Page name: HaRPy! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-16 16:55:56
Last author: Chimes
Owner: Barock
# of watchers: 22
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Greetings, ladies, gentlemen... frogs. Pull out a chair, sit down at the table. There's mead if you like and food roasting on the fire. We're a hospitable bunch, aren't we? Anyway, enough of my coddling...

Welcome to the HaRPy! Role-Play Guild - our very own one-stop shop of horrors, delights and awesome Role-plays. From fantasy to real-life, any RP can be part of HaRPy! All we ask is that it is unique.

Featured wiki: <URL:featured_wiki-pages.html?nrs=32>


The Elite

The esteemed guildleaders. Bow and obey, you know you want to.

The Guild Master: [Barock]
Essentially, the boss-man. Enter this guild, he owns your soul. Forever.

The Resident Sorceress: [Chimes]
She makes things look pretty, as if by magic. Wonders never cease with this odd, little gremlin-hybrid.

The Guild's Knight: [Swollenfish]
He's epic, but sadly lacking in steed. What he lacks in steed he makes up for in 'Nii!'

The High Priestess: [Thrice]
Well, we say Priestess, she's more of a Goddess - there's talent, oh yes.


The Avery

The places you need to visit.

About HaRPy!
Everything you need to know about this dazzling wiki.

HaRPy! Rules
The rules of joining and the submitting of RPs.

HaRPy! Members
Those lucky enough to have been accepted into HaRPy!

HaRPy's Roost
Only Elite allowed. Shoo! Scat! Flee!



HaRPy! RPs

Role-plays in the HaRPy! network.

Wisdom or Subtlety? Which path will you take?

New Mind
Some of us are born different...

Masked Morality
Superman and Wonder Woman are so overrated.

Clock strikes one, foul deed's begun.

Hyde's Illusion
Do you see me now?


Original badge frame by [May-lea], edited by [Chimes].
All other graphics by [Chimes].

Username (or number or email):


2009-02-28 [Chimes]: *First comment for kicks*

2009-02-28 [Barock]: :O *kicks back*

2009-02-28 [Chimes]: Heeeey! >.> That didn't mean kick meee >.<

2009-02-28 [Thrice]: Sweeet. -feels like home-

2009-02-28 [Chimes]: Yaaay ^^
Sorry it's not pretty yet. XD I'm working on it. XD

2009-02-28 [Barock]: Shannnie, want me to put up your new Rp? :)

2009-02-28 [Thrice]: Oh. sure. You can if you want. :]

2009-02-28 [Barock]: Awesome, will do :)
That's what the page is for afterall :)

2009-02-28 [Thrice]: Hahaha. Yeah. Thanks alot.

I didn't expect to get like... a place here. -blush-

2009-02-28 [Chimes]: You haven't just got a place. :P You're one of the Elite! Because we rock. :P

2009-02-28 [Barock]: We doo :) And ofcourse Shannie xD
Your Rp's rock, I think the first Rp I was in on this site was one of yours :)
Oh and is the mini description okay under your Rp?

2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Temporary graphics up. :] I'll try and do the manip for it tomorrooow. This wiki is special... it gets it's own full scale artwork. :P Feel proud.

2009-03-01 [Barock]: :D I do!
Awesomeness in a can!

2009-03-01 [Chimes]: The reason for the temporary graphics is that it would bug me if I left the brackets there for any longer. XD

2009-03-01 [Thrice]: Oh, yes, that is fine. It worked out rather well.

And I'm very proud of have you say that. -smile-

I need to get around to making my other new one. I will.. Promise. :]

2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Also, are you happy with your title and tagline? They can be changed if you want. ^^

2009-03-01 [Thrice]: Nah. It's all good. Much more than I expected, so thank you. :]

2009-03-01 [Barock]: :D awesome!

2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Yay! ^^
Hopefully Ryan won't be offended about lacking in steed. XD But he can change it if he wants... XD If he is ... we can blame Matt... it was his idea XD

2009-03-01 [Barock]: :P i think it's funny!

2009-03-01 [Chimes]: It is funny. XD But I feel mean for typing it. Xd We'll see what he says.

2009-03-01 [Swollenfish]: Depends what you mean by steed :P

2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Well. What would you prefer we mean? :P

2009-03-01 [Swollenfish]: Horse, in all honesty. There's never good ground otherwise. ^^;

2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Ah, good then. :P That's what I meant at least.

2009-03-02 [Chimes]: Omg... all four of us have RPs up here now ^^ Even if mine isn't finished *cough*

2009-03-02 [Barock]: :P tis awesome!

2009-03-02 [Chimes]: It will be alive soon enough. :P

2009-03-02 [Linderel]: *haunt*

2009-03-02 [Chimes]: I have a theory. You are secretly my Elftown stalker. :P

2009-03-02 [Linderel]: Pssssch, me, a stalker? Codswallop.

2009-03-02 [Barock]: Do you like HaRPy! ? :) New person. xD

2009-03-02 [Chimes]: Linders, admit it... you are in love with me. *bats eyelashes* XD

2009-03-02 [Linderel]: Hahahahaha xD

2009-03-02 [Chimes]: I'm taking that as an admission. :P

2009-03-02 [Linderel]: As you wish :P

2009-03-03 [Chimes]: I mean, I am completely and utterly gorgeous... *coughhackwheezespew* XD

2009-03-03 [Linderel]: *giggle*

2009-03-03 [Rice]: May I submit an RP Chimes?

2009-03-03 [Chimes]: Better to ask the entire Elite rather that just me...
But... Barock hasn't made up the rules yet. XD *hint hint*

2009-03-03 [Rice]: LMAO...subtle.
NOTE TO ALL THE ELITRE: *put on a smart tie* I would like to put forward my rp Hyde's Illusion to go on this wiki please.

2009-03-03 [Barock]: *puts on guildmasters hat*
*tips it in a thoughtfull way*
I shall read it

*takes it off*
If we put it up, the HaRPy! Badge will need to go on your Rp page, but you'll likely get more players :) It's all written down somewhere.
(we dont have a badge yet, but when we do :) all the Rps up there will have one :)

2009-03-03 [Chimes]: Is that a hint, Mister Barock-sir?
*goes to set up discussion wiki*

2009-03-03 [Barock]: Hmm, well i don't get the overall say, though I do have a nice title :)
It looks VERY interesting, certainly unique. Could you Pm me with a brief description type thing? :) (beyond what's on the page) then we'll get Shannie and Ryan's oppinions :)

2009-03-03 [Chimes]: On the superspecial wiki *nod*

2009-03-03 [Barock]: Oh deffo :)
Love the roost :D

2009-03-03 [Chimes]: Haha. I need to improve it... my babble is lame. XD

2009-03-03 [Chimes]: Are we liking the graphics? :P *is so freakin' proud of that Harpy*
And do you approve of the badge-mimic? :D
*prances around in sorceress garb*

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