Page name: Epiphany [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-03-17 15:39:45
Last author: Barock
Owner: Barock
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Art work by the oh so talented [Chimes]

Upon the world of Kholash there is no magic in the sense we know, there is no elemental power in the way we expect. The four elements and winds of magic are replaced by the power of Epiphany and its lords. There are seven Lords of Epiphany. Two resided on the peninsular of Ghelt cut off from the rest of the world by the harsh Ylindre mountains. The other five left the peninsular and were never heard from again, these five have faded into mystery in Ghelt and only the two Lords remember them now. The original two were Elleek Vhorash who received epiphany on the path of Wisdom and Gharra Yheldy who received epiphany on the path of Subtlety. All paths lead to The One and all ephiphinites including the Lords themselves are different distances down their chosen paths.

This is a HaRPy! Rp and takes a proud position on the HaRPy! network.

News From The Town Criers

...Here it here first! All communications with Upper Bristlton have ceased! The Lord's own envoy sent to the Northern farmlands were found killed and nailed to posts on the outskirts of Bristonshire! We have had no word from the Epiphinites sent to remedy the problem! Dark days indeed fellow Gheltmen and women!

Ramblings From The Prophets

...DOOM!... Pale eyes with a serpents tongue stalk the Mountains, depserate for entry to our unprepared lands... Woe to those who face the six, each an incarnation of the Pale eyes with the serpents tongue! Woe to those who would stand, for they shall surely fall! ...The first is among us, to the north! Heed our words, heed them and flee, for our ends are coming...!

Rules of Epiphany Epiphany plays differently from many Rp's, please read this before playing.
Lore of Epiphany The common lore of the land of Ghelt and its people, things that every Gheltman and woman should know! (will help with the playing the Rp, but reading isnt compulsory)
Paths of Epiphany Discover the commonly known facts about Epiphinites and their seperate paths (please note, very little is commonly known about epiphinites and their Acts of Epiphany so this will be very basic)

Characters of Epiphany - Now closed, no more for a short while. If you still want to play make a char and they'll be inducted later.
None Player Characters of Note
The Pale Six - The Six Aspects of The Pale Man.

Chapter One: Bright Lights and Deep Shadows
----->Subchapter One: The Mongrels Call (only post here once you have met Serrina, you will be sent the password :) )
----->Subchapter Two: Under the gaze of The One (Only post here once you have met Tolanar, you will be sent the password)

Chapter Two: Into The Hornets Nest

Chapter Three: The Wasps Sting

Username (or number or email):


2009-01-29 [Elwyne]: Interesting, but I'm not sure that any of my characters would fit yet. I'll read the rules and stuff.

2009-01-30 [Barock]: Okay ladies and gentlemen with characters, welcome and thanks for taking the time to make your denizens of Ghelt :-)
I'd just like everyones opinion on when we shoudl start please! Do you all reckon I should wait for more players or just start it now? :-)

2009-01-30 [Elwyne]: Ummm... toss a coin?

2009-01-30 [Barock]: Looks like I may have too, but I have one more person joining first. I'll let him write his character and post it up before we begin. I'll get to work on the Rping page though :-)

2009-01-30 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: I suck at making names for RP chars. Any ideas people?

2009-01-30 [Barock]: Is it a guy or a girl?

2009-01-30 [Naythophyl]: um

2009-01-30 [Naythophyl]: wow i was reading this backwards. Anyways I'm ready whenever. I think five is a good start and If anyone else wants to join then so be it.

2009-01-30 [Chimes]: *reads*

2009-01-31 [Elwyne]: well, I made up a name that I haven't given to any of my characters yet, but it's a bit long. It sounds neat when I say it though. If you want to borrow it it's - Kahlantikaya

2009-01-31 [Barock]: Chimes read and join :D The more the merrier! Literally, this rp of mine will be better for more people!

2009-01-31 [Chimes]: I'm thinking about it. :P I'm too tired to create a coherent profile right now though. XD

2009-01-31 [Barock]: That's fair enough, it IS late! :P

2009-01-31 [Chimes]: Yeaaaah. XD I should learn to sleep, it would probably be good for me.

