Page name: Julian Morris [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-08-03 14:07:56
Last author: Furr
Owner: Furr
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Character name:
Julian Morris

Mutant Name:
White Devil

He can fly. He can instantly grow wings, protruding from his shoulderblades. These wings makes it able for him to fly for short distances, with an average speed of 50 feet per second. He can carry about 200 lbs more, and then fly with a speed of 20 feet per second.

Also, he got an ability to somehow draw energy, without severely harming people in other ways than making them feel slightly more tired, to sustain his own life. Though he can pull enough out to stop heart and lung functions, and by that killing people.

With enough drained energy, Julian can repair destroyed flesh, and the like. Meaning that he have an At Will Regeneration. This only works if he got enough life-force to drain from. It can be lethal for the ones being drained, if the wounds are severe enough.

Due to his mutation, he is immune to diseases of most kinds. Reason explained below, in medical information.



General appearance:
Extremely white. Tall, nearly 8 feet, with ghostwhite skin. He is completely bald. His skull has formed small horns, giving him a demonic or devilish appearance. His pupil-less eyes glow with a deep, bloodred hue, making it hard to determine wether he is looking directly at someone, or not. His voice is rasping and hollow, sounding like it is coming from a dead. Also, his fingers are bony, and feature talons instead of nails. His feet are differently constructed as well, as they are featuring talons too. Because of this, he can't use normal shoes.

Additional appearance:
Along his spine, spikes are piking through his skin. These spikes are black, as the rest of his bones are. His teeth, on the other hand, are as white as his skin. Small horns are pointing out from above his temples, also black in color.

He is anything but openhearted. He will rarely speak. Mostly he just gives a low grumble as reply. He keeps for himself, especially as he is afraid of what people will think about him, because of his appearance.

Special Skills:
He is deadly at martial arts, especially armed with anything weapon-like. Especially axes.

Place of birth:
Northern USA.

Weapon of choice:
His powers. And what he can find of clubs, knives, and axes. Particularly axes. And his claws.

Medical information:
He will not have to eat any kind of food, thus he have got no digestive system. He got nearly no heartbeat, little to none other vital signs and doesn't really breathe unless speaking. Body temperature varies after the temperature around him (Meaning that infrared light is nearly useless to localize him). As he doesn't have a temperature, or other signs of life, he does not have the need to be in shelter when the weather is extremely cold.
I don't know if it should be put here, but his blood is unique. It does not feature the normal things from human blood. Instead, if is bluish, and transfers glowing energy around. It resembles wires more than veins, as te glowing energy is a form of electricity, which are the altered drained energy.
His muscles are not reddish as humans, but black instead, with a slight tone of deep blue, and they do not run on chemical energy, instead they work by electricity, or atleast the form he produces out from the drained energy.
All in all, his mutation grants him immunity to diseases, not as a power, but as a sideeffect. This can be explained by his altered metabolism, and the way his body functions.

Brief History:
He lived in a highly religious society, where his parents held him hidden, and had told others in the town, that the child was born dead. This was said as his looks already when he was born, were abnormal, and more like a devil than a human. Though he looked like a devil, he led a highly religious life, being taught as a good catholic. Because of that, he usually sports a silvery crucifix.
Because he lived in the secure boundaries of his parents' house, he lacked the touch with other beings. This caused some behavioral problems later in his life.
At some point of time, when he was just approaching puberty, his powers slowly began to develop into existence. It was also now that his digestive system faded. Because of pains and stress, his leeching ability appeared first. It all happened hastily. He touched his mother, who then got drained for all her energy and life, and then died. All the pains he had himself, vanished.
As he had just slain his own mother, he fled the house in the middle of night. On the run, he met another runaway, also a mutant. They decided to flee to Canada, and to live in the forests there.

As they both bore more or less inhuman traits, they stayed for themselves in the deep forests. Here they build a shelter, as good as they could. Sometimes, though, they had some human contact. More or less. They traveled some way to the nearest town, to make some acquirements, like clothing, matches and other needed things.
These two lost souls lived happily in their secluded home. They grew a bond between them. To a start, they were only friends. Later on, after some years, it grew into something more intense, and passionate.

