Page name: FF7 World [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-24 16:54:53
Last author: Rat Hacker
Owner: Rat Hacker
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RP Numeral 1


As the group entered Rocket Town its merry colours were slightly shadowed by the massive rocket that towered over everything. People ignoring it as they continued on there daily lives, others stopping and staring, obviously tourists.

"What's with the tilted rocket!?" Yuffie said looking up at it.

"Hm." Cloud crossed his arms and stared up at the rocket. "I don't know." He said slowly.

Tifa looked up at the rocket, shrugging. "It looks pretty interesting. Most of the people here don't seem to be worried about it."

"Yeah, I suppose so." Cloud said in agreement. He let his eyes run over the rocket's colors and features slowly. "I suppose, they just got used to it being around."

Tifa put her hands behind her head as she looked up. "I suppose so. You just kind of get used to it, like the things back home." She looked at him. "Right?"

Cloud nodded, still staring up at the rocket, although occasionally his eyes would wander to a small child going along their merry little way.

Tifa looked at him for a moment longer before her gaze returned to the rocket. Same old Cloud...

Cloud caught her glance before it shifted, letting out a small smile. He shook his head quickly and placed one hand to the back of his head.

"It's pretty, though. I can see why people wouldn't care whether it was here or not." Tifa smiled. "The kids must really love it."

"Maybe so.." Cloud said quietly, his eyes caught sight of a little girl leaning back against it, eyes shut and doll in her lap. "Does that answer your question?" He asked with a small smile.

Tifa lightly chuckled. "I guess so." She smiled. "Reminds me of Marlene."

Cloud nodded in agreement from the comment of the girl.

Cid stood looking up at the rocket; remembering his dream, how Shinra left the plan and his dream to rott in ruins.

Cloud noticed the weary look on Cid's face. "You okay?"

Cid turned to face the new comer, he had been wrapped in thought he had not noticed Cloud there. "Yeah just fine." He said.

"Okay..." Cloud said breifly as he walked over to the rocket.

"Careful." Red XIII stepped out from behind the rocket. "It could still be dangerous."

"Yeah, I suppose." Cloud said as he ran his hand along it's side.

Barret looked up at it, craining his head back all the way. "Yo why don't they just put it back straight?"

"For the same reason Red said. It might still be dangerous. They probally got used to it being tilted also." Cloud said.

Barret shrugged "Whatev." He looked it Cid "Hey you. D'ya know who's rocket this is?"

Cid looked at Barret "It was one of Shinra's ideas, ya know space exploration, until they found what they said would be a better profit. After one failed launch the dropped the program and went to find another way to make money." Cid said.

Barret nodded "Fair enough. Filthy Shinra." He growled.

"Come on, Barret..." Tifa said. "Shinra has had its share of problems." She looked back up at the rocket. "It's a shame, though...this rocket would have been amazing in the sky."

Cloud knocked on the side of the rocket a few times, his ear close by the side also. "Hm..."

Barret looked at the rocket and then to the down "Nah Shinra screwed up, i mean look, half the damn town dont get any light, its just like Midgar!"

Tifa nodded sadly, then looked over at Cid. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Hey don't kick that thing!" Yuffie said, "You might make it fall!"

Barret looked at yuffie "Its kinda leaning against that arm there."

Yuffie looked at him, "Keyword: kinda!"

Barret shrugged his shoulders "Im goin to the shop, might get an upgrade." He said waving his gun arm for a moment. "Anyone wanna come?"

Cloud waved off the gesture to the group as he began to walk in another direction. I think I'll go get some food now. He tought to himself placing his hands to his sides.

"I'm staying." Red nodded as he looked the rocket up and down. "Shinra has been in a lot of lousy experiments lately."

Barret groaned and followed Cloud "Come on skinny ass, lets go to the munitions store."

Cloud peered at Barret, then shrugged lightly. "Sure, why not.."

Barret was first to reach the store and walked in, heading straight over to the gunarm attatchemnts. "Holy.... That." He pointed to the glass "That is cool."

Cloud looked at the weapon behind the glass and patted Barret's shoulder. "Don't buy the first thing you see."

Barret frowned "But come on, there are two there, that stupid hook. And this... this.... rocket launcher." He drooled.

"I suppose it's your choice." Cloud removed his hand from Barret's shoulder and placed his hands in his pockets.

Barret grinned "Damn straight." He pulled out the money and bought the rocket launcher. He twisted the weapon he had on and twisted the new one in place. "Nice as...."

Cloud shifted his gaze to the previous weapon. "I hope you don't plan on throwing that out Barret."

Barret snorted. "Obvoisly your skinny ass doesnt know me too well." Barret put it in his... backpack?

Cloud snorted and turned his head from Barret. Just cause I'm not a muscle head...

Tifa watched Barret and Cloud head into the store, then looked back at the rocket. "I wish...I wish Shinra would help instead of hurt."

"We all do." Red nodded. "Shinra just doesn't understand. I mean, look at me."

Tifa reached down and put a hand gently on his back. "I'm sorry," she said.

Red smiled and felt the warmth of her hand. "Thank you, but all is over and done with now."

"But Shinra is still causing pain," Tifa said.

Red shrugged. "But what can we do?"

Cid turned around "Damn right, Shinra hasen't done much of anythin lately cept make trouble." 

Barret looked at Cloud "You gonna get anythin?"

Cloud looked back at im and shook his head. "No." He walked over to the door and placed hs hand on the frame of it. "You done in here?"

Barret glanced around "Yeah that'll do. Lets get outta here."

Cloud gave a small nod and walked out of the door, not even holdingit open for the man. He glanced down the street one way, then down the other. He saw a shadey type character walk down the alleyway nearby, crossing his arms he shut his eyes. Food... He shifted his head downwards and began to walk to the left.