2009-01-31 [Elwyne]: probably

2009-01-31 [Barock]: Same for me. I only really wake up at 12. Thank god for Ovaltine <3 :)

2009-01-31 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: lol, that may help. Guy. >.<

2009-01-31 [Swollenfish]: *is excited about this* :D

2009-01-31 [Elwyne]: I love rping, and most of the rp's that I've been in or made have died. Hoping this one lasts a while.

2009-02-01 [Barock]: Same! As i said somewhere at some point, this site seems cursed when it comes to Rping they always die and no-one ever knows why!

2009-02-01 [Barock]: And for a guy try, Asdan Larreche, Jael Samdle, Yhall Gempdy, Theed Cresh... need more? :P

2009-02-01 [Chimes]: I know why my last one died :P

2009-02-01 [Barock]: Why?

2009-02-01 [Chimes]: Because two people that were important characters decided to leave Elftown... though one of them seems to have come back.. *glances at [Swollenfish]* :P
I made that RP pretty and everything XD

2009-02-01 [Barock]: :-P Which Rp was that?
And yeah but I brought him back! :D

2009-02-01 [Chimes]: Portal.
You did. :] But my other one is still gone... I may delete everything and restart it... :]

2009-02-01 [Barock]: Woah that looks awesome :O
tell me if you restart it, i'd like to play if you do :D

2009-02-01 [Chimes]: I probably will then ^^ It didn't even really get to the good part. XD

Also do you have turns on your RP's or is it just whoever-whenever?

2009-02-01 [Barock]: Whoever whenever. If you do something, like pat or wave or hit someone else you have to wait for them to respond before you contine though :P But i think thats in the rules somewhere

2009-02-01 [Chimes]: Alreeet. Though, you just have to hope no one gets left behind, as tends to happen with whoever-whenevers.

2009-02-01 [Barock]: Yeah, I'll try to make sure. But let me know if you see that happen. To begin with that shouldnt be possible to happen though :-)

2009-02-01 [Chimes]: I will keep an eagle eye open. :P

2009-02-02 [Barock]: Okay! To promote the mystery, Subtle fellows wont see how the Wisdom fellows are initated and vice versa. The two subchapters are for that, once you meet your chosen person you'll be given the password :)

2009-02-04 [Barock]: Right, for chapter two I'm stuck :-P
We have a choice, either a quest like porblem to solve in Elleek OR a quest like probelm to solve outside Elleek!

2009-02-04 [Chimes]: *ponders*

2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: well, it would have to be something fairly easy to start with. Since they just started and all. Don't you think?

2009-02-05 [Thrice]: Rise of the Shadow: In The Beginning
I'm whoring off my new Rp, with Matt's permission/idea, for all that would like to join. Take a gander. :D

2009-02-05 [Barock]: Rise of Shadow was AWESOME guys, so I gotta assume this will be too! :) Joinjoinjoin.

2009-02-05 [Chimes]: *goes to gander*

2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: Well, I'll take a look in a bit then!

2009-02-05 [Barock]: :D See an Rping community! :D
This is AWESOME!

2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: (laughing)

2009-02-06 [Chimes]: :D

2009-02-07 [Chimes]: PEOPLE! Mister Ryan-face([Swollenfish]) has been banned for his laptop for a little bit, he doesn't know how long for but doesn't think it'll be long. :] He wanted me to tell you.

2009-02-11 [Barock]: NEWS: Chapter two will begin shortly, I'll induct Llama and then shaodwy folks you shall be given the information the Light folks just got :) Best of Luck!

2009-02-12 [Swollenfish]: *enters with a flourish* I am back! :D

I managed to bargain that I could get it back after my interview! ^_^

2009-02-12 [Barock]: :P Awesome, welcome back Ryann

2009-02-12 [Chimes]: Wheeee~! *small dance of joy*

2009-02-12 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: Sorry guys. >.< I'm never on when everyone else is.

2009-02-12 [Chimes]: You're normally on when I'm on. :]

2009-02-16 [Naythophyl]: like the logo

2009-02-16 [Chimes]: has wonderful stock. :P

2009-02-17 [Elwyne]: Wow! Just noticed the banner at top! Wow! Beautiful!

2009-02-17 [Barock]: :-) All hail the mighty Chimes!

