Page name: Latium [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-02-09 14:32:51
Last author: test_drive
Owner: test_drive
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You've entered the city parts of Rome. in Latium, you can find restaurants, inns, markets, and city activities. You can meet new people, meet with old friends, or just browse around, hoping to run into something entertaining.
   This page is a very big, main street of Latium. On this street are some restaurants and a long, open market that display their products out on tables and carts. If you are feeling weary, you can always go to the inn.

Leonor wrapped the cloak around her tighter as she looked around the busy streets of Rome. It's quite busy here today, Leonor thought.

"Their not as busy as you might think," said a woman who appeared beside Leonor in a wisp of green smoke that smelled of plumeria flowers. Proserpina's blond hair lay on the back of her earthy toned dress in braids. She was dressed so as not to attract too much attention.

Leonor blinked as she turned to the woman. "B-but I didn't say anythingout could you possibly know?" Leonor asked, though her fear and suspicioins ebbed away as her nose scented the beautiful smell.

Proserpina smiled and winked. "You don't have to say anything for me to hear. How do you think we answer silent prayers?" She laughed lightly.

"Then you are a goddess!" Leonor breathed out. Second time today had her eyes been blessed with the sight of such a heavenly being. But...but did that mean something? Was something about to happen? Leonor's awe disappeared and her heart dropped in dread. "Do you bring news, then, beautiful goddess?"

"Shhhh..." she said putting a finger to her lips. She continued to walk and look casual and motioned for Leonora to follow. "Call me Sara while we're in public. I do bring news, but not of anything that has yet come to pass. I bid you to watch the Caesar's favored advisor like a hawk. Don't let him alone with the Caesar, it will be Rome's downfall if you do."

"Rome's downfall!" Leonor choked out, then immediately placed her hands over her mouth. "But S-Sara, there is no possible way for me to keep the Caesar away from Lucius! he is Caesar's grand advisor! Unless i get Caesar a mistress..." Leonor said, blushing deeply.

"That would be a fair plan for he is growing lonely. But if you follow through with this plan, be sure you can trust this 'mistress'." Proserpina looked directly at Leonor and smiled. "Don't underestimate yourself, just keep faith. If you can't trust anyone else, trust yourself."

Leonor turned as red as the apples that were on sale beside them. "I shall do everything and anything to help Rome survive, and to aid Caesar. I only pray you'll be at my side to help us." Leonor said. Oh, what am I getting myself into? But...but Caesar is in trouble! She had to look for others she could trust...others she knew would be able to protect Caesar.

"I have and will always be with you. It will be as if I have never left. Yes, you are getting yourself into a hefty sum, but I think you are up to the task."

"Then i shall begin immediately. I must go back to the palace. Am i to warn Caesar of this? or is he not to know? it will be heartbreaking news to him," Leonor said with a sigh.

"Do not warn him just yet. I wish to see what Lucius is up to. I smell evil afoot, and the Caesar is not at the palace. If you wish to seek him, you shall find him in the Colosseum. But before you go," Proserpina put a hand atop Leonor's head. "Blessed you shall be."

With watery eyes, Leonor thanked Proserpina. With her blessings, Leonor left the streets of latium to the Colosseum.

Proserpina watched Leonor's retreating figure until she was out of sight. She looked around at all of the common people doing all of their common chores and wished to have such a simple life. She sighed and with another wisp of green dust, vanished.
Daska strode out into the marketplace, drawing eyes and turning heads at her remarkable height. She ignored this and sat on a bench, thinking deeply.

Suddenly a goat like creature came around the corner and sat on the bench, sighing. He took out a flute and began playing a sad little song. Suddenly he became aware of the tall lady sitting next to him. He looked somewhat surprised, ran around the corner and disappeared.
As Lucius walked among the streets, his dark presence caused great distraught to others. Lucius ignored them as they parted a way for him in the crowd when he walked. It was less trouble for him anyhow. Taking a cautious glance around, Lucius left the streets of Latium into the inn.
Sarconia walked fast, her sandals slapping against her feet. A whisp of hair fell from her arrangement, and she tucked it behind her ear. She glanced behind her, and walked into the inn.
A cloaked figure makes its way quietly through the street. A pair of striking blue eyes keep close watch on roman gaurds and soldiers milling about. Even exhaustion from many days riding are forgotten with the need for vigilenge. Though a much needed rest at the inn is much looked forward to.
Caius sat in the corner of the Inn, waiting for Lucius to join his strange group for his meeting. He looked over at the men and women, rowdy conspiritors, all thirsty for the money and glory out of it. Or the politicians who wanted power. He shook his head, they made him sick. 'Where IS Lucius? I hope he was able to distract the Caesar long enough to come without being watched. But, no, Lucius would do nothing to jeapordize his own plan.' He sighed and looked back over at the group getting louder. "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!" He yelled at them, and slammed his hands on the table. Then quieter he added, "Do you want the whole of Rome to know we're meeting here? We make for a very suspicious group as it is, draw no attention!"