Barret watched cloud go then followed out the door. Through went cloud went left, Barret went right, back up to the rocket and everyone else

Cloud let out a low yawn as he neared one of the pubs. He glanced out of the side of his eyes, seeing the shadey figure once more before he walked in. "Hm..." He shrugged the figure off walking up to the bar. He tapped his fingers on the lifted trail of wood with seats attached, staring back at the male reaching for a beer.

The figure came slinking in through the entrance, searching around the room for the man he was following. He walked over to a nearby, yet far, table and sat down at it. His cloak hid his features and body well along with the dimmed building he was in. His eyes peered through his hood as he stared at the blonde haired man.

Cloud watched the man walk behind him, now growing a little alarmed. Who is the guy? He asked himself, trying his best to not look for good reason. He finnished his drink and stood up, lying a bit of money on the bar. "That'll cover it." He placed his hands back into his pockets and walked out of the pub. I wonder if this person will follow. His hunch was in fact correct. He heard the character walk out of the door, feet hitting in rythym. Every few seconds the foot would step along with Cloud's, but then fail in keeping up the man's semi-average strut and go out of beat due to over excitement on behalf of the cloaked figure. Cloud's ears quickly caught the sound of metal clanking against metal from under the cloak, expecting the worst he stopped and turned around. "What do you want?" He asked emotionlessly.

The figure stopped his walking when he saw the blue-eyed man turn around. His fangs popped over his lips as he let out a small, unseen, smile. "Oh, but Cloud. You disappoint me, you've forgotten me that quickly? We only just met a few years back." His fingers, or perhaps nails, began to bat against his conceiled blade attached to his left hip. "I certainly remember that cute lady, Tifa I beleive was her name."

Cloud's attention was drawn to the scraping and batting metal and nails under the cloak, sounding like that of a blade. "Tifa..." Was all he could draw his mind to say as he placed his hand on his head and sighed once more, his thoughts finnaly gathering. "Lex. Yeah, I remeber you." He said emotionlessly still, although his voice did hold an ounce of releif in it barely noticed though.

Reno, who had walked up slowly behind Cloud, put a hand on Cloud's shoulder in greeting. "How ya doin, Cloud? This buddy here ain't bothering ya is he?" Reno asked with his shock-stick in hand over his right shoulder.

Cloud gave a small twitch from the unexpected touch on his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder and stared at weapon, eyebrow cocked slightly. "No..." Was all he said.

Lex tilted his head from under the cloak's hood, staring at the shock-stick. "You thought that would phase me?" He let out a low chuckle and continued to bat his nails against the swords blade. "I'm sorry my friend, but that would've stung a little, not knock me out or anything."

Reno laughed. Reno took a second look at Lex and his sword... and realized maybe this wasn't the best guy to pick a fight with. "Well since your a friend that doesn't really matter does it." With that he walked away towards the others, a much safer area.

"Exactly." Red nodded. "Which is why we have to do at least something."

Tifa looked at them. "Yeah...but what?"

Red thought for a few minutes. "Something that they won't expect.."

Tifa looked up at the rocket as she thought on Red's words. "A surprise attack?" she asked.

"Perhaps." Red nodded. "Shinra is a big organization, we would be outnumbered, though."

Tifa smiled. "Yes, but we're strong. We can take them on, if we stick together and see each other through."

"Hm, of course we can." Red nodded again. "But we would need everyone."

Lex chuckled and let his hand drop from his blade, going over and placing his hands on Cloud's shoulders. "Where've you been Cloud?"

Cloud looked over at one of the hands, deciding he didn't care much from the extra ounces on his shoulders. "Around..." He glanced back at the retereating man and smiled to himself.

Lex removed one of his hands from the shoulder and placed his fingers on Cloud's chin, moving his head back towards him. "Pay..attention..." He whapped the side of Cloud's head and removed hands from contact from the man.

Cloud grumbled to himself and rubbed his head. He decided to keep his words to himself and just turned around, muttering a string of curses under his breath

Barret grinned "Im definatly in, Shinra can have a taste of my new weapon" He held out his new rocket launcher attachment for the others to see.

"Oh come now, you know you love me." Lex grinned and gently nudged the man in the direction of the group. "You still never properly introduced me to your meat headed friends, only that beaut Tifa." Man sighed lightly and nudged him forward again.

Cloud sighed and began to walk towards the rocket once more. Great, here we go with the pushing and demanding.. "Muscle brain." Spikey-haired-blonde said, noticing the rocket's base, coming into veiw. "Knock yourself out Lex..." He offered, hands in pockets and staring at the small group.

Lex gave a toothy smile at the Tife a few meters off from him. "Such a pretty girl. So, what's your secret?"

Cloud turned his head from the man and sighed. "Just go."

Lex did just that and hurried over to the group, tapping Barret on the shoulder quickly.

Barret turned to the tap and frowned at Lex "Who the hella you?"

"Who the hell are you?" Lex retorted, staring at the man out from under his hood.

Cloud walked up and stared at Barret. "You can hurt him if you'd like..."

Tifa looked over at them. She raised an eyebrow at Cloud's comment. "Hurt him? Why?"

Lex quickly moved from the muscle man, slinking his way over to Tifa and taking her hand. "Ah, Miss Tifa, it's nice to see you again." He brought the hand to his lips and laid a small kiss on it, then lowered it again.

Cloud stared at Tifa, raising his eyebrows, as if saying 'You tell me why?'

Tifa looked from Lex to Cloud, then laughed softly. "Ohh..." she said, trying not to giggle. "I'm sorry. It's nice to see you again as well. It's been a while."

Barret raised his eyebrows and looked at Cloud "I thought you and her were... OH!" His eyes opened wide in recognition. He walked over to Lex and pulled him back away from Tifa "Come on you. Leave her alone."

