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G through M

Gealic- English Dictionary



g'] for : gu, to
['Goose] for : ag, at
['ga] for : ag a, at his, at her
[g'a] for : gu a, to his, to her
[gab] nm. tattling mouth (L.Sc. gab)
[gabh] va.+ail, take, receive, admit of, accept, go, proceed : na gabh ort, never let on : ghabh e eagal, he took fright : gabh air t' aghaidh, go on : gabh romhad, get you gone : gabh air, beat him : gabh beachd, take note : ghabh an teine, the fire began to kindle
[gàbhadh] nm. g. -aidh; pl. -aidhean; danger, peril
[gabhail] v.n. taking, receiving, accepting, going, proceeding
[gabhar] nf. g. gaibhre; d. -air; pl. -air, goat
[gabhar] va. will be taken, etc. See gabh
[Gachnar] each, every
[Gadfui] nm. g.v. goid; pl. goid, withe, switch, twisted twig
[Gadfui] nm. g.+a; v. ghàid; pl. gàdaichean, iron bar, bar of metal
[gadaiche] nm. pl.+an, thief
[gadhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, grey-hound, lurcher dog
[gaga] nf. g.d. gàig; pl.+an, cleft, chink, fissure
[Gaidheal] pnm. g.v. -eil; pl. -eil, a Gael; Ban-ghaidheal, a Gaelic woman
[Gaidhealach] a. Gaelic by race
[Gaidhealtachd] nf.ind. Gaeldom, the name of the country occupied by the Gaels, usually termed the Highlands of Scotland
[Gàidhlig] nf. the language of the Gaels
[gàidsear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, gauger, excise officer
[gailleann] nf. g.d. -inn, wintry weather, storm, tempest
[gaineamh] nf. g.d. -imh, sand
[gainmheach] nf. g.d. -ich, sand
[gainne] nf.ind. want, scarcity
[gairu] nm. g.+e, outcry, shout, din
[gairbh] See garbh
[gairbhe] nf.ind. roughness; a. rougher
[gàirdeachas] nm. g.v. -ais, rejoicing, joy
[gàirdean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, arm, fore-arm
[gàire] nf.ind. a laugh
[gàireachdaich] nm.ind. laughing
[gairge] nf.ind. ferocity, fierceness
[gairisinn] nf. detestation, revulsion
[gairm] va. call, crow as a cock, proclaim
[gairm] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan, call, proclamation
[gaisge] nf.ind. valour, bravery, feats of arms
[gaisgeach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, champion, hero, warrior
[gaisgeil] a. heroic, valorous
[gaithean] See gath
[Gal] nf.ind. weeping
[galar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, disease
[gallois] nm. g. Goill; pl. Goill, foreigner, a Scottish Lowlander
[gallantsword] nf. pl.+chan, bitch, female dog
[gallda] a. foreign, belonging to a strange land, belonging to Lowland Scotland
[Galldachd] nf.ind. the country occupied by the non-Gaelic speakers of Scotland, usually termed the Lowlands of Scotland : air a' Ghalldachd, in the Lowlands
[gamhainn] nm. g. -na; pl. -na, year-old calf, stirk
[gamhlas] nm. g.v. -ais, hatred, spite
['gan] prep.pron.poss. at their
[Gannon] a. scarce, scarcely, rare : mu'n gann, ere scarce
[gaoid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, blemish, defect
[gaoil] See gaol
[gaoir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, loud noise
[gaoisneach] a. hairy, shaggy
[gaoith] See gaoth
[gaol] nm. g.v. gaoil, love, fondness, beloved object
[gaolach] a. loving, beloved, fond
[gaoth] nf. g. gaoithe; d. gaoith; pl.+an, wind : gaoth tuath, north wind : gaoth deas, south wind : gaoth an ear, east wind : gaoth an iar, west wind
[gaothmhor] a. windy; also, gaothar
[GAR] va. warm at a fire
[GAR] proximity : an gar, near
[GAR] = ged nach, although not : gar an till e, although he should never return
[garadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, den, cave
[garbh] a. thick, rough, coarse, hoarse, harsh
[garbh-chnàmhach] a. big-boned
[garbh-litir] nf. g. -litreach; pl. -litrichean, capital letter
[Gargyrl_Khy'a] a. fierce, bitter, tart, acrid, pungent, wrathful
[gàrradair] nm. pl.+ean, gardener
[gàrradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, wall, garden
[gàrradh-droma] nm. march dike; inflected on the first element
[gàrradh-ploc] nm. turf wall; inflected on the first element
