Page name: Group 2-The Sea Cave [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-06-10 02:50:31
Last author: Chel.
Owner: Chel.
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The Sea Cave

Due to reasons unknown, Divya Meejiti, Steven Peabody and Silyen were thrown into a new world with a new time, completely different from their own. Nothing was familiar and there was no explanation. On everyone's left wrist is a thick, hexagonal gauntlet. On each side were two small holes. Each bracelet was of a different metal, heavy and immovable.
The air is cool and humid with the stench of salt water. The stone ground is cold and smooth to the touch. The only light comes from a dim glimmer from a deep pool of water at one end of the cave. It is silent except for the sound of gently lapping water echoing through the cave.

Divya's body was laying face down in a puddle of the cave. All at once, she jolted up after inhaling a lung full of salt water. She started to cough and sputter violently. "Ack! Fuck!" Divya cussed, finally opening her eyes only to see pure darkness. She was with her squad, busting into a criminal's quarters...what the hell was this all of a sudden? Water? Cold stone? Divya quickly lifted a hand and switched the night vision on her visor.  

Suddenly Steven popped into the cave, hovering slightly in a seated position with his hands outstretched before him. He hovered for no time at all before he fell onto the hard stone. He looked around the cave trying to figure out where he was. "Holy shit! Where am I?" When his eyes fell upon Divya he gave a start and quickly leapt up. "An Alien! Oh my god im gonna get probed!" He added as he quickly zipped and buttoned his pants.

Silyen had his sword over his head and he was charging. The sudden lack of light caused him to stumble. Thinking his helmet slipped down he threw it off only to step into a puddle, lose his footing and fall on his side. He sprang back up, his sword in front of him. Steven yelled and Silyen jumped to face him. "You!" Silyen yelled, not having seen Divya yet. "What's going on?!" He must have gotten knocked out, and this was some prison.

"This just keeps getting worse." Steven said as he raised his hands to show he wasnt armed. "I havent the slightest idea whats going on, but I think that alien might have abducted us for experimentation." he added pointing in Divya's direction.

"FREEZE!" Divya shouted, drawing her weapon at the two dimmed figures. Luckily her night vision picked them out easily. With a flick of her thumb, the odd gun charged, letting out a high pitch that went so high it was inaudible. "Down- ON THE GROUND! NOW!" Her voice was sharp and stern, but get out that she was female.

Silyen had no idea what Steven had said, let alone why some woman was telling him to freeze. Her following instruction made him wonder if she was telling him to duck. He crouched a little, looking around, trying to see the threat. When nothing happened, he looked at Divya and asked. "Why? I don't see anything."

"HEY! Get your hands where I can see them!" Divya shouted, to Silyen. Her voice echoing loudly in the cave. The vibrations rumbled the walls and a few stalactites cracked and fell around them. Divya was caught off guard and jumped a bit from the shattering rocks around her. "Where the fuck is this?!"

"Wait, so this isnt some sort of holding cell on your home planet?" Steven asked putting his hands down. "Oh this is bad, so so so bad." He started pacing and running his hands through his hair.

"Shouldn't you know?!" Divya tried to quiet her voice a little. Looking around briefly, Divya was starting to realize that she was no longer where she thought she was. Lowering her gun, she kept it loaded and active until she was sure these two were innocent. "Divya Meejiti, Cheif of the GPD."

Siylen held his sword higher when she asked to see his hands, and then he looked back and forth between the two as they talked. "So... neither of you know where we are?" he asked.

"Steven Peabody, hacker extraordinaire." He said as he looked around the cave. "And the only thing I can say is this looks like something the away team of the Enterprise would be in." Upon saying this he made sure that he was not wearing a red shirt.

Silyen dropped a shoulder with an annoyed look on his face. "Do either of you know where we are?" he repeated, annoyed that the clearly crazy boy had ignored him.

Divya's posture relaxed, now that she learned that these two were clueless. "I haven't a clue...I was driving my cruiser and all of a sudden wake up face down in water." She kept her eyes on Steven. Hackers were some of the biggest theifs there were! At least... where she was from. These two were dressed like they fell off of the loony bin. "What sector are you two from?"

"Do you two just like making up words?" Silyen asked rhetorically, lifting his shoulders and looking wide eyed at the two like they were crazy. As he did so, his bracelet caught on his tunic and he lifted his arm to observe it. It was silver and covered in Germanic engravings, the insides of which were slightly tarnished. "What the Hell?" he asked, moving his arm about. Not wanting to put down his sword, he awkwardly tugged at the bracelet before switching his sword to his free hand and tugging again. 

