who have looked after us since our parents died a few years ago. That’s only my blood relatives though, there’s also my wonderful boyfriend Cade, he too is part of me, since he turned me into a demon so technically I’m related to him by blood (literally) too. Of course we can’t forget his sister Jenna (16) and of course Damien (21) and Jason (18) Conway. There’s also Riley and Ashley Ravenwood (more twins) who are also the same age as Lola and me.

Favourite Food: Anything quick really I’m not the domestic type. I can cook though, I just prefer not to.

Favourite TV program: Do you think I have time for tv?

Favourite music: I like most music, my favourite though is rock, all genres of rock.

Hobbies: Where do I begin, ok well I love shopping obviously, I’m a girl. Also I like singing, I’m the lead singer in a band. I’m also an artist and a writer and an actress. Hmm lets see I like extreme sports, I do martial arts and skateboarding, surfing, MX and FMX, I also like to play with swords.

Marital Status: I’m in a long-term relationship with my boyfriend Cade Blackthorn 3 years and still going strong.

Abilities: hmm where do I begin, this is quite a long list. Well I’ll do it step by step. You see I live in ZAMBA that’s 5 lands all together. The five lands are Zenda, Ayorthia, Maanna, Balihi and Azarath. My father comes from the Zenda forests he’s a warrior elf. Because of this I have super sharp senses, natural beauty and am an amazing fighter, archery and sword mastery as well as martial arts. My father being a Zenda elf also gives me the abilities to summon the Guardians of Zenda, the Gods Lord Kai and Lady Thera. Being Elven I also have a way with animals. My mother was an Enchantress from Maanna. Because of this I also have magical skills, the ability to cast spells, read minds, view things in mirrors and orbs as well as work with herbs and crystals. Since she was an Enchantress from Maanna I can also summon the Guardians of Maanna, the gods Challa, Kashee and Sita. Finally I’m also a demon. I’m a demon because my boyfriends a vampire. You see when a human gets bitten by a vampire the demon consumes them and they become a vampire as they’re too weak minded to control it. However when an elf or a wizard or even a faerie gets bitten by a vampire, because they’re already strong they can control the demon within and that makes them twice as strong. Since Cade was from Ayorthia now I’m a demon I can also summon the Guardians of Ayorthia, the gods Shi, Aushen and Yehn, ha! I now also have super speed, super strength, can jump really high and land really softly, teleport, climb up and walk on walls and ceilings, am much wiser and can change into a bat or raven as well as make objects and people burst into flames. I’m also a dazzling dark warrior too with raiser sharp claws. AM I COOL OR WHAT?

Money sources: Oh now where to begin, I have a hell of a lot of money because our parents were quite wealthy before they died so we have their entire fortune, Cade also was from a wealthy family so he too has a lot of money. There’s also the band I sing in “Black Stallion” it’s a rock band Cade and I are the vocalists. My brothers are the guitarists. Damien is our drummer. Jason’s our bass guitarist. My sister Lola is our keyboard player and Cade’s sister Jenna works the synthesisers. Riley and Ashley are the organised ones so they manage the band. We’re quite popular too you know. On top of all that, me and the girls (Lola, Jenna, Riley and Ashley) are also models for Teen Dream Magazine. So yeah we have quite a bit of cash, the 10 of us all live together in this huge apartment, more like a pent house. 

Future plan: Uh, do I need one, my life’s perfect just the way it is.

Describe the happiest moment of your life: The happiest moment of my life, oh let me think, so many good things have happened. Hmm probably the first meeting with the gang. You see Cade, Damien and my brothers had been friends all their life, they had owned the apartment in the city. They were 18 at the time. Anyway after my parents died Lola and I moved to the city to live with our brothers because they were our only blood relatives. Jason also moved to stay with Damien and Jenna also moved to stay with Cade at the same time. This was because all our parents were killed in the exact same accident, when Marcius launched an attack on Lord Kai’s castle where our parents were in a meeting. Who knows how many orphans he created that day. Riley and Ashley were already there at the time because they were my brothers girlfriends, they still lived at home and weren’t moving in until the next year when they were legally old enough to leave home. Anyways we all arrived about the same time. The boys were very kind and very gentle, they made us all welcome and all very comfortable. We had a great time that first evening even though are parents were gone. Since that day we’ve been inseparable, it got even better when Riley and Ashley moved in when they turned 16 and the whole gang was now permanently together.

Describe the saddest moment of your life: erm… I suppose I better say when my parents died, because that’s the only time anything bad has ever happened. Can’t really go into much detail about it as I don’t like thinking about it.

