Page name: Film-Lovers: Features [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-26 00:16:37
Last author: Paz
Owner: Paz
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Open to non-members

The featured bosses will be decided on a later date when the community is up.

Mainstreet Featured Things:

Featured Film- Every so often a film can/will be nominated to be featured on mainstreet as a Featured Film. It won't be weekly/monthly or anything, just every so often and when the bosses can get around to it. The films will have to meet a certain criteria and be in a high quality. The bosses will look at the nominees and decide what should be featured and when. A screenshot of the film will be stilled on mainstreet along with the link to the uploaded film.
Bosses: (only two for now)

Featured Director- Like the Featured member here only it will most likely go to members who makes films and other members find them interesting. It can also go to members who are just on the site to love films and then it will work more like a featured member here. It's mainly for film makers though, but the occasional film fanatic can be nominated and honoured as a featured director.
> This can also go to screenplay writers/and normal members that are generally interesting!! The name Featured Director goes along with the movie theme so that is the name!
Bosses: (only two for now)

Featured Screenplay- This goes to someone who is obviously a writer and the overall genre would be screenplays. The bosses of this must be into loads of reading and much consideration. Once again the member must be nominated by another member and then the bosses must find some way to read it (most of it) and decide on what they like. A trustworthy literate boss would be the best for this. Once again this will be an every so often occurance and not every week. Preferably at least three times a month.
>This is also for writers of scripts, scenes, etc. (for more clarification)
Bosses: (only two for now)


For the Film Lovers:

Up-Coming Movies- This will be a little section on the mainstreet page (proabbaly were the contests are now) for up-coming movies! They will be movies coming to theatres in the near and distant future that the public might be generally interested in. It will be a list of wikis and when you click it you will be transported to a certain page with the information on the movies. It will be a simple wiki nothing huge like the superwikis and any member can make one and submit it to the 'Up-coming Movie' wiki (which will be on the mainstreet page, like the Contest Section on WC). The crew that runs that page will rotate which movies will be featured.
Bosses: (only two for now)

Film Discussions- These can take place on fan wikis, in private messages and in specific forums just like here.

Tutorials- These can be made by any member for other members and posted in a wiki for that purpose. There might be a main Tutorial page to store a bunch and maybe a badge like here. It won't be anything huge.


Uploading Films/Animations/Screenplays:

Uploading Screenplays- Because screenplays are so long and rather complicated they will be uploaded into superwikis like the ones on writersco. A button up at the top will read 'My Screenplays' or 'Screenplays' and by clicking that you will be taken to the superwiki. 'Screenplays' will probably take you to the whole list of uploaded screenplays by members.

Uploading Film/Animations- Short animations can be uploaded right to a wiki with a simple priv but we're going to try to see if there is a way to take the MusMakers superwikis and add a way to upload moving images as well as sound. At the top there will be a button reading 'Films/Animations' and that will take you to the already uploaded films. Another button on your house will read 'My Films' and that will take you to the necessary superwiki for films.


Some sort of E-zine:

Features: This e-zine of sorts will have features such as Movie Reviews, Celebrity Information, Recomended Movies, Up-coming movies, Hollywood news, etc. It will have information on anything that has to do with movies and the actors in the movies. Run by members themselves so other members can get in on what's going on in hollywood. This will have editors, writers, graphic artists, tech experts, etc. It will probably not be started until the community starts to get more crew and public members and then it will be in more consideration.
The idea would be to have people who work on it familiar with the pop idol news, not someone who doesn't know anything. Movie conessieurs are also welcome and can give in their say and feelings on certain movies. Also, for people from other countries they can really help out by adding their insight on the movies from their countries and their stars.


Back to: new communities - film makers

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2006-03-06 [Paz]: Hmm... <>. I do think they get it in the UK Oo, it's a television channel here and they host their own movie awards in April

2006-03-06 [iippo]: Aaaa, like a cable-channel?

2006-03-06 [Paz]: yes :) 

2006-03-06 [iippo]: ^_^;;;; Okay, I've never had cable in any country so... *shrugs*

2006-03-06 [Paz]: That sucks, what kind of channels do you get then? (satallite?(sp?)

2006-03-06 [iippo]: In Finland we have 4 basic channels (4th doesn't show in every part of the country, like up-top north, I think) and recently it's changing to a digital system so if you have that device digi-box you get something like ten basic channels for free. And in England five basic channels, although my tv is so crap that it doesn't receive anymore, and I don't even want it to anymore, becasue I got scared of the tv-licence checker people so I use my tv for videogames and DVDs only... So I've never payd for tv-channels for other than tv-licence in Finland. There are stuff you can buy like Sky-TV and such, but I just... don't.

2006-03-06 [Paz]: Oh, I see. Over here there is a basic package of 20 odd channels (all news, and spanish channels). Then you pay a bit more for the full cable deal (what I have) and that is about 70 something channels. If you are really rich then you buy On Demand which is every channel imaginable, plus that odd ordering system which allows you to order movies and shows 'On Demand' :P Then there is satellite/dish TV which is a lot of channels as well >.<. Oh well then. The Nick blimp is still just a thought for the future until we see what applies. 

2006-03-07 [Azuri]: well you know it can still be used we just explain on the page for that award that its from an american kids award show and we should try to find out some awards from different countrys too but i dont know any since im american. cause as far as i know right now we are gonna be useing all american awards and it would be spiffy to have a bit o diversity in there^_^

2006-03-07 [Paz]: It would be best to have diversity but I really have no idea about the international awards :) I'm not saying we'll disreguard it completely but we'll just have to see. I like the idea actually to have the Nick Blimp design for an award

2006-03-07 [Azuri]: Jah would be awesome ::pokes the people not from america:: Hey what are some of your awards?? XD

2006-03-07 [LOLNERD.]: How rude! It's impolite to poketh people. I also have no clue about any of the international awards. Maybe I'll find some out, if I watch the Spanish channel enough. >.<

2006-03-07 [Paz]: They are very hard to understand even for people who know some Spanish >.> I'll see if I can look up some international awards right now

2006-03-07 [LOLNERD.]: I love Spanish soap operas. I always say, "No, Carlos! No!" And "Juanita! What is wrong with you?"

2006-03-07 [Azuri]: XD thats great^-6

2006-03-07 [iippo]: BAFTA is a British movie award, and BAA is the British Animation Award (yes, BAA as in sheep XD Look at they have those advert-animations in their animations-bit). Finland has Jussi and Venla awards, although I'm not sure if one's tv and other is film, I'll check. Then there's the really prestigious award... what is it called, that the French do? Omg, I suck at my film-knowledge stuff today... And what's Golden Globe award?

2006-03-07 [Paz]: Nice :D It's good to know some other awards from other countries. From what I can gather the Golden Glode Award is an award for any movie in the world. In other words it is another international award only for many a country and not just one or two :) Or at least that is what google told me

2006-03-07 [Teufelsweib]: we have... some kind of calf I thought given to the best movie. golden calf I thought... I'll see if I can find something about that

2006-03-07 [iippo]: The BAA could be an interesting thing to use, because it's so humorous, and it's not hard to make out what the letters stand for.

2006-03-07 [Azuri]: Jesh we should use BAA for the animation(oviously because its a animation award to begin with) something to do with sheep >>

2006-03-07 [iippo]: And the Golden Globe thing is also easy-to-recognice (nearly as easy as Oscar).

2006-03-07 [LOLNERD.]: Yes.

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