Page name: Iron Giants [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2007-01-05 14:17:20
Last author: Dreamseller
Owner: Dreamseller
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Then there are the Iron Giants.

Description: An Iron Giant is a creature that's twenty feet tall, and about twenty tons. But don't let the size fool you. It has it's weaknesses, and many at that. These include not being able to lift nothing more then a large rock. Not a boulder, Nothing big at all. Another weakness is the cracks in the armor, allowing the creature to move. The whole race is mainly used to insue fear in the enemy's heart, and showing their supremacy.

Rank: Part of the SGF (Strong Ground Forces) of the Oppression. Also the lowest of the SGF.
Weapons: Mainly their arms and feet for crushing, but also rocks.
Stamina: Basically, you can't kill them unless you put a bullet through the cracks. Even an RPG wouldn't stop them. They're a sort of tank for the Oppression.
Skin: Iron. Nobody know's how they operate, but a theory points out that a creature might be "inside" the iron shell.
Trasporation: Legs, or portals.

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