Her night vision not working very well, so Divya turned it off and lifted her visor. As her pupils adjusted, she also noticed the odd bracelet on her wrist. "What the fuck?!" Divya swore, quickly putting her gun away in her belt clip. She too tried to removed the bracelet manually, but it didn't budge. "Were we kidnapped?! Were is this?" She tilted her head up to look up at the wet cave top. 

Finally catching sight of his own bracelet, Steven began to worry even more. "Oh man oh man oh man." He began his pacing anew, "We are going to be experimented on and made to do tests like freaking lab rats!"

"Ok whatever language you guys are speaking off and on, just stop," Silyen said after he gave up on his own bracelet. "We were all kidnapped apparently. I'd really love to know how. A minute ago I had fallen off my horse and was charging into a group of Irishmen. I just, blinked and poof. What about you guys?" Maybe if they all stopped freaking out and tried to figure out their connections something could be done. Though internally freaked out, Silyen had a way of making it seem he was bored.

"I was on my way to a crime scene and found myself face down in a puddle of water."Divya explained before she paused, "Did you say 'horse'?" No way- the majority of those species had either died out or were on special Earth reservations.

"I just got home from work and was on my computer looking at...material when I suddenly appeared here." Steven said as he cleaned off his glasses of mist and dirt. "I do know of one obvious thing now that we are all talking. We are obviously not from the same time. If I ask Mr. Sword over here what his Facebook name is I can promise he is going to look at me like I just sprouted a second head. And you, our alien friend, will tell me that Facebook and Myspace were outlawed after the great Social Site War of 2341 where the fanatics of each site brought the world to near collapse due to their fighting." He rambled on seemingly not caring if they were listening.

"Fuckin' loony." Divya spat, making a face at Steven. "They tried that whole time travel shit a few years ago. It's impossible." Then again, it would explain a few things about their situation.

Silyen watched the whole scene, not understanding a word. "... Any one of you willing to translate for me?" At least they seemed to somewhat comprehend each other. Silyen felt doubly lost with them chatting away. 

Divya really didn't know what to tell him. So she glanced around and replied, "How about we get out of this tunnel first." Her attention went to the only light source in the cavern. Unfortunately it was at the bottom of a pool of deep water. "You guys can swim right?"

Silyen looked down at his armor and scowled. "Yeah..." he said unhappily as he started to unclip his breastplate. He'd have to swim with his sword. There was no way he was leaving it behind. This was going to suck.

"Well, about that." Steven said. "Im not exactly an 'outdoorsy' kind of person and havent had much swimming experiance." He explained as he glanced over into the water apprehensively.

"Alright, that's fine. I'll help you." Divya said. It sounded more so that she said it out of duty rather then pure kindness. "It...looks a bit deep though. Maybe I should check and see first." After making sure everything on her belt was secure, Divya lowered the visor on her helmet. Airtight, they work just like goggles would. Getting down onto her knees, she slipped down into the pit. "The water is very warm..." Perhaps it was a clue as to where they were? Tilting her head back, she took a large gasp of air before going under. As the two saw Divya's figure become more surreal from the water's ripples, a vibrant green glow emitted from her boots that thrust her down and out of sight.

Silyen watched her disappear and stood there awkwardly. "I've never seen a woman so naked before," he observed out loud, trying to make conversation. "Is that normal? You know, where you two come from?"

"God I wish!" Steven said with a laugh before he realized what he said. "Well she isnt from where im from and where I am from you have to pay money to see naked women."

Silyen took a little comfort from this because it was true for where he came from as well. Truthfully, being a warrior, he could easily go on a whole raping and pillaging spree, but at the moment, his people were acting as protectors, not conquerors. Besides, the idea of attacking a lady always turned him off and well as angered him.

A while passed before the figure of Divya reappeared and swam up to them. She gasped for air when she broke the surface of the water. She lifted her visor, "Alright- it's about twenty feet down and-" she took a breath, "It's a good distance for swimming but there is an air pocket halfway that we can take a breath in."

A very unhappy expression appeared on Steven's face at the thought of trusting his life to a complete stranger and an alien. "Are we sure there is no other way out?" he asked as he scanned the area for an alternative route.

"Oh shut it and get your ass moving! Even if you take in water and pass out, we'll resuscitate you." Divya said carelessly. "Plus- if I drag you along with me, you can at least make it to the half way point."