This went on, until Julian was 19 years. Despite the high grade of safety they led, they were seen a few times. Or more like, Julian was seen. And when he and his most trusted friend and lover were about these 19 years of age, the villagers nearby finally took up their weapons to drive them out. This just didn't happen. Instead, the girl Julian loved was shot dead, before he could save her. This emotional stress unlocked his ability to make a burst of fear, and shriek of horror. Julian lost his temper, and effectively killed everyone who had approached his home.

Right after, he fled south, towards the United States of America, to return to his home. As he approached his old town, he got second thoughts. He waited in a nearby forest, for two nights. Then he finally approached his home, only to find it deserted and inhabitable. He broke into the local library, discovering that his father was now living in the asylum. He had gone insane, as his wife was dead, and his son missing. Julian's father truly believed that Julian really was a devil, and the death of his wife would be the first death, unlocking the Seals to the Apocalypse… Of course people could not accept all this madness, and therefore put him in the asylum.
Julian soon fled the town once again, trying, and succeeding, to find the hospital holding his father. Julian had dressed himself in a large, hooded trench coat, black wrappings around his feet, and some gloves. When faced with his father, he could not bare to see him like that. When in the containment cell, Julian kneeled down, removed his hood, and looked lovingly to his father. And finally, after 8 years of insanity, he found peace. Julian had snuffed out the remains of life in him.

Now, Julian was without family at all. He fled to New York City, living in the subway, where most of the social outcast lives. For two years, he survived by stealing food, snatching whatever he could get his hands on, and sometimes even committing the act of murder. He always got away with anything, as anyone who saw his natural looks, never survived to tell.
Though, one time, it went totally awry. He was hunted by the police, wanted for a theft. He managed to shrug them off, and finally found himself at the gates of Xaviers School for Gifted Youth. He had read about the place, in various newspapers, and about the X-Men. He then decided to find out more.
And so it begins… again…

No known living relatives. Parents dead.

Time spent on the school:
Just arrived.


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2004-06-14 [Furr]: Yeah. Got tired of waiting. could you get on Trillian?

2004-06-14 [Veltzeh]: Nope... I'm at work...

2004-06-14 [Furr]: then quit sitting here at ET! *pokes*

2004-06-14 [Veltzeh]: No I won't! It's not like someone checks on me every ten minutes... XD And not like they knew what the heck I was doing anyway... lol.

2004-06-14 [Furr]: hehe :) I would hate if you went offline right now..

2004-06-14 [Veltzeh]: Well, 1,5 hours until that... unless I just forget to check ET... but that's not very likely.

2004-06-14 [Furr]: heh

2004-06-14 [Veltzeh]: Mwee! My mp3-player's battery ran out, and without the upload program I can't listen to it while it's reloading! *sob* yeah.

2004-06-14 [Furr]: hehe

2004-06-15 [Veltzeh]: Hmm... was just wondering... when it get's under -0°C, does he freeze? What's his body's freezing point? This temperature stuff is tricky.

2004-06-15 [Furr]: yeah, it's tricky. When it gets abnormally low, like -50°C his movement will be hampered. If it gets lower, muscles and that will begin to stop working.

2004-08-03 [Veltzeh]: Ooo... cool pic... XD ...Er yeah. >_>

2004-10-10 [Evenshade Nightbrush]: Wow! The shadows on the drawing are just phenomenal!

2004-10-10 [Veltzeh]: Well, thank you.

2004-10-10 [Evenshade Nightbrush]: How did you do it? It looks like it was done on photoshop, but some of the shadows look like they were in pen!

2004-10-10 [Veltzeh]: All the black lines were done with pencil, and I increased the contrast so they'd look more black. The colors and the darker shades of them were done on Paint Shop Pro. Photoshop sucks! XD

2004-10-10 [Evenshade Nightbrush]: Lol! It was you that has said that before! I couldn't figure it out! Lol! I'll have to take your word for it, because I'm to poor to buy either >.<

2004-10-10 [Veltzeh]: Really? PSP is only a bit over 100 dollars/euros, that is, not THAT expensive. And there are always er... *other* ways to get these programs...

2004-10-16 [Furr]: Like using KaZaA Lite to get the stuff..

2009-07-03 [Mrs Vicious.]: ....he sounds.. cool... like, realy. cool.. scary as hell but cool.

2009-07-16 [Furr]: Thanks. And he was meant to be one freaky motherfucker.
He's dangerous too.

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