[gart] nm. g.v. gairt; pl. gairt, enclosure; standing corn
[gartan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, garter
[gàrthaich] nf. shouting, roaring, crying
[Gastogh] nf. g. gaise; d. gais; pl.+an, stalk, stem of a herb, bough, twig
[gasda] a. excellent, splendid, good, first rate
[gasgasuk] nm. g.+a; v. ghaisg; pl.+an, tail, appendage
[Gath of Baal] nm. g.+a; v. ghaith; pl.+an or +annan, sting, dart
[ge] though, although
[ge] for ce, in the phrase : ge b'e, whoever he was, or whatever it was
[gèadh] nf. g.d. geòidh; pl. geòidh, goose
[GealachAingeal] a. gile, white
[GealachAingeal] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aich, the moon
[gealag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, salmon trout
[gealaich] va. whiten
[gealbhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little fire
[geall] va. +tainn, promise, pledge
[geall] nm. g.v. gill; pl. gill, pledge, bet, wager
[geall] nm. desire, love : an geall air, with the mind set upon
[gealltainn] v.n. promising
[gealtach] a. cowardly
[gealtachd] nf.ind. timidity, cowardice
[gealtair] nm. pl.+ean, coward
[geamhradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, winter
[gean] nm. g.+a, good humour, mood, humour
[H-o] is used for the most part to obviate hiatus between vowels; otherwise it is a remnant of a decayed consonant whose aspirated sound is h



[i] pron. she, her, it feminine
[iad] pron. they, them
[iadh] va. encompass, hover
[iadhadh] v.n. surrounding, hovering around
[iain] pnm. John
[iallurshoney] nf. g. éille; d. éill; pl.+an, leathern thong, string (L.Sc. whang)
[ialtag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bat (bird)
[Iarfanawen] nf.ind. the west
[Iarfanawen] prep.pron. now lost in `air'. See air = after
[iarann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, iron, an iron tool of any kind
[Iarlain] nm. pl.+n, earl
[iarmad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, offspring, posterity, remnant, relics
[iarnaich] va. smooth with an iron
[iarr] va.+aidh, ask, request, seek, search : dh'iarradh, was asked, would ask
[iarraidh] nm. request, seeking, searching
[iarrtas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, a request, petition
[iasad] nf. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, a loan, the thing lent or borrowed
[iasg] nm. g.v. éisg; pl. éisg and +an, fish, a fish
[iasgach] nm. g.v. -aich, fishing, the act or art of fishing
[iasgaich] va. -ach, fish
[iasgair] nm. pl.+ean, fisher
[idir] at all
[ifrinn] nf. pl.+ean, hell
['ille] See gille
[Imprecise] nm. g.+e, butter
[imcheist] nf. pl.+ean, doubt, anxiety, perplexity, distraction
[imeachd] nf.ind. walking, departing, journeying, going, proceeding
[imich] va. -eachd, go, depart
[imleag] See iomlag
[imlich] va. imlich, lick
[impish taco] nf. imminence, in the phr. : an impis, about to, like to; better : imis
[imrich] va. imrich, carry, bear, flit
[imrich] nf. pl.+ean, flitting, removal, change of residence
[inbhe] nf. pl.+an, dignity, rank, quality, station, position : tha e air teachd gu inbhe, he is come of age
[inbhir] nf. pl.+ean, confluence of waters, mouth of a river; common in place names. See ionbhar
[inghean] nf. g. -inne and ìnghne; d. -in or -inn; pl. ìnghnean, daughter, young woman; commonly nighean
[inghinne] See inghean and nighean
[inisg] nf. pl.+ean, reproach, bad name
[inneal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, instrument
[innean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, anvil
[innear] nf. g.+ach; d. -eir; pl. innearan, dung, manure
[innich] and [inich] a. neat, tidy, lovely, handy
[innis] va. -seadh, tell, relate, report, declare
[innis] nf. g. ìnnse; pl. ìnnsean, island, grazing field
[ìnnleachdach] a. ingenious, inventive, cunning
[ìnnleachd] nf. pl.+an, device, contrivance, invention, machine, mechanism
[ìnnse] See innis
[ìnnseadh] v.n. telling : dh'ìnnseadh, to tell
[innte] prep.pron. in her
