# of watchers: 16
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2005-10-30 [Charybdis]: Slightly ;)
2005-10-30 [nokaredes]: Is this contest closed now?
2005-10-30 [Charybdis]: Yes. It's been about 45 minutes :)
2005-10-30 [nokaredes]: *annoyed*
2005-10-30 [Charybdis]: The deadline was on the main page, and it is past midnight Elftown time... :/
2005-10-30 [nokaredes]: I don't see the main page, and I never said I was annoyed at you ;P
2005-10-30 [Charybdis]: ^^; You don't see the main page?
2005-10-30 [nokaredes]: >_> ...not often enough to remember the end date to this contest...
2005-10-30 [Charybdis]: Ah. -_-;; Well, there's always the Christmas one...
2005-10-30 [nokaredes]: Pfft.
2005-10-30 [*Midori*]: Dang I went out trick or treating the deadlines over! *crys* I wanted to edit my pic more! ...Oh well candy makes it better *eats a whole bag* lol
2005-10-30 [Leara]: O.O It's not halloween yet...how could you go trick or treating
2005-10-30 [Lothuriel]: lots of places are having trick-or-treat
2005-10-30 [Leara]: O.O Weird. We've always done it on Halloween night.
2005-10-30 [Lothuriel]: Usually here we almost always have it on Friday before or after...this year we are having it on Monday and that stinks.
2005-10-30 [Leara]: Why? Most people I know of don't stay out later than 9, so even on school nights you still get as much candy as on weekends
2005-10-30 [toycar]: where i live, the best candy you get are cough mints from 80 year old men... or dental floss. :(
2005-11-21 [Lakayana]: why can't I find a badge in my own house? I see the Halloween Art 05 badge in the houses of all those who participated except me. Am I exemted from it?
2005-11-21 [Child of God]: I don't have a badge either. How do we go about getting one if we submitted art?
2005-11-21 [Lothuriel]: Be patient and wait....
2005-11-21 [Charybdis]: Badging doesn't happen on its own, which is why it can take a while for everyone to get one. :)
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