Horses by Tanka
These horses in these photos are all my personal mounts. Please comment here if you use one of my pictures. The horses are:
Second Chance~ A registered National Show Horse mare. She is 14-15 years old and about 15-15.1 hands tall. She is bay and has a star and a snip.
WanKenYanTanka~ A Mustang gelding. He is 9 years old and about 15.3-16 hands. He is a dark bay.
Sonney~ A Quarter Horse gelding. Tech. is a champaign palomino, but grey works too. He is 16.2-16.3 hands tall.

Tanka and sonney together...aww
This is my Reg. National Show Horse mare. She's an angel and she's covered in snow.

My mustang WanKenYanTanka and our flock of sheep.

She was tossing her head in this shot.

She was waiting for her treats after working so hard taking pictures...she
's such a diva. 
Pic of the Mustang again after his showmanship class.

This is Tanka again

Sonney the camera hog

curious horse
More Horse photo reference
/ [Tanka]
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