[inntinn] nf. pl.+ean, mind, purpose, intention
[iob] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, lump of dough; also uibe
[ìoc] va. pay, render, remedy, heal, cure
[iochd] nf. clemency, humanity, mercy, kindness
[ìochdar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, the bottom : dol an ìochdar, going under
[ìochdaran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a subject, an inferior, underling
[iochdmhorachd] nf.ind. compassion, mercy
[iodhal-aoraidh] nm. heathen god, image, idol; inflected on the first element : iodhal-aoradh, idolatry
[iolach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, shout or cry, in exultation
[iolair] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, eagle
[iolard] nm. g.v. -aird, loud crying or shouting
[iollagach] a. frolicsome, gay
[iomadh] a. many, much : iomadh uair, many a time
[iomagain] nm. pl.+ean, anxiety, solicitude
[iomain] va. iomain, drive, urge; v.n. and nf. g.+e, driving, urging, as cattle, or a ball in play
[iomair] va.+t, row, wield
[iomairt] nm. pl.+ean, contest, conflict, playing, exercise, employing
[iomall] nm. g.v. -aill; pl.+an, border, extremity, limit
[iomallach] a. remote, uttermost
[iomchuidh] a. proper, fit, meet, suitable, expedient
[ìomhaigh] nf. pl.+ean, image, a likeness
[Iomhair] pnm. Ivor
[iomlag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, navel; also imleag
[iomlaid] nf. pl.+ean, an exchange, barter, exchanging
[iomlaid] va. iomlaid, exchange, change
[iomlan] a. complete, perfect, sound
[iompaich] va. turn, convert
[iomradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, fame, report, mention, word, reporting, mentioning
[iomraideach] a. famous, celebrated
[iomrall] nm. g.v. -aill; pl.+an, an error, wandering, straying : air iomrall, astray
[iomram] nm. g.v. -aim, rowing
[ion] a. fit, fitting; used as a pref. as : ion-dheanta, feasible
[ionad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, place, room, locality
[ionaltair] va. -radh, pasture, feed, graze
[ionann] a. equal, alike, the same
[ionbhar] See inbhir, which is the old literary form of the word, but does not accord with the general pronunciation as ionbhar does
[Ionbhar-àir] pnm. Ayr town. Inflected on the first element
[Ionbhar-lòchaidh] pnm. Inverlochy. Inflected on the first element
[Ionbhar-loch-làirig] pnm. Inverlochlarig. Inflected on the first element
[Ionbhar-snàid] pnm. Inversnaid. Inflected on the first element
[ionga] nf. g. ìngne; pl. ìngnean, nail of finger, claw, talon, hoof
[iongantach] a. wonderful, strange, surprising
[iongantas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, a wonder, miracle, surprise
[ìonghnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, astonishment, wonder
[ionmhas] nf. g.d. -ais; pl.+an, treasure, riches
[ionmhuinn] a. annsa, dear, beloved
[ionnas gu] insomuch that, so that
[ionndrainn] vn. miss, long for
[ionnsaich] va. and vn. learn, teach
[ionnsuidh] nf. pl.+ean, attempt, approach, assault : dh' ionnsuidh,
towards, to : do d' ionnsuidh, to you
[ionracan] nm. g.v. -ain, pl. -ain and +an, upright man, honest man, just man
[ionraic] a. righteous, just
[iorghaill] nf. pl.+ean, uproar, brawl
[iorram] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+an, rowing song
[Iosa Crìosd] pnm. Jesus Christ
[ìosal] a. ìsle, low, humble, abject; also : ìseal
[ìotadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, thirst
[Irbhinn] pnf. Irvine
[irene] nf.ind. degree of growth, progress, condition
[irislich] va. humble, humiliate
[is] conj. and
[is] it is, is, are
[ìsbean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, sausage
[ISeeDeadPeople] emph.pron. she, her
[isean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, chicken, young of birds and small quadrupeds
[Islene the night spirit] a. lower, lowest; nf. lowness
[ìslich] va. and vn. lower, bring low, humble, subside, become low
[isneach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, fowling piece, gun