2009-02-17 [Chimes]: I'm not mighty. :P

2009-02-17 [Barock]: :P sounds better than pansy though :)

2009-02-17 [Barock]: Right, I am looking for volunteers to play baddies :)
If you wanna, personal message me and I'll give you a baddie to play :)
There are 5 that need players :-)
If not I can play em, but *shrug* Thought this would eb more fun!
OH and, are any of you happy Rpers interested in creating a guild? It would mean our Rp's would never be underpopulated again! :O

2009-02-18 [Naythophyl]: oo a guild I've never joined one before. sounds fun

2009-02-18 [Elwyne]: I've never been in a guild either... to be honest I didn't know Elftown had any!

2009-02-18 [Swollenfish]: I'm for the guild thing! ^_^ Be good to get a friendly little band on the go. :)

2009-02-18 [Chimes]: Elftown has a couple. :P Not really looked into them though. Our guild will be the best guild everrr. :P

2009-02-18 [Barock]: Right right right then, I'll see what we can accomplish :)

2009-02-18 [Thrice]: Sure. I'll do it.

2009-02-19 [Elwyne]: Well, I guess you can count me in.

2009-02-20 [Swollenfish]: We could do with our own wiki-page I think.. Somewhere for discussion and posting new roleplays and stuff.

2009-02-20 [Barock]: Yuss that's what I thought. I wont be able to do it untill eaither late sat or sunday thought. I have a WILD night to spend in London soon -_-

2009-02-20 [Chimes]: I could do it. :P Me with the lack of life and all. If you tell me what you want I can wiki it, it can then be edited later. ^^

2009-02-25 [Naythophyl]: oh my gosh I just noticed there were different towns in the farmlands. mea culpa for not doing my homework when making my character. I feel so so very stupid.

2009-02-25 [Barock]: :-P Now worries!

2009-02-25 [Chimes]: What did you change? o.o It's telling there have been changes... I can't find them. XD

2009-02-25 [Barock]: Muahahahahhahaa :D

2009-02-25 [Chimes]: Teeeeell meeeeeee~

2009-02-25 [Barock]: Nevvvvva :P

2009-02-25 [Chimes]: Pwease? *resorts to four year old self* I'll be your best fwiend.

2009-02-25 [Naythophyl]: Has the guild been set up?

2009-02-25 [Chimes]: Don't think so.

2009-02-25 [Barock]: Not yet, we'll let you know when I get round to it :P

2009-02-26 [Earoluim]: * looks around *

2009-02-26 [Naythophyl]: are you here too Earo?

2009-02-26 [Earoluim]: Looking at this wiki for the moment lol.

2009-02-26 [Barock]: You can join if you wish :) I will have to write you in specially, but I can :)

2009-02-26 [Earoluim]: That would be wonderful, I was kinda saddened reading that there was no more room for characters, but I would love to join.

2009-02-26 [Earoluim]: I read the paths but you reall do not cover the second one, and there is not much as to how the two affect your path, what is the difference, or is it in the mystery that is the game ?

2009-02-26 [Barock]: It's a bit of a mystery. In chosing it, just think, is your character subtle or wise? Do they speak loudly and proudly or do they listne and learn? I cant reveal more, the people IN the game only know a set amount :P Knowledge is powerr :)
However, we ARe low on wisdom folk so if you could make one that would be neat, but if you absolutely must make a subtle persont hat's cool too :)

2009-02-26 [Earoluim]: * Chuckles * The bad thing is I do both, but, I tend to play both hand in hand, my character could not be one with out the other. How could one speak aloud, and be proud, without frist having the ability to listen and learn, there in of course he is just but a boast and nothing more.

2009-02-26 [Barock]: :-) The difference is there. One is shadow one is light, one draws attention to itself and one doesnt. :)

2009-02-26 [Earoluim]: * Chuckles and nods * So I see, I will then create a character for the wisdom though I would like to ask about a twist.

2009-02-26 [Barock]: A twist you say? Suchas? :)

2009-02-26 [Earoluim]: A personality disorder. only if it is not too much.
* ponders to himself for a moment .

2009-02-26 [Barock]: :) Send me the character bio when you're doen and I will complain if it needs complaining. Buttt I doub it will :)

2009-02-27 [Swollenfish]: Whee, more players! :D

And on another note:

I'm restarting a former roleplay of mine (New Mind) and in the interest of the guild an' all, you're all welcome to join! :) If you're interested, send me a private message and I'll send you the character template. ^_^

2009-03-06 [Chimes]: People, for my own future reference: Would any of you object to me drawing your characters? :] *has had brainwaves of an Epiphany-drawing type nature*

2009-03-06 [Elwyne]: ooh! I wouldn't! I love seeing how other people draw my characters! I'd draw Eleirah myself, but I'm still down a scanner. (sigh) 

2009-03-06 [Chimes]: My scanner can't be installed... I photograph my art with my nifty camera then convert it to digital colourings etc, like on Harpy. :]

2009-03-06 [Elwyne]: I don't have a camera even. 