"Hey! Back off you musclehead!" Lex said squirming from the man's sudden contact. "Don't touch me.."

Cloud could not help but let out a groan as he watched the two 'children'.

Tifa stepped away from Barret and Lex, going over to Cloud, still laughing softly at his expression.

Barret pulled him face to face "How bout you go talk to her!" Points to Yuffie.

"Ew. No, she's gross." Lex said pushing back from the man's face. "You know, there is a thing called a mint, need one?" He asked as he wafter Barret's breath away from his own nose.

Cloud looked at Tifa and frowned. "I don't find it funny, not even a little."

Tifa looked up at him. "It's not the situation I find so's your expression." She smiled kindly. "You just funny."

Barret growled and pulled back his good arm and punched him in the nose "SHE IS NOT GROSS!" He put his hand infront of his face and smelt his breath "Though i think your right about the breath mint...."

Lex rubbed his nose, now bloodied, and sighed. "Fat headed mongoose." He muttered past his hand. "I told you about the mint, yes she is."

Cloud blinked a few times and stared at her. "I do?"

Barret growled and held up his weapon arm "YOU WANT A PEICE OF THIS?! SHE IS NOT GROSS!"

Tifa nodded. "Yeah."

"Temper, temper..." Lex said placing his bloody finger on the rocket launcher and lowering it. "Calm down fellow, I meerly mean, I would not fall for her because I have my eyes set on Tifa."

Cloud lowered his eyesbrows and stared at Lex.

Tifa began laughing softly again. "Sorry, Cloud," she said as she tried to get herself to stop laughing.

"Thats not funny." Cloud said lbluntly pulling at the man's hood and exposing his eyes to the sun's rays.

Lex growled and shut his eyes, quickly pulling his hood up and wiping his eyes. "I'll kill you Cloud, I truely will. You know I can't be exposed to the sun."

"I know." He said simply.

Barret laughed "An you expect to get with Tifa?" He laughed and slapped his knee "Thats too funny."

Lex glared at the slab of meat with a mechanic hand, and let out a low growl. He spit on the man's face and turned around. "Jerk."

Barret rubbed the spit off and smacked him in the back of the head "Whats wrong with you punk!?"

"I owed you for bloodying my nose, you big cow!" Lex retorted, rubbing the back of his head and whimpering lightly.

Cloud couldn't help but smile slightly, stepping back and watching the two jesters go at it.

Barret grinned at Cloud, he was obviously enjoying himself.

Tifa hid her smile with her hand, looking away slightly. "Well...this has been a very...interesting reunion of sorts," she commented behind her hand.

Lex stared at Tifa and smiled. "Ah, yes. My dear sweet Tifa, you beauty is like that of the full moon's shine." He said stepping towards the two a few steps.

Cloud stepped to the side and watched the man. "You might want to watch out for Barret Lex."

Barret grabbed him by the back of his cloak and yanked him back "Watch it. Tifa is like my little sister. And you know what? I dont want her goin with you!"

Lex growled and horse-kicked back at Barret's stomach. "Let go you fat cow!" He growled and tried to get loose from the man's grip.

Barret put his gun arm there just in time to stop himself being severly winded, he held on tightly "Cloud, you say this fool doesnt like sunlight?"

"Yes, but I advise you not to remove the cloak. If he is exposed for too long, he will go insane again." Cloud said staring at the two. "Although..It would be nice to watch him squirm."

Lex growled and held onto his hood with one hand, gripping the hilt of one of his blade with the other. "Don't try it slab, or we'll be eating steak for dinner tonight." He threatened.

Barret grinned and whispered in his ear "Stay away from Tifa. She belongs to Cloud." He said so Cloud and Tifa did not hear "If i find you touched her, you will find a rocket up your asshole."

Lex glared at the man and chomped his nose. He muttered out a few words while still biting the cow's nose, "Twetn n e? Hwhat ives u a rite?" Only few words audible though.

Barret roared in pain and slammed his fist and the rocket launcher into Lex's gut, the metal making a dull thud as it hit him. "GET IM OFFA MA NOSE!"

Cloud let out a small amused chuckle, amused by the cat-like characteristics of the hodded figure, and how he was actually getting some hits from Barret and standing afterwards.

Lex ripped from the nose, canines dragging 'cross the flesh and tearing the nose, doubling over and holding his gut. "s-stupid...bull..." He wheezed out, spitting the blood from his teeth and lips.

Barret stepped forward and brought his knee sharply up into his forhead. "Bite my nose you little turd."

Lex hissed and stumbled back a few feet, glaring playfully at the man. "You obviously have no idea who you are messing with."

Barret laughed "Mate im just muckin around. you right?" He said offering his hand to help him up.

Lex took the hand and pulled himself up. Once he was up he rubbed his stomach. "I thnk you hit my spine..." He joked, although, that thud only could've een made by two hard objects. He shrugged and looked back at Cloud. "I like this fellow, he's a formidable cow. He knows how to actually fight back..."

Cloud was distracted by the sun, seeing it had moved down a little bit from when they first got there. After beckoned though, he looked at the two and tilted his head. "Huh?"

Barret side glanced at him "But i was serious bout Tifa."

"Dang, you spoiled my plans of kid-napping that beautiful goddess. How sad." Lex said sarcastically. "As long as I get to see her now, I won't have to touch her." He added.

Barret shook his head and rolled his eyes "Cloud man, seriously, can we get a move on or somethin?"

Cloud looked at Barret and quirked an eyebrow. "Since when was I leading?" He shrugged and walked over to Lex, placing his hand on the man's shoulders this time. "Listen, I'd advise you not to get on this guy's bad side, okay?"

