Page name: Fairy Banner Creation Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-06 12:11:29
Last author: Duke Devlin
Owner: *Sakura-chan*
# of watchers: 6
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Create your own banner to put up in the front page. Well i hope you make one for Anime Fairies and good luck

1.) [Duke Devlin] Not too good, but hey! I've entered! XD

2.)[Blood Sucking Beauty]

3.)[Morningstar Rising]








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2007-10-06 [Duke Devlin]: Yeh =) But just in case, I've uploaded mine to ET now XD

2007-10-06 [Cia_mar]: i always do now.. it is easier

2007-10-06 [Duke Devlin]: Yeh I guess. Unless you don't want people to see them in your house ;)

2007-10-06 [Cia_mar]: true, but then, what is the

2007-10-06 [Duke Devlin]: No you don't understand ;)
Some of my artwork is a little suggestive, and I don't like my innocent friends to see it, so I have to upload it when no one is online, making it awkward; thus Photobucket ;)

2007-10-06 [Cia_mar]: ah... well then ask for wiki priv 99 and you can make a private wiki that is only for you to up load to,. or use the upload folder option at the top of your house, it automatically makes you a wiki and you can upload multiple images all at once, all you have to do is un choose the selection that says "make link" otherwise the new wiki is linked on your house
but if you want to upload things so that others in your friends list dont see a house change adn come running to see it, that is the way to go about it

2007-10-06 [Duke Devlin]: Ah I see, thankyou =)
Oh and how do you ask for Priv 99? oO

2007-10-07 [Cia_mar]: find a guard and ask for it... or ask hedda himself

2007-10-07 [Duke Devlin]: Oh I see, I will finmd a guard =)

2007-10-08 [Morningstar Rising]: You can also have the gaurds put a sign above your house stating that you have suggestive work, that way no one reports it.

2007-10-08 [Duke Devlin]: Ah buts it not that I am worried about; its what my friends will think =S
But thankyou =)

2007-10-08 [Morningstar Rising]: its cool I understand, is it your art?

2007-10-08 [Duke Devlin]: Yeh, its just the ocassional one is a bit too yaoi for them ><

2007-10-08 [Morningstar Rising]: laughs, I understand I do nudes myself.

2007-10-08 [Duke Devlin]: Ah I see ^^ They fascinate me, really. Though I suck at them so I don't do them ><

2007-10-08 [Morningstar Rising]: well practice makes perfect, I am not very good either, but I like to do them.

2007-10-08 [Duke Devlin]: Fair enough =) I try to practise as much as possible, but with college, its difficult ><

2007-10-08 [Morningstar Rising]: it can be, just keep at it and one day you will be very good.

2007-10-08 [Duke Devlin]: Yay ^^ Thankyou for the 'the world is not so crap' ideas in my head now ^^

2007-10-09 [Morningstar Rising]: *smiles* you're welcome. 

2007-10-09 [Duke Devlin]: ^^

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