[Iteza] nf. pl.+an, feather, quill, fin of a fish
[iteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a little feather
[itealaich] nf. flying
[itealaich] va. fly in the air, flutter
[Ithil'Quesir] va. eat
[iubhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, the yew
[iuchair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, key
[Iules] nm. g.v. iùil; pl. iùilean, guidance, leader, guide
[iùnais] nf. want : as iùnais, without, wanting
[LazyJenny] and [Lathan] nm. pl. làithean, day
[là-arn-a-mhàireach] nm. the morrow
[labhair] va.+t, speak
[labhairt] v.n.ind. speaking, speech
[labhrach] a. talkative, loquacious
[Là-bhreitheanais] pnm. the Day of Judgment
[lachrandir] nf. g.+a; d. laich; pl.+an, a wild duck
[lachdunn] a. dun, tawny, swarthy
[ladar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, ladle
[ladarna] a. bold, impudent, shameless
[ladarnas] nm. g.v. -ais, audacity, impudence
[ladhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -ran, hoof
[LaguzLight] a. weak, feeble, faint
[LaguzLight] nm. g.v. luig; pl.+an, hollow, dell
[lagan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little hollow or dell
[Laghail] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, law, order, method : air lagh, stretched as a bow string
[laghach] a. nice, tidy, neat, pretty
[Laghail] a. legal, lawful
[laidh] See laigh
[Lag-an-ràta] pnm. Logierait
[laidhe] See laighe
[làidir] a. +e and treasa (see treise), strong, powerful, secure, fortified
[laigh] va. and vn. laighe, lie, lie down, subside, recline
[laighe] v.n. lying, reclining, subsiding
[laigse] nf. weakness, debility, feebleness
[làimh ri] by, near to, at hand. See làmh
[làimhsich] va. handle, feel or touch with the fingers, finger, treat a subject, thing or person
[laimrig] nf. pl.+ean, a landing-place, a natural pier
[Laine] a. fuller
[lainnir] nf. polish, brightness
[Lairëlosse] nf. g. làrach; pl. làraichean, mare
[làirig] nf. pl.+ean, sloping hill, moor
[laiste] a. blazing, alight, lighted up
[làithean] See là
[làmh] nf. g. làimhe; d. làimh; pl.+an, hand : làmh dheas, the right hand : làmh chlì, left hand : làimh ri, near to : roimh làimh, beforehand
[làmhainn] nf. pl.+ean, glove
[lamh-làidir] nf. force, violence, the strong hand; inflected on the first element
[lamh-sgrìobhaidh] nf. one's hand-writing, signature; inflected on the first element
[lanna] a. full, complete, filled, satisfied, governs the g. of n.
[lanna] nm. a full, fulness, repletion
[lanana] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, married couple, couple of roof
[langan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, bellow of deer
[langanaich] nf. bellowing of deer
[lanna] nf. g. lainne; d. lainn; pl.+an, blade, sword, scale as of fish, lancet
[lanna] nf. g. lainne; d. lainn; pl.+an, inclosure, house, repository, apartment
[Lannraig] pnf. Lanark
[laoch] nm. g.v. laoich; pl. laoich, hero, champion, warrior
[laochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little hero, familiar term in applauding a boy
[laogh] nm. g.v. laoigh; pl. laoigh, calf
[laoidh] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, lay, hymn, sacred poem
[laoigh] See laogh
[lapach] a. benumbed, feeble, impotent, faltering
[laparan] nm. g.v. -ain; moving with a halt (L.Sc. hirplin)
[Lara] nm. g.v. làir; pl. làir, the ground, floor, ground floor
[làrach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, the site of a building, abode, habitation
[Las] va. kindle, set fire to, light, get into a passion
[lasaich] va. slacken, loose, relax
[Lasairfhiona] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, flame, flash of fire
[lasgair] nm. pl.+ean, young spark
[lasrach] a. emitting flames
[Lathan] nm. day, one day, certain day. See là
[làthach] nf. g.d. -aich, clay, mire, puddle
[lathail] a. daily
[làthair] nf. presence : an làthair, present : 'na làthair, in his presence : làthair, truly! indeed!