Lex slapped Cloud's hands from his shoulders and stared over at Barret. "Like I said, I like this fellow, he can actually fight back."

"Ahem." Red coughed to try and get some attention. "Do we have any plans for Shinra?" He stepped out further from behind the rocket and stood next to Tifa. "Also, I believe that it is Tifa's decision on which man she would rather be with. She is not an ornament."

Tifa smiled at Red. "Thank you." She looked at them. "Is there any sort of way we could put a stop to Shinra, or at least make some sort of plan?"

Barret grinned "Easy, we go in, go up to the head office, and" He mimed shooting his rocket "boom, there goes shinra."

"It won't be as simple as that." Red sighed. "We are outnumbered."

Barret frowned "So? That didnt stop me an Avalance fighting shinra! Its not going to stop me now! No matter what you do Nanaki IM FIGHTING!" He said growing ticked off very quickly.

Red stared at him, shocked by the use of his other name. "Well I do prefer to be called 'Red' if you don't mind. Also, if you want to get yourself killed, be my guest." He shrugged. "We can't look out for everyone, although there is no 'I' in team."

Barret scowled "But there is a ME. And you know what!? I recon your just scared! Scared of Hojo, scared of what they wanted to do to you!"

Red raised an eyebrow at him. "No, I will not follow in my father's footsteps. Seto was a coward. I fought to protect my home at Cosmo Canyon, it was my job."

Barret scoffed "Where do you think Shinra's gonna go next? the ocean? Guess what THEY ARE ALREADY THERE! Wake up to yourself, you have to get rid of Shinra NOW, not wait at your home till they show up at your doorstep, what happens then!? They are too powerful and you loose it, you must fight to keep what you love safe, I fight for Marlene, for Tifa, and for the people in sector seven that gave there lives, YOU, YOU dont fight, YOU stay at home in your little cave waiting for someone to walk past so you can growl at them. Its not right. You have to fight to protect, and that means goin to shinra.

Red laughed after listening to Barret's speech. "You do have a large mouth don't you? You think that you can take care of everything. Well, Cloud and I along with others worked as a team all those years ago. We saved Aerith. Now I want you to work with us. As a team. We aren't waiting for Shinra to come to us. We are waiting for you to cooperate and we are waiting for a plan. If you are with us, then be with us. If not, you are on your own." The great red dog glared at him. All that he said was true, about saving Aerith and working with Cloud. Red looked at Cloud and suddenly felt a slight sense of sadness. "I'm sorry, my friend." He said to Cloud. "I shouldn't have mentioned her."

Barret roared and stormed off, heading deeper into the town.

Tifa looked down at Red sadly. "I'm sorry Barret said those things. He just wants to help out, wants all of the problems to end so the people close to him can be happy. He wants a safe world for Marlene. But I also think that you are right as well, wanting to plan an attack so it is safer for those here. You've helped a lot of people," she added. "And nothing can change that fact." She looked at Cloud now, a little worried about what his reaction might be to Aeris' name.

Cloud siffled back his emoitions and waved it off quickly. "Let's just figure out a plan. We either have help from Berret, or don't have help from him. We will proceed with stopping Shinra with out him if need be. Now, whats th-" Spikey-haired man was cut off to a quick blow to the back of the head.

Lex glared at Cloud with his crimson red eyes, letting his fist fall back to his side, cloak sleeve dropping over fist. "You're just gonna let him walk off like that? Some friends you are." He scoffed as he turned and headed off after Barret.

Cloud grumbled and rubbed the back of his head, on his knees from being knocked off of balance so abruptly by the cloaked man. He stood himself up and looked back at the man, who was not there anymore. Growling, he looked back at the dog. "Now, what's the plan?" He finished.

Tifa watched Lex storm off, then turned to Cloud. "Are you okay?" she asked when he began to rub the back of his head.

Cloud nodded slowly and looked at her. "Yeah, I'm fine."

She nodded as well. "Okay," she said, turning back to Red.

Barret grumbled as he stomred off, finally yelling at somone to get outta the damn way.

Lex appeared in the shadows of a nearby alley, catching Barret in his sights and sighing. "Cow..Come on now. Calm down." He said walking beside him now.

Barret glared at him while he walked "Whadda you want!?"

"I want you to calm down." Lex said touching his hand to the man's shoulder.

Barret pulled his shoulder away "Get the hell offa me."

"Come on man. Barret, please calm down. Storming off won't solve anything, it'll only make you mad at yourself for not helping." Lex let his arm drop to his sides and let out a sigh.

Barret stopped and turned to him, advancing on him "NOT HELPING!? NOT HELPING! Its them back there! Bloody arses wont do it cuz were outnumbered, here is the crunch and they are gonna back out!" He walked till he towered over Lex.

"You are no help if you are dead!" Lex exclaimed to him, staring up at him intently. "If you were to die, what is that accomplishing Barret?! Is that stopping Shinra? cause if so then I really need you to explain how that works!"

Barret appeared to be running out of steam. He frowned unhappily "I jus don wanna be standin around when i could be hurtin shinra."

"Listen big guy." Lex said after he sighed. "You'll be able to hurt Shinra in due time. You just have to wait is all."

Barret sighed "Im no good wit standing round..." He took a deep breath "Lets go back an get this standin around plannin shit over with."

Lex felt kinda proud of himself for calming such a big person down without losing any blood. He smiled an unseen smile and nodded. "Yeah, sounds like a good idea."

Barret started to walk back, not grumbling anymore but not looking happy.

Lex saw the group coming into view once more and meeped quietly. He saw Cloud still rubbing his head and slowly shifted his feet and hid half his body behind barret.

Barret walked back in the group "right lets get this plannin shit over and done with so we can go kick ass."

Cloud glared at the man hiding behind the other. "I'll deal with you later." He said, then looked at Barret. "Slow down, I don't even know where to start with this."

