Page name: FinalFantasy7 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-04 02:00:08
Last author: Rat Hacker
Owner: Rat Hacker
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Final Fantasy VII

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2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: Whee! *Joins dance*

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: *Stops dancing* You know what? I cant remember where Sephiroth is at the moment...

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: Heading north i think X3

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: Yeah but i cant really make a post saying "even though sephiroth can teleport he decided to fly north and look at the countryside. He stopped "OOH SNOW!" And decided to play in the snow with a couple of wolves.' Aww innit that cute

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: *grinns* Could you imagine it, imagine sephiroth like Vanion thats on my house then picture him playing in the snow

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: XD

*Throws a snowball at you but misses and hits Sephiroth in the back of the head* whoops O.o

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: Sephiroth: FEAR MY DARK AWESOME POWERS! *Thows a bigger snowball at you*

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: O.O *Dodges it matrix style* Missed me! Missed me! Now you got to kiss me! X3

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: Sephiroth: *just points as the snowball comes back and smacks you in the face*

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: Ack! *Falls and lands in a pile of snow* X.x

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: Sephiroth: *dances* YAY I WIN!

*taps sephiroth in the shoulder and thows snowball in his face.* No, i win. Hey Shiva, you recon i could get another chary other than this fella?

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: X.x *Twicth* that snowball had a rock in it ;.;

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: Sephiroth: Yup... I cheat.

*Frowns at Sephiroth* Well shiva? Can i have another chary?

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: Sure.... *Then glares at Sephiroth* You meanie! *Kicks him in the shin*

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: Sephiroth: OW! WHY YOU LITTLE!

Me: *Slaps sephioth over the head* Shaddap.

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: Me: *Pulls out a metal bat and whaks sephy with in reapetivly* YOU.BIG.MEANY!!!!

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: Sephiroth: *teleports behind Shiva with long swordie thing drawn across her throat* No hittin me.

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: Me: O.O *Drops bat and dosn't move*

2007-02-13 [silent_voice]: *Walks up behind sephiroth and pulls his hair up high, holds sizzors to it* Let her go or i cut it all off...

Sephiroth: *Lets go* Ooh shit,, ooh shit

2007-02-13 [Dark Shiva]: *Runs* CUT IT ANYWAYS!!!!!

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