Page name: Fairy Cosplay [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-23 02:46:49
Last author: *Sakura-chan*
Owner: *Sakura-chan*
# of watchers: 6
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*Fairy Cosplay*

You must use this fairy for *Anime Fairies* and the other wikis with it

1.)Princess Fairy Is: [*Sakura-chan*]
<img300*0:>Name: Kilayla
Magical Power: Can transfrom into anything and anyone

2.) Flower Fairy Is: [Bella HeartAttack]
Magical Power: Can switch her age at anytime she wants and can turn human to.

3.) Pink Fairy Is:[*Sakura-chan*] he he
<img300*0:>Name: Rosemary
Special Power: Can make flowers grow out of nowhere and gigantic flowers for defense

4.) Fire Fairy Is:[wicked fae mage]
Special Power:Read people's aura and other personal signals easily.

5.) Cosmic Fairy Is: [Asalli_Angel]
Special Power:Able to speak to all creatures and plants.

6.) Midnight Moon Fairy Is: [Fearathress]
<img300*0:>Name: Heather
Special Power: Grant peoples wishes and to use the moons power to protect the innocent.

7.) Good Luck Fairy Is: [Blood Sucking Beauty]
<img270*0:>Name: Aurora
Special Power:Good luck if touches someone. Can turn into whatever she wants.

8.) Rose Fairy Is:
Special Power:

9.) Dream Fairy Is:
Special Power:

Back to Anime Fairies or go to Best Anime Fairy, Fairy Members Art and Fairy Banner Creation Contest

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2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *sniffs at Kilayla* Is it good?

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks and turns around to knock straight into a chair* Ouch... Oopps.. *one hand reaches above the count and one pointing finger raises* One Rum and raisin please... *she orders with a embarrassed weak voice she then gets herself back to her feet*

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: neh?*giggles*

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *giggles* yeah it safe yuki ^ ^

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *she let loose a string of giggles.* Rum and raisin? Is that good?

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: wha?

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Is it good? To eat?

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* I think so ^^' At least when it comes to ice cream ^^'

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: yay!

2007-08-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: so wich one are you gonna have?

2007-08-18 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Mewl! They're all SO nice!

2007-08-19 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: you can put two ice cream balls with different flavors ^ ^ even three!

2007-08-20 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Won't the flavours change then?

2007-08-20 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: it will taste good

2007-08-20 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* And besides if they do mix then it would be two or three of your favorite tastes right? So would it really be so bad?

2007-08-20 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ?

2008-06-07 [Asalli_Angel]: Sorry, quitting

2008-07-19 [*Sakura-chan*]: oh its ok it like dead anyways

2008-07-20 [KnightAngel]: Too bad, it was quite fun anyways ^^

2012-06-14 [fae23]: hi, im sorry to interrupt but im new to this...

2012-06-14 [fae23]: *stares down*

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