Describe the first time you fell in love: I’d have to say the first time I fell in love was at the same time as my first kiss and my first alcoholic drink. I remember it so well, I was 15. I’d already been living with my brothers for 6 months or so and so we were all really good friends. I’d spent a lot of time with Cade, I don’t know why, we just seemed to click. He answered the door the day we arrived, that was the first time I ever saw him and my heart jumped even then. Anyway, one day I was out shopping, Lola had wandered off, Cade was coming out of the bookstore. I hadn’t seen him all day coz he left the house before I’d got up. Anyways he came over to me, we started talking, about things in general, development plans for the band we’d already began working on it. We went for a walk along the beach coffee and sat and had a chat in the beach side café. He told me about the book he’d been working on, he’d taken it to the book shop a while ago for them to look at it, they’d said it was very good but he needed to find an illustrator. Of course me being a great drawer I suggest that maybe I could illustrate, and that’s how we began working on the book. Anyway that was later on, back to that day. After we went for a coffee he actually accompanied me shopping. In Gothika there was this really sleazy sales assistant that kept checking me out and winking and growling at me and I didn’t like it. I told Cade about it and he went straight to the manager and told him what the assistant was doing to his girlfriend, yeah girlfriend! He decided it would create a more believable story to say I was his girlfriend. Anyways the manager dealt with the assistant and Cade and I continued on our way. About 6pm we went to PITS (Pie in the sky) a pizza parlour and had a meal. Cade then asked me if I wanted to go to this hot new club down town, Cade’s totally hot and totally popular so I was really flattered he invited me. Anyways we went to the club, Cade ordered this really strong cocktail, he let me have a sip of it, it was really nice, really alcoholic but still really nice. After he’d finished his drink he asked if I wanted to dance and he took me by the hand and led me onto the dance floor. By the time we’d actually got into a space on the dance floor it had turned into a slow dance, I remember Cade’s arms sliding around me and pulling me close, such strong yet gentle hands. I looked up into his gorgeous deep blue eyes as we swayed slowly to the music. He looked back into my eyes and said ever so softly to me how beautiful I was and how much he liked me. He then tilted my head back slowly and brought his lips down on mine in the softest, sweetest kiss. His fingers ran through my hair as he kissed me. It took a few seconds for my head to stop spinning but once it had I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him back just as passionately. Eventually we pulled apart. I looked deep into his eyes and that’s when I knew, this strange fluttering feeling in my stomach all through the day and the way my heart jumped whenever I saw him. Everything all these strange new feelings that had been building up over the last few months, was love. The night didn’t end there. After we left the club we went home, it wasn’t too late, about 10pm, the house was empty, everyone was out, Friday night is never an at home night. All in all It was the best night of my life.

Personal Statement (strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes if you were an animal what would you be and why? And any further information you may think is needed background etc): Erm ok, now what, I’ve said just about everything that can be said really. Well we’ll follow the system and see what we come up with. Strengths, well I’m a very happy and a very nice person, I’m loyal I’m trustworthy, I’m a good listener and I’m good at keeping secrets. I’m a good friend to have around. However I’m not perfect, despite what you may think. I actually have many flaws, one such flaw is my temper, it will flair up at the slightest thing. When I do snap, stay out of my way I am dangerous. I shout, I scream, I slam things, I break things. Be warned get away and the person that annoyed me, may the gods help you. What things do I like that I haven’t told you? Look at my hobbies that tells you what I like. Dislikes however hmm, I dislike sick twisted, racist, sexist twits that have no respect for anyone or anything! People who bully and abuse the innocent don’t deserve to live! I dislike bimbos, Barbie’s and those girls that sleep around and let any man touch them. They’re just as bad as the men that use them! If I could be any animal…How can I choose just one animal? I love animals, I have lots of pets. These include Misty my white Unicorn, Hunter my Shadow Wolf, Crystal my Snow Wolf, Artemis my Dark Tiger, Luna my Mountain Lion and Apollo my Fire Cobra. Hmm lets see I’ll tell you a bit more about my band “Black Stallion” for the lack of anything else to talk about. For a start there’s me, lead female vocalist. Then there’s Cade, my boyfriend who’s the lead male vocalist. He has dark brown hair, that’s long and jagged and totally gorgeous, he has deep blue eyes, he’s 6”4 with deep tanned features and is very muscular and usually wears blacks and reds. Then there’s Alex my older brother he’s our lead guitarist he’s also really tall and muscular and he has long blond hair and grey eyes like me, with a pale complexion. Then there’s Shane our rhythm guitarist. Same height and build as Alex and the same grey eyes and pale skin except his hair is dyed black. Damien our drummer is tall and muscular, all the boys are and he has really and I mean really long dark brown hair and blue eyes, usually braided now a days, he used to spike it ‘til it got too long and he refuses to cut it. Jason, Damien’s younger brother and our bass player looks rather like his brother so no need to go into that and just repeat myself. Lola, who plays the keyboard in the band and is my twin my sister is the same as me grey eyes, pale skin, tall, slim etc but her hair like Shane’s is dyed black. Jenna, Cade’s sister who works the synthesisers and all our special effects is about 5”7 and has tanned skin but her eyes are green and her hair is a little bit lighter than her brothers. Riley and Ashley have darkish skin, can’t describe the actual colour and have long dark brown almost black hair and deep brown eyes. Ashley’s is a more red/brown than Riley’s and her skins a lighter shade but other than that they’re roughly the same. They play no instruments but take care of all the paper work and organise our gigs etc so we couldn’t live without them. Our band as a whole is quite dark and slightly gothic. It’s a mixture of all kinds of rock genre. Well I can’t really think of much else to put about me and the band. You know if you have any questions you could just ask me. I’ll answer.