"Hey, least you're not hauling a sword," Silyen said to Steven. He was nervous, and grumpy. He wasn't the best swimmer. There weren't many opportunities to swim where he came from. That and leaving all of his armor behind in this strange, possibly dangerous place was beyond uncool. He debated going in first, but decided not to.

Steven grumbled as he removed his glasses and stuffed them into his pocket as to not lose them. He sat down on the edge of the rock and slowly slid into the water. He held onto the ledge with all his might so he wouldnt sink.

"Wait! Up!" Silyen snapped at Steven. He was used to barking orders. "Who told you to get in? This lady person here aughta go first. What if you drown and block the tunnel? We know she can make it, so if she goes first, and we take too long, she can drag us out the right side. I mean..." he looked at Divya. "I am making sense." He didn't ask it as so much stated it.

Divya just stared hard at Silyen for a moment, as if going over what he just said in her mind. "Lady person?" She lowered the eye guard that was on her helmet. "That was the game plan to begin with. I'm going to drag stick-legs-here behind me." Divya explained, gesturing to Steven. "Wait- didn't you say you could swim?" she asked to Silyen, hoping it was true.

"Not like im right here or anything." Steven mumbled under his breath as the other two kidnapees squabbled. He reassured himself on his grip of the ledge as his arms were beginning to get tired. There was also this nagging feeling rising up in his mind that he wasnt going to live to see home again.

"Thought you were being sarcastic about the whole... drag him thing..." Silyen responded, not very comfortable with some lady telling him off. He ignored Steven. "And yeah, I can swim. I don't get many opportunities to, but I can."

"Nope. I'm going to drag him." Divya said flat out. She turned around for Steven to climb onto her back. While still talking to Silyen, she added, "I can hold onto you if you want. I think my boosters can propel all of us as long as it's underwater." she said, referring to her boots.

"Ok, you guys keep saying these words, and I have no idea what they mean. So you either have to speak more simply, or I don't even know. I'm getting like, every 8 words." Silyen said.

Divya didn't know how to simplify for him. "Uhm- my boots make me move faster." she attempted. Waving her hand, she said, "It's magic!" with a sarcastic expression. "Now let's move it- there is an air bubble half way that we can stop at."

Steven grumbled something illegible before moving over and getting ahold of Divya's back. "If this is the way its going to be then they needed to find their ways back and quickly." he thought to himself.

Silyen was so confused he started to wonder if he was crazy... or maybe drugged. Everything about that woman made no sense. And that kid was constantly speaking jibberish. It was like a weird disjointed dream. He squinted his eyes to the side, wondering if he was really here at all.

"This water isnt exactly getting any warmer you know." Steven said in a digruntled voice. This warrior dude was a big whiner, not what he'd expected.

Divya rolled her eyes and looked down at the pool of water. "Hold your breath." she commanded. Gripping even tighter to Steven's legs, she dove down. If the guy could swim, he would follow. If not- she would have to go back to get him. The boots propelled the two deeper without much effort.

Silyen steadily became more skeptical if this was real as the two seemed to disappear a little too quickly through the water. Though the idea of swimming through a tunnel made him anxious, he felt he had to prove his worth. He slipped in, took a deep breath and began swimming.

"Dont drown, dont drown, dont drown." Steven found himself repeating in his head as the sped through the water, but if they didnt hurry up and reach that pocket of air it wouldnt matter how many times he chanted it.

Divya hurried to the air pocket she had rested in earlier. Knowing that Steven wasn't an athlete, she went as fast as she could. Moving up towards the top of the cave, their heads broke the surface in a small little pocket. It kept their heads low to the water, making it difficult to rest. "Ready?" she asked him.
Without waiting for a reply(because it was taking too long), Divya dove down again. With her visor as goggles, she glanced behind her underwater to see if the other guy was coming.

Silyen was making his way and keeping his cool. He was a warrior after all. He charged headlong into armies and didn't blink an eye. Plus, if this was real, he wanted to show he could handle himself. He was starting to go blue in the face when he reached the air pocket and took a loud inhale.

Steven had just caught his breath and was getting ready to reply when she went back down. "This blows so hard." he thought with a frown.

They came up near a rocky cliff side that was roughly two feet above the water's surface. Palm trees and other various foliage could be seen at least a quarter mile into what looked like an island. The air was thick and moist with a salt water taste. The temperature was warm with an oceanic breeze, they were somewhere tropical it seemed. Luckily the water was calm and only brushed the rocks with slow swoops.

Divya and Steven managed to make it to the other side without any real obstacles. After making sure Steven could breath fresh air, Divya pulled his arms off of her and directed him to the rocks.

