Page name: FinalFantasy7 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-04 02:00:08
Last author: Rat Hacker
Owner: Rat Hacker
# of watchers: 6
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Final Fantasy VII

Welcome to the world of Final Fantasy

Owners: [Dark Shiva] [Rat Hacker]

FF7 RulesPlease Read Before Rping
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FF7 Members
FF7 Character Pics Pictures YAY!!! 
FF7 World Here is where we RP at.

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2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: *Runs* CUT IT ANYWAYS!!!!!

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: *Shakes head* Nah...

Sephiroth: Whew *walks off to the crater* Bye bye


2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: Me go to. It's 5 am here X3

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: bye shiva

2007-08-20 [BROADCAST QUALITY.]: Can I join and make a character? : O PLEASE?

2007-08-20 [Dark Shiva]: Yeah if this pace gets revied >>

2007-08-20 [BROADCAST QUALITY.]: Haha. xD One of thse dead ones? We can try to bring it back.

2007-08-20 [Dark Shiva]: More like deadish >> Once in a GREAT while someone will add on X3

2007-08-20 [BROADCAST QUALITY.]: Lol. xD

Let's just hope this won't need to be restarted.

2007-08-20 [Dark Shiva]: I agree >>

2007-08-20 [BROADCAST QUALITY.]: Srsly.

So. DO you want me to wait til this restarts or do you want to see my character's profile now?

2007-08-20 [Rat Hacker]: I would like to see your profile now. Please personal message me with it.

2007-11-26 [Rat Hacker]: I think this wiki died.....

2007-11-29 [BROADCAST QUALITY.]: Ahh. Restart? D;

2007-11-29 [Rat Hacker]: I don't know. I think everyone else also forgot about it..... So without other RPers to play the other characters then it is kinda you know.

2007-12-04 [BROADCAST QUALITY.]: Hmm. We could try. I'll play some if we need it.

And alot fo people Love final fantasy. So yeah. ;D

2007-12-04 [Dark Shiva]: If we do start it over I can try to play Yuffie

2007-12-04 [Atayemi]: I wants Red! xD

2007-12-07 [BROADCAST QUALITY.]: AH AH. I'll claim someone. D8 After I think Of who I can actually play. >w<

2007-12-15 [Rat Hacker]: Oh okay. but I kinda feel bad about the people who don't care to post. I mean just stealing hte characters from them. But okay it work. :) I guess.

2007-12-19 [Dark Shiva]: Okay if we will do this please message me so I'll know ^_^

Oh and I wont be here Dec 22-26 for the holidays ^_^

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