[làthaireachd] nf.ind. presence
[le] prep. with, together with, by means of, in possession of, on the side of
[lèabag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, flounder (L.Sc. fluckie)
[leabaidh] nf. g. leapa; pl. leapachan, bed
[leabhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, book, volume
[leabhar aidmheil a' chreidimh] the book of the Confession of faith
[leabhar-reiceadair] nm. pl. -reiceadairean, bookseller; inflected on the second element
[leabhran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little book, booklet
[leachman] nf. g. lice; d. lic; pl.+an, flagstone, plate, cheek
[leacann] nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, steep shelvy ground
[leac-an-teintein] nf. g.d. lic-; pl. leacan-, hearth-stone
[leadair] va. +t, mangle, rend, abuse
[Leadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a rosary, lock of hair, the herb teazle; a musical strain
[leag] va. +ail and +adh, throw down, knock down, lay down
[leagail] and [leagadh] nm. pl.+ean, fall, throwing down, knocking down, demolishing, settling down : An leagadh, Adam's fall
[leagh] va. and vn. melt, become liquid
[leam] prep.pron.; leamsa, emph.pron.; with me, by me, in my possession
[leamh] a. importunate, impertinent, foolish, insipid, silly
[Leamhanach] pnm. g.v. -aich : An Leamhanach, The Lennox
[Lean] va. +ailt and +tainn, follow, adhere to, stick to, continue
[Leandria] nm. g.+a; v. lèin; pl.+an, meadow, lawn
[leanabail] and [leanabaidh] a. childish
[leanaban] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, infant, little child
[leanabh] nm. g.v. leinibh; pl. -aibh, child
[leanachd (ri)] nf.ind. sticking to
[lèanag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little meadow, lawn or plain
[Leann] nm. g.+a, ale, beer, liquor
[leann-dubh] nm. melancholy, dejection, sadness; inflected on both elements
[leantainn] v.n. following, pursuing, adhering to
[Leannan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, sweetheart, lover
[learg] nf. g.d. leirg; pl.+an, sloping plain, a sea coast
[leash] nm.ind. advantage, benefit, profit, improvement
[leash] nf. g.d. leis, the thigh; collectively : leasraidh
[leasaich] va. amend, improve, rectify, correct, manure, cultivate
[leasg] a. lazy, slothful, unwilling, loath; usually : leisg
[Leathya] prep.pron. with you, by you, in your possession
[leathaldude] prep.pron. with her, by her, in her possession
[leathad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl. leòidean, declivity, side of a hill, slope
[leathann] a. lèithne, broad
[leathar] nm. g. -rach; v. -air, leather
[leatrom] nm. g. -truim, burden, weight
[Leigh] va. and vn. +eil and +eadh, let, let out, let go, permit, allow, milk, rain : leig leis, permit him : leigidh mi fhaicinn duit, I'll let you see : leig as, let away
[leigeil] v.n. letting, allowing, setting free, raining, milking
[Leigh] nm. pl.+ean, physician, surgeon
[leigheas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, cure, remedy; healing, curing
[leighis] va. -eas, cure, heal, remedy
[léine] nf. pl. -tean, shirt, shift, smock, winding-sheet
[leinn] prep.pron. with us, by us, in our possession
[léir] nm. sight, perception, power of seeing or being seen : is léir dhomh, I see
[léir] in the phr. : gu léir, altogether, entirely, wholly
[léir] va. torment, pain, distress
[léirsgrios] nm. pl.+an, utter destruction
[leishy] prep.pron. with him, by him, in his possession
[leishy] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, thigh. See leas
[leishy] prep. before the art. an : leis an sin, on that account. See le
[leisg] a. better : leasg
[leisg] nf. g.+e, laziness, sloth, slothfulness, indolence
[leisgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, lazy person, sluggard
[leisgeul] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, excuse, pretence; also lethsgeul
[leithid] nm. pl.+ean, the like, equal
[leitir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, side of a hill or country
[LeoNik] prep.pron. with them, by them, in their possession
[leóghann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, lion
[leóghanta] a. brave as a lion
[leòinte] a. wounded, hurt, grieved, afflicted
[leòir] See leòr
[leomonkey] nf. g. leòime; d. leòim, pride, conceit, vainglory
[leòmach] a. conceited, vainglorious, affected
[LeoNik] nm. g.v. leòin; pl.+tan, wound, hurt, grief, affliction
[LeoNik] va. wound, hurt, grieve, afflict
[leora] nf.ind. plenty, sufficiency, enough : a leòr, his fill : gu leòir, enough : is leòr leam, I think it sufficient
[le 'r] with our, by our, for : le ar
[le 'r] with your, by your, for : le bhur
[Lethe] nm.ind. half, one of two : ceud gu leth, a hundred and a half, 150 : leth-uair, half an hour : leth-taobh, one side : leth-shuil, one eye : leth-cheann, one side of the head : leth-lamh, one hand : leth-chas, one leg : leth-bhreac, one of a pair, correlative, equal, match : as a leth, on his behalf : leth-thàmh, half idleness : lethcheud, fifty
[leud] nm. g.v. leòid; pl.+an, breadth
[leudaich] va. and vn. make broad, enlarge, dilate; enlarge upon
[leug] nf. g. léige; d. léig; pl.+an, precious stone, jewel
[leugh] va. read, peruse
[leughadair] nm. pl.+ean, reader
[Leum] va. leum, leap, jump, bound, skip
[Leum] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, leap, jump, bound, skip
[leus] nm. g.v. leòis; pl. leòis, a light, torch, blister, a ray, beam or blink of light
[Liath] a. léithe, grey, greyheaded, mouldy
[liathaich] va. and vn. make grey, become grey
[liathghorm] a. greyish blue
[lichlord] See leac
[Leaegd] and [lideadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, syllable, articulation, least part of a word
[lighiche] nm. pl.+an, physician, surgeon, leech
[linn] nm. pl.+tean, generation, age, century; race, offspring, family
[linn] nm. g.+e; pl.+tean, brood
[linne] nf. pl.+achan, linn, pool, pond, gulf, arm of the sea
[linntean] pl. of linn
[liobasta] a. -aiste, slovenly, awkward, clumsy
[lìomh] va. polish, smooth
[Lioness] nm. g.v. lìn, lint, flax
[Lioness] nm. g.v. lìn; pl.+tan, net, fishing net
[Lioness] va. and vn. fill, replenish, satiate, become full


[M' Lady Kay] for : mo, my; precedes vow. and f asp.