Steven kicked and flailed and rolled and everything he could do to keep himself above water and make it to the rocks. Upon arriving he collapsed on the ground and laid there panting hard.

"I didn't see blondie down there." Divya commented, staying in the water for the time being. She needed a moment to rest her lungs.

Silyen dove back down and slowly made his way to the other end. He was a tough cookie. He was determined to make it.

Divya gasped back when Silyen popped up right next to her. She had to admit that she wasn't expecting him to be right on their tail. "Well hi." Divya said, unamused. She looked over to where Steven climbed up and made her way over to the rocky wall.

"Wasn't that hard," bluffed Silyen as he weakly pulled himself onto dry land and sat breathing heavily through his nose for a while. He looked around as he tried not to pant. He had never seen anything like this before. None of this made any sense. Everything was somewhat surreal... and the fact that he had just appeared there in mid charge... As usual, he kept such thoughts to himself.

"Where the fuck are we!?" Divya asked angrily after getting up on dry land. Taking her helmet off, she exposed her dark completion and short, boy-cut hair. Divya proceeded to shake her boots, flinging water out of the bottom.

Steven raised his arm, pointing into the air as if he was about to say something before he let it fall limp to the ground and he continued to pant loudly. "As long as they have a decent DSL connection I dont care." He forced out between breaths.

Divya finished getting the water out of her boots and took a deep breath. "Well I guess we should look around? Hopefully this is just a vacation dome or something."

Silyen had enough of their nonsense words. He got up and looked around. There was no reason to head in any direction. "Let's head north," he said, feeling like that was a good direction for no reason.

His guess was as good as hers. Divya wanted to let her boots recharge for a bit before using them again, so she would walk with them. "Lead the way, blondie." she said with a mock enthusiasm.

EVENTUALLY the group headed off of the rocks and into the jungle.

Divya was even more irritated then before now that her hunger was setting in. "Will you hurry your ass up?!" she shouted back at Steven as he drifted behind.

Steven dredged along behind them, severel paces behind them, literally dragging his heels. "What I wouldnt give for a Slim Jim and a Red Bull right about now." he mumbled to himself.

The group walked on through the jungle and it quickly thickened as they moved deeper. After slicing a cluster of plantation, the three came face to face with a small statue that was carved out of natural stone. It was an unearthly specimen, like some sort of mythical being. Then they noticed that 6 different, carved figures seemed to be surrounding them. Before anything could be said or done, the ground under their feet gave way. They tumbled threw the forest floor to The Temple Entrance.

Back to: Gallery of Stones
Characters:The 6
Group 1-The Volcano

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2010-04-23 [NOOOPE]: I have a harder time finding pay sites... usually it's drawn stuff that the artist wants money for doing. Then again, I am a massive pervert...

2010-04-23 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz. I have three as well that I can name off the top of my head that are free. And I am amazed at the difficulty you have finding pay sites. I never was capable of finding free sites and would normally run into an average of 15-20 pay sites.

2010-04-23 [Chel.]: WHY did neither of you post?

2010-04-23 [Lord Josmar]: Busy. Babies. No time to post.

2010-04-23 [Chel.]: Dont comment then, use your time to post! XD
That never makes any sense to me...

2010-04-23 [NOOOPE]: I was the last one, so don't yell at me.

2010-04-24 [Chel.]: I wasn't love... :)

2010-04-27 [Chel.]: ?

2010-04-27 [NOOOPE]: Waiting for the other guy, same for the other page.

2010-04-27 [Chel.]: HEY JC!

2010-04-27 [Lord Josmar]: Sorry. No internet and starting new job. Posting on phone, will post now.

2010-05-03 [Chel.]: ...anytime, guys...

2010-05-13 [Chel.]: Your up, M.

2010-05-13 [NOOOPE]: oops...

2010-05-13 [NOOOPE]: Wait... she's gonna get them both at the same time?

2010-05-13 [Chel.]: not anymore?

2010-05-25 [Chel.]: fuck sake guys

2010-05-26 [Chel.]: ?

2010-06-08 [Chel.]: Alright. I'm giving you both two options:

-Letting me jump us together with the other group where the real action begins. In which case, you need to actually post something more then once a week.


-Call it quits

2010-06-08 [Chel.]: Alright. I'm giving you two three options:

-Letting me jump us together with the other group where the real action begins. In which case, you need to actually post something more then once a week.


-Call it quits

2010-06-09 [Lord Josmar]: jump.

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