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Jamie Elisa Lannell [Logged in view]
2004-06-02 11:44:56
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Jamie Elisa Lannell
(any similarity to existing persons, are coincidental, and not meant to be. This character is copyrighted to [
You see a bright cheery girl, usually chitchatting with someone. There is just something about her, something you can't exactly set your finger on. Maybe it is the clothing, maybe it's her way of acting.. When she notices you, she will most probably wink at you, smiling. She'll more than likely talk to you if she knows you.
User Name:
Character name:
Jamie Elisa Lannell
Mutant Name:
Iron Angel
The ability to make massive blasts, released by touch. E.g. she can hit things, with her fists, and get the same effect as if an anvil were used for the same thing. With this power, she create enough force to punch through a 1 yard thick concrete wall, with one strike. But it takes so much of her power that she will most likely faint.
y to ballistics, projectile weapons, massive damage, and stuff like that. Meaning, she can't be physically harmed by solid things.
She absorbs the energy from objects that hit her, and thus she needs to unload that stored energy somehow. Commonly she will use the absorbed energy to deliver more poweful attacks, or use less of her own strength in the attacks made by her.
and on the negative side:
empowered pain receptors. Pain is felt 10 times more intense, than most normal people feel it.
General appearance:
Medium height, 5'6” (167,64 cm), medium weight, 120 lbs (54,5 kg). Slender, yet curvy build and a little bit muscular. Long, waistlength honeycolored, nearly golden, hair.
Additional appearance:
A fine face, relatively big, blue eyes, usually wears makeup to make them appear smaller, a normal shaped nose, an usual formed mouth.
Wears her hair in a single braid most of the time, but can sometimes be seen with loose hanging hair.
Mostly wears baggy pants and a tank top of varied color, but usually white or bluish. Also she commonly uses simple shoes, of the brand DVS. Basically, she mostly wears clothing that's easy to get on and off, for the sake of changing into working clothes.
Three words to describe her demeanor. Friendly, outgoing, cheery. Her nature, on the other hand, are a little bit different. She rarely speaks about her power, and what she does actually feels deep inside of her. That's one of the reasons why she doesn't like empathics and telepathics so much. Simply put, she hates the thought that someone knows what she feels, and what she thinks about. If she feels down, she will most reliable be found with her car, working on it.
Special Skills:
Good with mechanics, intuitive fighting skills (knows when to dodge, and when to strike back), dances like a dream, and also have a rather good singing voice. Thus, she sings alot. Especially when she's working.
Place of birth:
London Memorial Hospital, London, England.
Weapon of choice:
Her own body.
Medical information:
Healthy. No need of medication. Not unless she haves her period. Painkillers en masse then.
Brief History:
She had a happy, ordinary childhood.. Until she came to early puberty, when the serious teasing from the boys began. When she was 13, a boy came up on her from behind, and squeezed her butt. Of course she didn't like it, and then turned to slap the boy. At the time, she was a bit angry over something a girl said to her earlier that day. These two incidents triggered together the manifestation of her power. When she hit the boy, his jawbone cracked, loudly. And then she ran to her classroom, picking up her stuff and ran home in horror. She changed school after that.
This is something she won't talk about to anyone. Only her parents know the exact details of it all, and that she is a mutant. At least in her family, that is.
After some years, 5 to be exact, her parents heard about Xaviers School for Gifted Youth, and decided to send her there. She was happy about it, as she had never met another mutant before.
Mother, Jonna Lannell, and father, Anthony Lannell.
They are living peacefully in England, London, so on. Other family is some cousins, aunts, uncles, and other varied distant relatives. Like a normal idyllic family. Except Jamie is a mutant, and none of the others in the family are, or even know about it. The only exception is her parents.
Time spent on the school:
2 months, 3 weeks, and 4 days..

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