Red rolled his eyes at Barret and then cleared his throat. "Now, Shinra is a huge organization. We can't just barge in there. We have to sneak in unnoticed." The dog nodded along with his words, looking at the others.

Lex slowly came out from behind the man, going over and poking Red's nose. "What was that sassy look for pup?" He asked slowly.

Red raised an eyebrow at him. "Excuse me?"

"No need to roll your eyes and get him fired up again." Lex explained breifly. "I thought maybe I was gonna get killed just calming him down."

"Perhaps he didn't notice." Red shrugged. "Now that you have mentioned it, he probably will fire up again." The dog sighed.

Barret raised his eyebrow at Lex "I dont need no damn babysitter. An you Red, stop bein so... jackassish." He said grinning

"I'm only trying to keep you as you are now, a cow, not a ragging bull." Lex said bluntly back to him. He knew that did not help what he was trying to accomplish, but went ahead and said it anyways. Besides, he didn't mind being called a cow...Right? Tapping his chin, cloak figure looked at Cloud curiously.

Cloud sighed and shrugged lightly, backing up one more step.

Red looked up at Cloud, his flame-tipped tail swishing from side to side anxiously. "Well, Cloud? Do you have any ideas?" The dog asked him.

"I suppose everyone but Barret knew we had to sneak in.." Cloud said referring to Red's previous comment. "As for ideas...I have none at the moment, forgive me Red."

"No matter," Red shook his head. "Anyone else?"

Barret scratched his chin "Could take like a plane or summat... If only the rocket were workin, could jump down onta the roof.

Lex tilted his head and walked over to Cloud, poking man's lips and forcing them into a smile. "Smile Cloud, what do you have to look so serious for anyways?"

Cloud slapped the man's hands from his face. "Why is that your concern? Anyways, you shouldn't worry about me in the first place." He said coldly.

Lex took a step back from the man and let out a low whimper. "Cloud's always such a cold-hearted man..." He said, kinda in a joking manner, but to him he thought it was the truth. He accidentaly bumped into Barret again from stepping back.

Barret shoved him back lightly "Watch were your goin jackrabbit."

Lex turned his head towards Barret, patting the air a bit. "S-sorry.." He said nervously. "Wait..Jackrabbit?" He asked tilting his head.

Tifa smiled at the group, finding the entire conversation fairly amusing. "Well...maybe some of us could go in disguised," Tifa said to Red. "And they can find a way to let the others in."

Cloud tapped his chin a few times and looked at Tifa. "That could work, but there is a huge risk of us getting caught."

Tifa nodded. "That's the problem."

"But, right now it seems our only option," Cloud said shutting his eyes and crossing his arms. "Lex, you starts thinking too, you're not excused from theese plans."

Lex looked over at Cloud, nearly shaking from excitment. "Really? You mean, more time with Tifa...?"

Tifa smiled a little. "Well, it's only an idea..."

Lex crossed his arms under his cloak and looked around, then looked at Cloud. "We could always catch them off gaurd." His voice seemed to be rather serious now.

Cloud opened his eyes and stared at Lex then looked at Tifa.

"That's a logical idea," Tifa said. "But...where would we fight them? I mean, attacking them in the open is dangerous."

"Hm, let's leave the attacking for a minute." Red nodded. "But I do believe that Tifa's idea is a good one. Perhaps if you all changed into Shinra clothing..and perhaps stole some ID tags, you might just crack it." The dog suddenly had another idea. "You could pretend you caught me, you could be bringing to Shinra or something."

Lex shook his head towards the dog. "Like Cloud siad, that holds a high risk of getting caught. I for one, don't want any of these ladies being hurt." He looked down at the ground, sighing slightly.

"I would be the one in the most danger." Red shrugged. "Tifa and the others would have nothing to worry about if you take care of them."

Tifa smiled. "Yuffie and I can take care of ourselves, believe me."

Red returned the smile. "I'm sure you can."

Lex grumbled lightly and rubbed his head. "I'm sure you can, but if we get found out...I don't even want to mention what might happen." Walking over to the shade of the rocket, Lex removed his hood, revealing chestnut-brown hair, stripped cheeks, purple eyes, scarred neck and so on. He ran his hand through his bangs, removing them from his face to see clearer. He looked at the small group frown plastered 'cross his features..This had truely been the first time he went from a playful guy, to such a serious one.

Tifa looked over at him. "We'll be okay, all of us. Just have faith."

"Thats not easy to do for someone like me." Lex mention, sitting down and leaning back against the rocket. He leaned his head against the metal.

"If we all work together, nothing is stronger than us." Red said firmly. "Friendship and teamwork is one of the strongest things out there." The dog nodded.

Barret stared at Red "Aint you just a sappy ass...."

"Yes, I am." Red merely nodded. "Deal with it is all I can say."

Cloud looked at Barret out of the corner of his eye and sighed. "Were you always such a hard ass?" He asked bluntly.

Barret snorted "At least i let it be known what i want."

Cloud shook his head and looked down. "Everybody has no need to know what you want at every moment of the day." Blonde haired man replied sharply.

"Come on, guys," Tifa said lightly. "Let's not argue or fight."

"I agree, we should all try to be nice till we go up against Shinr-"

"Oh shut up you. You are not even an ally in my eyes." Cloud said crossing his arms and shutting his eyes.

Tifa moved towards Cloud, putting a hand on his arm. "Cloud..." She looked up at him. "Please, let's work together. We need all of the help we can get."

Cloud sighed and placed his hand on her finger tips, looking at Lex now. "I suppose you're right."

Tifa smiled, happy that they were getting somewhere. "Thank you." she said.

Lex stared at Tifa and Cloud breifly, then looked back up into the air.

Barret frowned "Can we get on with this."