2009-03-06 [Naythophyl]: I vote for a group pic

2009-03-06 [Elwyne]: In uniform maybe?

2009-03-06 [Thrice]: I dig, no objections. :D

2009-03-06 [Barock]: :-) I'll stick a group pick up on the front page.

2009-03-06 [Chimes]: When I get round to doing it. :P

2009-03-06 [Naythophyl]: Uniform, like clothing? Where would they have got uniforms?

2009-03-06 [Chimes]: At the beginning...

2009-03-06 [Naythophyl]: umm...ok maybe I'm thick in the head. The beginning of what exactly?

2009-03-06 [Chimes]: The RP... If you look at the start of chapter two you'll see some similarities in some of the postings :P

2009-03-06 [Naythophyl]: I think the epiphenites of subtlety got uniforms but Winep and Jhayze didn't. I guess Barock would know.

2009-03-07 [Elwyne]: Well, we are supposed to be bodyguards right?

2009-03-07 [Barock]: That's correct Naythophyl :)

2009-03-07 [Chimes]: Random interjection: Hands are hated!

2009-03-08 [Elwyne]: (looks at own hands) I don't hate my hands! They're useful! They help with typing, and writing, and drawing, and turning pages when I'm reading... and lots of other useful things.

2009-03-09 [Naythophyl]: is the guild open?

2009-03-09 [Chimes]: Well, there's a link to it up there. :P Go and see.

2009-03-09 [Naythophyl]: haha I thought that was it. Umm so are we all invited to join it seemed like it only allowed disciplined rpers.

2009-03-09 [Aeolynn]: typo on HaRPy network

2009-03-15 [Earoluim]: Is my characte done ?

2009-03-15 [Chimes]: o.o

2009-03-15 [Earoluim]: ??

2009-03-15 [Chimes]: Your comment was jumbled... I am very confused by it. XD

2009-03-15 [Earoluim]: * Chuckles and bows my head * I apologize, I was just wondering if my character was finished and posted. But I guess I should just go and look in the characters section lol.

2009-03-15 [Chimes]: ... Aren't you supposed to create your character? Or are you getting one of the one [Barock] has prepared? If the latter... OOOO! And I can answer that one... those characters aren't up anywhere and it would be best you message [Barock] about it. ^^

2009-03-15 [Earoluim]: I already created on and sent it off to him, we talked over it a couple of times and to my knowledge it was finished and ready to be put up, that was a couple of weeks ago. //_^)>

2009-03-15 [Chimes]: Message him about it. :P He may have forgotten, or he may have a plan. He's mysterious, that one.

2009-03-16 [Barock]: I didn't forget you sent me a character and I told you the changes that needed to be made for him to be acceptable for this Rp. :-) I was waiting for you to get back to me with the updated verson.

2009-03-17 [Earoluim]: lol I need you to send me what i sent you

2009-03-17 [Barock]: Go on 'Sent Messages'

2009-03-17 [Earoluim]: i erased it

2009-03-17 [Barock]: Okay ^^ Odd thing to do but I'll send it in a mo.

2009-07-12 [Barock]: PAUSE.
I'm pausing this because most of the data I need to proceed is gone.
BUT I am getting it back soon. Worry not boys and girls I am trying to replace/ find it all again.

much love.

2009-11-18 [NOOOPE]: Heya, I'm the unofficial Text Adventures rep. Is this rp alive and still looking for members?

2009-11-19 [Elwyne]: um... it hasn't done anything for a while. I think the person in charge had school or something and has been busy.

2011-05-15 [Lord Josmar]: Hello, I'm an unofficial Text Adventures rep. It doesn't look like there has been much activity recently. Is this RPG still active?

2011-05-15 [Chimes]: The owner doesn't log in anymore, and at least one of the players doesn't either, so I think it's dead. :/

2011-05-15 [Lord Josmar]: Ok. Thank you.

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