Jitterbringer& Lifebug Perfume
The story of [Jitter] and [Rochala]
Shamelessly stolen from [irulan]'s idea
I also found this diary entry that pretty much sums it up ^^
I used to be an internet addict for ages before I finally got Internet home at 2002. I started heavily IRCing and one day I discovered the channel #Tolkien.
There used to be a plugin that announced what song you were listening on the irc channels so when I saw
* Lifebringer is listening to Nightwish - Elvenpath
I immediately opened a private chat and started talking to him. We became friends really fast and on some point we started spending talking much more than before.
On 11th May 2003 he told me he'd visit my town. I was quite nervous without reason cause I had met people from the internet before. I went to the cafe he told me he'd be and I recognised him immediately. I still remember the moment. I remember holding my mobile to call him and then seeing him :3 We left that cafe and went to meet the other people we would meet (my friends) and sat in a cafe called Bolivar. I ordered a grenadine sprite - which I later spilled all over him ;p-. He was quiet all the time, spoke once or twice and when he left I said "Nice to have met you!" and he replied "Really?" O_O I freaked out, I thought I did something wrong (apart from pouring sprite all over him of course ;p) but then he smiled at me and it felt like the sun had just risen :3
We continued talking over the internet for quite some time (mostly over Harry POtter #5 ;p)and in September (12th ;p) he visited my city again to go watch POTC ^_^ We then went to my house where we spent the evening at the computer and before we left my mum yelled at us a lot -she always yells apparently- and he freaked out because he had never met her before :P
In October I thought I liked a classmate of mine and Lif was talking to me about an old classmate of his that he liked. I found myself being extremely jealous over that fact and caught myself searching for him online more than usual. Then he told me he arranged a date with that girl. It was December and i think I went rampage on my brother that day without reason. In the evening of his date I logged in and found him online on MSN and the moment I logged he popped me a message "The person I wanted!" I immediately had butterflies and then he told me he canceled the date because he felt weird to go out with her. I was in heaven ^_^
New year's day came and passed and I was the first person he wished Happy new year to :3 I had bought tickets for a Moonspell concert on the 16th and Lif told me he'd come as well. I felt really happy and thought I'd got myself to tell him how I felt about him after the concert, when people make plans though, God laughs ;p
It was a Sunday noon when I confessed to him how I felt and he told me he had the same feelings about me. The conversation still makes me feel butterflies. My main concern was the distance since we lived in cities 400km apart (which is a huge distance in Greece) but he said we'd manage.
The concert day was perfect, our first kiss was perfect! Holding hands is perfect! I had become a human puddle on the ground.
In Summer of 2005 we went on holidays together and on August 25 he proposed to me :3 We got an official engagement on Christmas 2005 and I moved in his city in June 2006 and in our own house on 11th December 2006. The end of this page but the beginning of our joined life begans on 9th April when we got married and we will live happily ever after <3
We expect our first baby on 6th of March 2008 :)
Who says the internet isn't a place to find (not look for) the person of your life? :)
Jitterbringer& Lifebug Perfume Wikis
Jitter and Lif's engagement
Jitter& Lif's wedding
Jitter&Lif's Honeymoon
Jitter& Lif's baby

Inspired by
smakeupfx & irulan