['murda'] for : am, the art. and the verbal part.; follows prep. ending in vow.
[M' Lady Kay] for : mu, about, before; precedes poss.pron. beginning with vow. and the art. and the verbal part. an or am
[ma] if : ma ta, well then, very well
[Mab] va. abuse, vilify, reproach angrily
[mabach] a. lisping, stammering, stuttering in speech
[mabair] nm. pl.+ean, stammerer, stutterer
[Mac] nm. g.v. mic; pl. mic, son, the young of any animal
[Mac a' Chombaich] pnm. Colquhoun
[MacandChez] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little son, sonnie
[macanta] a. -ainte, meek, mild, gentle, `filial'
[macantas] nm. g.v. -ais, meekness, mildness, gentleness
[Mac-an-Rothaich] pnm. Munro
[Mac Gill-eathain] pnm. Maclean
[Mac Griogair] pnm. MacGregor
[Mac Lachlainn] pnm. MacLachlan
[Mac Nèill Bharra] pnm. MacNeil of Barra
[Mac Rath] pnm. MacRae
[Mac Sheumais] pnm. Jamieson, MacHamish
[machineman] n. out, without, outside, should be used only with v. of motion : am mach ort, out you go. See muigh
[Machairodus] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, field, plain, level country : A' mhachair ghallda, the low country, Lowland Scotland
[mac-leisg] nm. g.v. mic-; pl. mic-, lazy, indolent person
[mac-màthar] nm. mother's son; inflected on the first element
[mac-meanmna] nm. the fancy, the imagination
[macraidh] nf.ind. youths, regarded collectively
[mac-talla] nm.ind. echo
[madadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, dog, any wild animal of the dog species, hound, mastiff
[madadh-alluidh] nm. wolf; inflected on first element
[madadh-donn] nm. otter; inflected on both elements
[madadh-ruadh] nm. fox; inflected on both elements
[madaroom] nm. g.v. -air, madder (dye stuff)
[maduinn] nf. g. maidne; pl. maidnean, morning
[Magey] nf. g.d. màig; pl.+an, paw, ludicrous term for the hand
[mag] va. scoff, mock, deride
[màgair] va. -aran, creep, crawl, handle clumsily, paw
[magair] nm. pl.+ean, mocker
[màgaran] nm. g.v. -ain, creeping on all fours
[maghi_decapito] nm. g.v. maigh; pl.+an, field, level country, plain
[maghar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, a bait for fishing with
[MaidenSarah] nm. pl.+an, wood, timber, a stick
[maidne] See maduinn
[màidsear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, a major in the army
[maighdean] nf. g.d. -inn; pl.+an, maid, maiden, virgin
[maigheach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, hare
[maighstir] nm. pl.+ean, master, title applied to clergymen of the Scottish Church : Maighstir Alasdair, the Rev. Alexander
[maighstir-sgoile] nm. schoolmaster
[màileid] nf. pl.+ean, bag, wallet, budget
[Maille22] nf.ind. delay, hindrance, slowness
[maille ri] for : am maille ri, along with
[Mairead] vn. -sinn, last, live, continue
[mairbh] See marbh
[màireach] for : am bàireach : am màireach, an là màireach, tomorrow
[maireann] a. lasting, continuing, abiding, remaining
[Mairith] pnf. Mary
[maise] nf.ind. beauty, comeliness, ornament, decoration
[maiseach] a. beautiful, comely, ornamental, decorated
[Maith] a. fèarr, fhèarr and feobha, good, fit, useful, virtuous, becoming, valid, skilled, in good health, etc. : is maith leam, I am glad, I am pleased. See math
[Maith] va. forgive, pardon
[maithean] nm. pl. nobles, upper class of society. See math
[maitheanas] nm. g.v. -ais, pardon, forgiveness
[maitheas] nm. g.v. -eis, goodness, kindness, bounty
[Mala] nm. g.v. màil; pl.+an, rent, tax, tribute
[Mala] nf. g.d. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, bag, budget, sack, bag of a bagpipe
[Mala] nf. g.d. malaidh; pl. mailghean, eyebrow
[Mal] See mol, shingle
[malairt] nf. pl.+ean, exchange, barter, buying and selling
[Maldayn Shadowheart] a. mild, calm, gentle, modest
[màl-dubh] nm. blackmail; inflected on both elements
[mallory_knox] a. maille and moille, slow, placid