Cloud removed the hand from his arm and nodded to Barret. "I suppose."

"So, after a few suggestions on a plan..what do you all think?" Red looked at each person in the group for a while.

"Guess I'll be joinin' in as well." Cid said.

Barret grinned at Cid "The more the merrier. What's your weapon of choice?"

"My trusty spear." Cid replied.

Lex tilted his head from the now active Cid. Hm...I don't quite recall him from last time.. Pulling his hood up and walking out from the shadow of the rocket, Lex extended his hand and stood in front of said person. "Hello my fine fellow, I am Lex, and you are?"

Cid looked at him then extended his hand "Name's Cid." he said.

Barret grinned "That spikey punk is Cloud, The one that wants to hug him is Tifa, The little dog is red. The one stealing your Matria is Yuffie, this is Lex, and im Barret."

Cid nodded his head.

"Nice to meet you, Cid," Tifa said with a smile.

Lex gripped the man's hand and shook it breifly, looking up at Barret and quirking and eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure he gets it big guy." With his free hand he patted the short man's shoulder roughly, smiling.

Cloud looked as if he were going to fall over, for he didn't eat food for a couple days and had only a drink at the pub. He patted his stomach gently and looked at Cid, nodding his head.

"Little, indeed." Red sighed. "Nice to meet you, Cid." The dog nodded at him.

Cid nodded then looked over at Cloud "What's wrong with ya? Don't feel good?"

Cloud meerly shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine." He muttered quietly.

Lex peeked over at Cloud, smiling breifly. "Hungry? Sorry 'bout that, kinda intterupted your 'Cloud time'."

"We could talk more about this over food and drink," Tifa suggested. She looked at Red. "I just hope the people will let you in restaurants and pubs..."

"They shouldn't have a problem with him, I mean, after all. From what I heard from him so far, he's smarter then most the people in this town." Lex said glancing around his own shoulders, peering at a few stray kids running past.

Cloud rubbed one of his temples, feeling it begin to throb. "I just want to sit down for a moment, I'm not hungry." He insisted.

Tifa looked at him a little worriedly. "Cloud, are you okay?" she asked.

Cloud nodded and kneeled down momentarily, letting his hand drop from his temple. "I just want to sit down is all."

Tifa nodded, still looking a little worried about him.

Lex roughly lifted him up. he grunted a few times staring over at Barret, then to Cloud once more. "And I thought he was the cow...."

Cloud groaned and walked past him. "I didn't need your help getting up you know, I could've gotten up myself." He shut his eyes and looked down to the ground, slowly heading over to the rocket. "Shade will be nice." He murmured, now sitting against ther cool metal.

Red watched Cloud for a moment before looking up at the sky. "Perhaps we should all have something to eat like Tifa said." He nodded. "If they do not let me inside, I shall wait for you all."

Barret rubbed his gut "Yeah food is a good idea..."

"Your stomach is more important than mine." Red smiled.

Barret glared at Red "If you dont stop playin hero im going to shove my foot up that protective little ass of yours."

Red raised an eyebrow. "I was being polite. I see you have never heard of the word before."

"Guys! Come on, leave the fighting for Shinra," Tifa interjected.

Lex patted barret's shoulder gently, the turned and walked towards one of the many streets of the town.

Red followed after Lex and looked over his shoulder to see if any of the others were coming too. "Aren't any of you hungry?" He called to them all, smiling.

Cloud waved it off. He patted his stomach lightly and turned his head towards a different street.

"Alright then." Red smiled again and trotted up so he was walking beside Lex.

Lex peered down at him. "So, whats the story on that Barret fellow anyways?" He asked quietly.

"Well, let's just say that he has a strong will." The dog nodded. "He likes to do things himself, although I am concerned about when the time comes.." Red sighed.

"Ah, I wouldn't worry about him. He is a strong guy, he won't go down easily. I was just concerned about him as in family wise. You too for that matter." Lex said now looking down at him.

"Barret is strong." Red said. "My father however, was a coward. I didn't know much about my mother. I am here for many a reasons, to bring Shinra down, and to protect the family of friends I have around me." The dog smiled. "And to fill empty stomachs." He chuckled.

Lex nodded in an understanding type way. "I see. Well, at least you have a family." He said slowly.

"It's all I have." Red shrugged. "What about you? Surely you have a tale to tell? I have hardly spoken to you at all."

"There is nothing to say. But I guess I could scrape something together for you. I wa threw out as a meer baby by those reched beings you may call parents. They threw me out because of something that my father gave me, both a gift and a curse." Lex shrugged lightly. "That is all, but I did live and get raised by some people."

The dog listened quietly, nodding now and again. "I see. Well, as long as you are safe now, and you know what you want to do next, then you have nothing to worry about. Being in this group is a breath of fresh air I can tell you." Red smiled. "When I first met Cloud, and Tifa, I felt better about myself. I could do things I never knew I could. Perhaps you can, too."

"Maybe so." Lex siad tapping his chin lightly. "Maybe you are right my dear Red. But I doubt I can do more then what I am capable of now."

"Ah, you say that now." Red smiled. "Just you wait. Things will happen when you least expect it." The dog looked around. "Is that what you call a pub?" He nodded at a building.

Lex looked at the building, nodding and smiling."That it is, it's particularly the place where I interuppted Cloud's 'Cloud Time'..."

Red laughed. "Oh?"

Lex nodded slowly, staring at the bystanders of the street.

"Shall we go inside?" Red suggested, now standing outside the pub, listening to the clinking of glasses from inside.

Cid walked up to them "Not a bad place if that was what you were wondering." he said.

"Oh, no." Red shook his head. "No. I am just slightly concerned about them allowing me inside."