A Little More info, meet my friends, enemies and gods.

Main people
The Good guys:-
Cade Blackthorn
Tori Darling
Alex Darling
Damien Conway
Shane Darling
Lola Darling
Jenna Blackthorn
Jason Conway
Riley Ravenwood
Ashley Ravenwood

The bad guys:-
Timothy Black
Stacey Black
Nigel Black
Lee Hinkhou
Lana Hinkhou
Shelly Cummings

The Good Guys:-
Raven Blackthorn
Antonius Blackthorn
Roxanne Darling
Matthew Darling
Lucas Marshal
Candy Blackwood
Jade Li
Spike Saunders
Saskia Saunders

The Gods:-

The Lands
Zenda in the center
Ayorthia in the North
Maanna in the East

Enemies of the allience:-
Azarath in the West
Balihi in the South

To sum me up
Tori as I’m called for short is a halfbreed, my mother was an enchantress from the land of Maanna. She fell in love with my father who was an elf from the forests of Zenda originally, I’m also a dark elf because I was turned into a demon by cade. Now I’m called a because I’m a demons.

My Different forms

I have long wavy auburn hair (it's sort of a red/brown/gold kinda colour to those who don't know what auburn is) that goes down just past my waist, it will be pushed back off my face with a black bandanna or headscarf. I’m 5"9 and is quite slim without being skinny and am very round and curved is the best way to describe me. everything about me is well shaped. Because I’m an Elf I do have pointy ears but they're not over exagerated as I’m only half elven, just slightly pointed at the ends. My skin is in perfect condition it's soft and smooth and is very light and pale,like appleblossom. That almost white vaguely tinted pink colour. My eyes I make a big deal of the eyes, I has special eyes they’re grey eyes with a black rim around the edge, my eyes are slightly curved and narrower than normal eyes, but not a great deal different, I always have eyeliner and mascara and eyeshadow on all black which make my eyes stand out. the lips are curved and well shaped, not fat lips and not skinny lips, theses are also painted black. I have long elegant nails on long delicate fingers, everything about me is beautiful, my nails though are also painted black. my fashion sense is very gothic even in my normal form. I tend to wear quite revealing clothes, I have a good figure and don’t mind showing that off. I can be seen in either knee high black stileto boots, a short black denim skirt and a low necked red crop top with long flowy seethrough sleeves that sweep down to my knees at least. Or I’ll be seen in black jeans with a wide bottoms that open out over her heavy black platform boots that would seriously hurt you if I kicked you. I’d be in a tight red crop top, off the shoulders sometimes with long sleeves sometimes with short sleeves.

Now onto my demon form, this is the fun part, trying to describe me as pretty and dangerous at the same time. My figure is the same in my demon form, I’m 5"9 and curved and well shaped. However in this form my hair is red and that's red, not auburn. my skin is snowy white and I have red markings on the face and arms and legs and all over my body. I have cats eyes in this form but still have black makeup on, black eyelids, black lips and black nails, however in my demon form I have claws instead of nails. Sharp black claws. I wears knee high black boots but they have a metal platform that a blade will slide out of if needed. I wear leather, black leather shorts, rather like hotpants and have a tight black leather sports bra kind of top on if you don't know what that is I can't really explain it, it's sort of a cross between a crop top and a bikini and it has straps not sleeves. I also have weapons, I have a bow and arrows (elven after all), but also a sword and also 2 guns.

So Yeah this girl can seriously kick ass!

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