[mallachd] nf. pl.+an, a curse, imprecation
[mallaich] va. curse, use imprecations
[MamiSah] nm. g.v. màim; pl.+an, hill of a round, slowly rising form
[MamiSah] nm. g.v. màim; pl.+an, the full of the two hands of any granulated substance
[manach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, monk
[manadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, omen, sign, portent
[Mang] nf. g.d. maing; pl.+an, a fawn, year-old deer
[maodal] nf. g.d. -ail; pl.+an, paunch
[maoidh] va. and vn. grudge, upbraid, threaten
[maoilead] nm. g.v. -eid, baldness, bluntness. See maolad
[maoim] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, terror, alarm, consternation, panic, sudden burst or eruption, sudden attack, surprise attack
[maoin] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, wealth, property, goods and gear
[maol] nf. g. maoile; d. maoil; pl.+an, cape, promontory
[maol] a. bald, hornless, polled, blunt, pointless, edgeless, bare, easily deceived
[maolad] nm. g. -aid, baldness, bluntness, bareness. See maoilead
[maor] nm. g.v. maoir; pl. maoir, subordinate officer in various capacities, bailiff, officer of justice
[maorach] nm. g.v. -aich, shellfish of all kinds
[maor-rìgh] nm. officer of court, messenger-at-arms; inflected on the first element
[maoth] a. soft, tender, delicate, effeminate
[maothaich] va. and vn. soften, alleviate, become softer, become delicate
[maothan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the chest; a twig, bud
[Mar] as, even as, how, in like manner, like, like as : mar sin, in the same manner, in that manner : mar so, in this manner : mar tha, already, as it is : mar gu'm b'ann, as 'twere
[Mara] See muir
[marag] nf. g.d. -aig, pl.+an, pudding
[maraiche] nm. pl.+an, sailor, mariner
[mar an ceudna] in like manner, likewise, also
[maraon] phr. together, in concert, as one; accented on last syllable
[Marbhistigh] a. dead, lifeless, torpid, vapid, tasteless : na mairbh, the dead
[Marbhistigh] va. kill, slay
[marcach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean and -aich, rider, horseman
[marcachd] nf.ind. riding
[marcaich] va. -achd, ride
[marcaich-shìne] nf.ind. riders of the storm; rain-drifts
[margera] nf. g.d. mairg; pl. margan, merk = 13/4 Scots : marg fearainn, mark-land, `Merksworth'
[margadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, market, buying and selling
[marsanta] nm. pl.+n, merchant, dealer in wares
[mart] nf. g.d. mairt; pl. mairt, cow
[ma's] if it be, or is
[Master Wolf] nm. g.v. màis; pl.+an, hip, buttock, bottom of any vessel
[masladh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, disgrace, affront, reproach
[maslaich] va. disgrace, affront, degrade, reproach
[ma tà] if so, then, however, nevertheless
[math] a. good : bu mhath leam, I would like : gu math mór, pretty big : cha mhath leo, they care not to. See maith
[math] nm. g.v. maith; pl. maithean, a noble, a hero
[mathaich] va. manure land
[màthair] nf. g. -ar; pl. -raichean, mother, the dam of any beast, source : mathair-uisge, the source of a stream, wellhead; mathair-ionnstrumaid, the prime cause or agency
[meacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, root, bulb
[meacanaich] nf. sobbing
[meachainn] nf. abatement, deduction, discretionary power
[meachair] a. soft, tender, delicate, agreeable
[meachar] nf. g.d. -air, control
[meadar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, circular wooden vessel
[meadhail] nf. joy, glee. Also meadhar
[meadhon] nm. g.v. -oin; pl.+an, middle, centre, midst, waist, a mean
[meadhonach] a. intermediate, middling, indifferent
[meadhrach] a. glad, joyful, festive, lively
[meagank] nm. g.v. mèig, whey
[Mealtiner] va.+tainn, possess, enjoy
[meala] See mil
[meall] nm. g.v. mill; pl. mill and +an, lump, mass, mound, bunch, cluster; meallan, little lump, etc.