Lex chuckled in his throat and opened the door of the pub. "They will, I know for a fact they will. Come on Red, Cid." He moved his hand infront of him, gesturing for them to enter the door.

"Well, alright. If you say so." Red nodded and walked into the pub first, his ears filling with the buzz of the noise inside.

Cid walked in.

Lex watched the two beings enter. "I'll buy."

Red nodded. "If they serve you with me standing right next to you that is." He said quietly.

Megan looked over from where she was sitting and saw them, "Hmmm... so they are here..." she said to herslef before going back to her drink.

"Don't worry my" Lex said walking over to a table. "They will."

"If you say so." Red nodded and followed him to the table, looking at all of the other people in the pub.

Lex waved a person over to the table. "Please tell him he is aloud in here.." He said as he pointed to Red.

The person looked over at the other few people at the table, nodding a bit. "Yes, yes of course...Just so long as he is house broken..."

"I am very well trained, thank you." Red sighed.

"Can I take you orders?" the person asked.

Lex looked at Red, smiling a 'I told you so' type of look/

"Hm, a full roast chicken if it isn't too much of a bother." Red nodded. He was starving.

"Not at all my canine friend, and you?" Said person asked Cid.

Red smiled and sat down on the floor. He gazed around at the people sitting at tables who were eating and drinking. The red dog spotted a girl who was alone with her drink.

Barret walked through the door, his large frame cutting out the light for a moment before he walked over and sat by the others "Food would be good." He said to them as he sat down at a spare chair. He looked at Red "They should have chairs for you... OI!" He called to the barman "How bout like... a big box or sommat!?" He asked loudly, the barman pulled a large crate from the back and plonked it down. Barret grinned at red "Now you cant say i dont give you nothin."

Red jumped and looked at Barret as if from a trance. "Pardon? Oh! Thank you." The dog smiled and sat on the crate. "Have you seen the girl over there? She seems to be looking at Lex and I a lot."

Barret snorted "She probably finds you 'tractive. Maybe an interest for canines..." He chuckled and snorted again.

Red chuckled too. "Perhaps, yes."

Barret gave him a light shove "Go talk to 'er show her your tricks, like talking."

Lex ignored the two, not even taking a glance over in the woman's direction for in his mind he already had somebody. "I just want some water." He said quietly, removing his hood again and looking down to the table's wooden surface.

The dog smiled. "I doubt she would like that, but I suppose I could before we leave. She seems very interested in us." Red turned to Lex. "Aren't you hungry?"

"All of a sudden, I seem to have lost my appetite..." Lex said as he placed his arms on the table then laid his head on his arms.

Megan merely rolled her eyes at Barrets comment, "Foolishness..." She said before muttering quietly to herslef, "Reno should be here by now..."

Barret looked at her again, frowning slightly "Shes Familiar." He said thoughtfully

'Took him long enough to figure that much out..' Megan thought as she took a sip of her drink.

Barret clicked his fingers "She works for Reno! Shes a damn TURK!" He stood yelling.

"Finally figured it out eh?" The female Turk said. She looked surpisenly calm dispit all this.

Reno walked in just before she spoke and chuckled "Yeah the big fella is pretty thick, Sorry im late Megan." He said laughing.

Barret growled "Shinra scum!"

Megan nodded at Reno, "It's okay." She then looked over at Barret, "Indoor voices please. The last thing I want is a headach from your loud mouth." She said in a calm voice.

Barret looked at Cid and Red "You know who these are? These punks are the ones that work for the people that built that rocket!"

Reno looked over to Megan and walked around behind her, leaning down he whispered in her ear "This guy is a moron, just wind him up and watch him go, its like an explosion."

"I already figured that out." She said simply. She then looked over at Barret, "Did you not hear me? Or was I using too big of words? Mabey you'll understand these ones... Shut up."

Reno looked at her and remained low "You might want to quit while your ahead though." He said softly.

Barret growled again and threw the table against the wall, he lifted his gun arm, rocket loaded and ready "Come on then you little bitch, say one more word!"

Megan merely sighed, "Okay first of all, I'm on break. So I'm not in a fighting mood. Secondly, it's not job to fight you even if I want to. And thridly, We're in a public building here, so no need to make a bigger fool of yourself then you're doing now." she then went back to drink as if nothing had ever happened.

Reno made an erk sound. "Do you know what youve done, that is a very...very big rocket."

She looked over her shoulder at Reno, "Dose it look like I'm concered?"

meanwhile Yuffie had walked in and saw that Barret was about to fire his rockect lucher, "WHOA! Hey calm down! You WANT to blow up the building!?" She said.

Barret's teeth were bared "I couldnt care less." he said and the gun began to whine, getting up to power.

Reno put his hand on her shoulder "You know, ive always thought you were great." He said grinning.

"Remove your hand from my shoulder..." Megan said in a dark tone.

Yuffie attempted to pull his gun arm down, "Yeah well I do! You might blow the building up as well as eveyone else!"

Barret growled in frustration but let his arm drop. "Im gettin outta here." He muttered and pushed past Yuffie and walked out.

Reno gave her shoulder a squeeze before sitting next to her "Right, now where were we?"

Megan rolled her eyes, "On break." she said simply.

Yuffie glared at the two Turks. She stoke her tounge out at them before running after Barret.

Lex had sat up to watch Barret and the others, but hearing his words his shoulders dropped and his eyes became very lifeless. If he were to get pushed he would've fell out of his chair, that is how low and lifeless he felt to the words of Barret. Turks are scum...But why...why do I feel so helpless when the words come from his mouth? Why do I feel so low...? His head dropped a bit making his bangs obscure his eyes as they cast a shadow over the top of his face. He stood up slowly and turned, walking out of the pub slowly and forgetting to pull his hood up. As he walked out he knew something right now was wrong but ciouldn't quite place it so he just continued walking, walking towards the rocket and Cloud.. He needed to know from his friend that he wasn't a Turk, that the words shouldn't affet him as much as they did. Upon arrival he slowly walked over to Cloud, passing Tifa as if she weren't even an object at this point. "Cloud..." He said in a hushed tone.

