Page name: Fin, Outer City [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-10-12 18:31:26
Last author: Eyden13
Owner: Eyden13
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Kingdom 7- Fin, Outer City

 Welcome to the Fin, a city torn apart by a war with the sea. 
The king makes it hard for this fishing city to get food, causing it to be several poor.


Rp Below

Zataria slipped through the hall way and strode easily down the street. Her eyes were scanning her surrounding as she made her way down to the water. She'd been waiting for Syrian to contact her but until then... She could have some fun.

Porter hitched the hood over her head to keep her face hidden in the shadows. Between her father's unspoken banishment and the happenings of late, she wanted to make sure no one recognized her. If it wasn't for the fact she needed a special shell called Atlantian, only found in this kingdom, she would have never returned. She made her way closer to the water, scanning for the item she came for. She new for ever one Atlantian Shell there were one thousand regular ones. It could take her hours to find it.

Zataria had arrived at the seashore but instead of actually approaching the water she stood against the wall. She'd caught sight of some movement and a feral grin spread across her lips as she waited for the figure to move further into sight. Was it something she could play with.

Porter stopped moving as she felt the presence of another as the sea touched her feet. whomever it seemed to be was dark, the sea felt cold. She contemplated her next phase of action, and figured if she could not get away the sea might be her best bet. Porter knew running wasn't going to help her when she felt the next tide come in. "Hello?"

Zataria practically growled and pushed up away from the wall. It was amusing how this person had felt her presence and she smoothly strode into the light. "Hello there." She purred as she stalked forward. While she didn't seem to give any outward signs of hostility, her movements where to smooth and direct... They would make an observant person feel unsettled, as if they were being hunted by a predator.

Porter kept her calm as her eyes gazed over the woman, catching the red and black belt at her waist. Porter knew who exactly who this was instantly. There was only one assassin who'd wait by the sea at this time of night. "Hello." She knew she needed to tread carefully. "I see I'm not the only one enjoying the sea at this time of night. By any chance have you seen an Atlantian Shell?"

At least this one didn't seem to be completely stupid. Zataria thought to herself as she studied the girl in front of her. The dark haired woman's sharp eyes had caught the exact moment the girl in front of her had noticed her belt. "A sea shell?" Zataria repeated as she smiled. "Nooo... I don't believe I've been seen one." She drawled lazily. "But I'm not doing anything... I will help you look." She said, though really she wasn't giving the girl the chance to refuse her offer. An Atlantean Shell would be amusing to find... especially since this girl wanted it. Zataria was already wondering why the girl wanted the item and how much she could get for it, though she made sure to keep her face from giving away her thoughts though simply the statement she planned on helping would surely make the other girl wonder why.

Porter hesitated before she shook her head in acknowledgement. It'd be unwise to turn down the woman's help. Plus another pair pf sharp eyes would make the task much easier. "The Atlantian Shell looks much like a regular shell, but there is a slight gloss over it that shines the colors of the rainbow. I've been at this for a while, but yet to have found one. I fear they are slowly becoming extincted due to the king of this land."


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Kingdom 7
The Miss Guided Story
A Book of Miss Guided Fairytales

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2014-09-29 [Eyden13]: Are you still here?

2014-09-30 [Lirerial]: Yea, sry, completely forgot about this!

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