Page name: Hummingbird's Tutotials - Effects [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-18 17:01:49
Last author: Hummingbird
Owner: Hummingbird
# of watchers: 1
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Welcome to Hummingbird's Effects Tutorials!


Same as last time ;p
This tutorial will go through the different processes of making effects step by step for you, my rather sloppy process >:3. Remember this is only my way of making special effects, you will have your own style that will work for you :) this is just to give you an idea on how to get started lol heres a tip before we start, make sure your wrists aren't resting on the edge of your keyboard! Ouch huh? And twice over! Double ouch!


Its raining its pouring!

Hummingbird's Tutorials -Rain Effect


Enjoying yourself so far? Got those fingers going? Whats next huh? anything else you can work on? of course there is! What do you take me for? a lazy person?? Dont answer that >:3

Back to Hummingbird's Tutorials for more!! Or run the other way, which ever works for you :3 get back here!!

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