Cloud looked up at him, now kinda shocked. "Lex. Your hood.."

Lex dropped to his knees next to Cloud and leaned over, hugging him and placing his head on Cloud's shoulder.

Red had been silent throughout this whole situation, he had stood up quickly when Barret had raised his gun arm. "So." The dog said calmly. "If you are on a break, why are you looking at us so much? Obviously you are interested in us. Which probably means you aren't actually on a break at all."

Barret was still in a blind rage, walking to the end of the street he let out a yell and shot the rocket, It winding through the air, going up and away till it exploded with a tremendos boom.

Cloud looked up upon hearing the explosion. "Barret...You muscle head..." He said bluntly, placing his hands on Lex's shoulders and moving him away a bit.

Tifa flinched a bit at the loud sound of the rocket, looking over at Barret. "Barret, what's wrong?" she asked, getting up and going over to him.

"Tifa...Assistance please..." Cloud said looking over to her emotionlessly.

Tifa turned back around and went to Cloud's side. She looked from Cloud to Lex, her eyes holding concern. "Are you alright, Lex?" she asked.

"I need to know something, something about me that Cloud can answer...or at least help me with..." Lex said quietly, his face still in Cloud's shoulder.

Cloud blinked and looked down at him. "Hm.."

"Oh..." Tifa said, nodding lightly. She put a hand on Lex's arm gently, then stood and walked a little distance away to give the two some space to speak without her listening.

Lex let go of Cloud and sat back against the rocket. "Cloud..I need to know why when Barret cursed and put the Turks' name in vain...why did it affect me?"

Cloud blinked and looked over at Lex. "It's simple...Because you were raised by them, in your heart you know that they saved you from death." He said calmly, looking over towards Tifa and Barret's direction. "They are your family no matter how badly they treated you and no matter how much you hate them. You can put hell's hatred to shame by hating them so much, and still be affected by somebody's words." He shrugged and stood up. "Don't let his words affect you, he's just hot-headed at times..Well, technically most of the time, but you catch my drift Lex. Listen, I know your past just as well as you do, I know your stories, you are a Turk, let's just keep that out of Barret's grasp...Okay?"

Lex nodded and continued to sit back. "I will Cloud..."

Tifa looked back at them as she heard Cloud get up, but stayed where she was as she watched them talk for another minute. When Cloud finally turned his head, she looked anxiously at him, as if to ask, Is he okay?

Cloud averted his eyes to the ground and placed his hands in his pockets. "That'll be our little secret." He gave a faint smile down to Lex then walked over to Tifa. "He's fine...Just a little upset about something is all."

Tifa nodded. "Thanks for helping him, Cloud. You're a good guy."

Wonder what that meat headed jerk said anyways? He's such an ignorrant fool... Cloud sighed and looked at Barret.

Tifa looked back at Barret, seeing him still angry. "Barret, what happened in there?" she asked.

Barret growled and turned to the others "Those Turk Bastards in there. They have ruined this place with that damn rocket, and they ruined Midgar, workin for the damn Shinra! THEY ARE SCUM!"

Cloud quickly looked back to make sure Lex wasn't reacting from Barret's little outburst. "Hey, Barret..Why not draw more attention then needed huh?" he said coldly.

"Why don't you all just Shaddap." said Cid who was obveiously getting annoyed.

FF7 World2

Username (or number or email):


2007-03-07 [silent_voice]: My internet has died, i need someone to play barret for about a week

2007-03-07 [silent_voice]: Hello, who can play Barret?

2007-03-07 [Erubeus]: I can't...I'm sorry

2007-03-07 [silent_voice]: Thats alright, there are plenty of others/.

2007-03-08 [Rat Hacker]: Hmmmm... Somehow I can see cid ordering something alcholic, not that he is a drinker cuase he is already a smoker but yeah. However Cid did drink tea but I don't remember and I can't see him drinking that here anyhow. Sorry I'm thinking too hard. Still sick gah...

2007-03-10 [Dark Shiva]: *Sighs* I feel invisble now.. I mean Megan IS a Turk so I would think that SOMEONE would recongize that TT_TT

2007-03-10 [Atayemi]: I'll post now, sorry Shiva. I didn't think you wanted her to be noticed just yet. :P

2007-03-10 [silent_voice]: Ive returned. No longer need for someone to play barret!

2007-03-10 [Atayemi]: W00t! :D

2007-03-11 [Dark Shiva]: Tis okay I'm just saying that I think they would notice her MAINLY cuzz she is in turk uniform X3

2007-03-11 [Dark Shiva]: YAY! I get to finally play Megan! *Dose the happy dance*

2007-03-11 [silent_voice]: Im thinking we should leave it here, because Barret has no self control and right now he would like nothing more than to blow up the building, and he will do it unless one of the others interferes.

2007-03-11 [Dark Shiva]: ;-;

Hmm I can have Yuffie walk in and tell him to calm down

2007-03-11 [silent_voice]: hehe go yuffies!

2007-03-11 [Dark Shiva]: Am I doing an Okay job on Yuffie? ^^;

2007-03-11 [silent_voice]: hehe nice one

2007-03-11 [Erubeus]: Barret left

2007-03-11 [Atayemi]: Missed that post. :/

2007-03-12 [silent_voice]: I believe its time for a new page

2007-03-12 [Erubeus]: I beleive so ^^
I'll make it

2007-03-12 [Rat Hacker]: I'm at school and just finished PSSA testing for today. See ya later tongith when I get home.

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