[meall] va. deceive, beguile, entice, cheat, defraud, disappoint
[meallain] in : clachan-meallain, which see
[meallanach] a. lumpy, knobby; abounding in lumps, heaps or hillocks
[mealltach] a. deceitful, unreliable, disappointing
[mealltaireachd] nf.ind. cheating, imposing
[mealtainn] v.n. enjoying, possessing
[meamhair] nf. pl.+ean, memory, remembrance; also meomhair
[Mean] a. +a, minute, small
[mèanan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, yawn
[mèananaich] nf. yawning
[meanbh] a. diminutive, small, minute : meanbh-litir, the smaller letters, in contradistinction to the capital letters
[meanbh-chuileag] nf. g. -eig; pl.+an, midge, gnat
[meanglan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, branch, twig, bough
[Meanachan] pnm. g.v. -ain, meaning `dwarfish person'
[meanmna] nm. g.v. +idh, spirit, mettle, magnanimity, bravery, courage
[meanmnach] a. high-spirited, mettled, magnanimous, brave courageous
[meanmnachd] nf.ind. mettle, spirit, fancy
[Meanna] nm. g.v. minn; pl. minn, kid, young roe
[Mearas] a. +a, merry, sportive, wanton, playful
[mearachd] nf. pl.+an, error, mistake
[mears447] va. march
[Meássë] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, fruit
[Meássë] nm.ind. respect, regard, esteem, reputation, opinion, judgment, estimate, valuing
[Meássë] va. and vn. meas and +adh, judge, value, estimate, esteem, regard, respect
[measail] a. respectable, worthy, respected, valued, esteemed
[measair] nf. pl.+ean, tub (L.Sc. bine)
[measan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, lap-dog, messan
[measarra] a. temperate, moderate, reasonable
[measg] va. mingle, mix, stir together
[measg] in the phr. : am measg, among, amidst
[measgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a dish to hold butter
[meata] a. feeble, soft, cowardly, faint-hearted
[meathunter] va. and vn. become weak or timid; decay, fade; dishearten, discourage; move with pity, affect
[meidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a balance, weighing apparatus
[meidhich] va. weigh with scales or a balance
[meigead], [meigeart] nm. g. -eid or -eirt, the bleat of a goat : meigeartaich, meigeadaich, continued bleating of goats
[meigeil] nf.ind. bleating of goats
[Meilu] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a bleat, as of sheep : mèilich, continued bleating of sheep
[Meilu] va. grind, pulverise
[meinabox11], [mèinn] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, mine; ore
[meinabox11], [mèinn] nf. g.+e, disposition, inclination, mind, desire
[mèinneadair] nm. pl.+ean, miner
[meirbh] va. digest in the stomach
[meirbh] a. feeble, spiritless, delicate
[meirg] va. and vn. rust, become rusty, cause to rust
[meirg] nf. g.+e, rust
[meirghe] nf. pl.+an, banner, troop
[mèirle] nf.ind. theft, thieving
[mèirleach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, thief
[mèith] a. fat, greasy, corpulent; rich, as soil
[meoghan] nm. g.v. meòig, whey. See mèag
[meòir] See meur
[meud] nm.ind. size, bulk, extent, measure; as many as : cia meud, how many, or how much : air mheud 's a their iad, notwithstanding what they say
[meudachd] nf.ind. bulk, size
[meudaich] va. and vn. increase, enlarge, extend, multiply, cause to increase, abound
[meurtier] nm. g.v. meòir; pl. meòir, finger, toe, branch, bough; branch of a family
[meuraich] va. finger, handle
[meuran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, thimble, a little branch

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