Lucius walked about the streets from the inn and thought he caught glimpse of Caius, scowling amidst a group of strange people. Lucius smiled, his annoyance immediately disappearing. The poor man had gone into the wrong inn. Lucius walked in and didn't even have to call out to catch Caius' attention.
Trivia flew down and landed on the windowpane of a window. She casualy watched and listened to the conversation about to start between Lucius and Caius.

Sarconia walked out from the inn, heading towards the Pantheon.
Daska watches all of this quietly, thinking.
Cupid flew down the street of Latium, shooting his arrows and laughign merrily. He spotted Trivia and flew over to her.
Daska's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the gods' presence in the marketplace. "I had not known they would lower themselves to allow a mortal eye," she murmured softly.
Cupid, you moron! Trivia turned her bird head toward Cupid and blinked. Suddenly Cupid turned into a black crow. You draw far too much attention to us!

Cupid laughed, Trivia you worry too much! he said, his beak opening and shutting over and over again...he was having fun.

Trivia cawed and looked back into the inn. Cupid was always carefree, no matter what he was doing. Listen, their plotting against the Caesar. She smiled as much as a bird could smile. Shoot one of them with your arrows... It ought to be rather funny.

Cupid laughed and pulled out his bow and an arrow. which one? he asked?

That Lucius one... I don't care for him much...
Daska's mind became exceedingly alert to the gods' speech. She could feel them, faintly, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. She thought better of eavesdropping, having had a nasty spill with a different god because of it, and turned back to composing the song in her head.
Cupid strung his bow and aimed his arrow at Lucius' heart and shot, hitting him straight on. How about that shot Trivie? He laughed and did a little crow-dance.

Good shot! He should be feeling the effects here in a minute. She watched him dance and shook her head. You best stop. We've already been found out.

Cupid stopped dancing, and laughed.I didnt think spending time in Latium could be so much fun! He said.
Sarconia walked down the street, comming from the Pantheon. She headed towards the inn. She walked closer to the door of the inn. She finally reached it, and pushed open the door, stepping inside.

Cupid, I'll be right back. Trivia said as she took off and landed on the bench beside Daska and cawed. Hello nymph. I heard you trying to listen to our conversation. I was just wondering what your purpose for being here was.
Daska jumped as the crow spoke and sighed, slouching forward a bit. "Curiosity, tis all, fair goddess. The natural curiosity of those of my kind. Nothing more." She said it aloud softly.

Cupid jump/flew down to where Trivia was standing.Trivie! I want to go bug more mortals! Come with me!! his crow like slef jumped up and down! please please please please please Trivie!! he looked at the mortal, Good day mortal! he said,Now Trivie lets go!!

Trivia wacked the other crow with her talons. Well, I take my leave so you can ponder the world. But I feel we shall meet again. Farewell! Trivia blinked and flew off with Cupid to torment mortals.
Daska sighed, wondering what was happening to the world. As a general rule, the gods did not walk on the earth as mortals did.

Sarconia walks out from the inn, heading towards the palace. Her sandals slapping againast her feet.

A troop of legion passed down the street, Venator at the lead upon a stout bay horse. He rode at a lazy gait, the men following keeping in step. Venator had the eyes of a hawk and he scanned the streets for anything of suspicion, rumors had been flying of late and he kept on his gaurd.

Arnora slipped out of the inn later that evening, taking quickly to the shadows lest she be seen. He cloak pulled over her incriminating cloth and hided her face she was content for now to remain under guise of a begger.
A young child, barely into maidenhood, is forced from the crowd into the path of the lead horse...

Venator reins his horse which snorts defiantly and tosses his head against the bridle as he draws just short of the girl. "Halt!" Is the command he issues to the men in his wake, his voice clear and confident. Turning his attentions down he looks the young girl over, apparantly to see if she is alright.

" Oh thank you sir! you saved me!" the young girl says running towards him, grabbing his stirrup and climbing up onto his horse like a monkey. She hugs him around the neck (once she reaches it).

Venator looks slightly alarmed by this. Disentangling the girl from him he lowers her down from the prancing horse's back. "You are welcome." This was entirely true, he was bound by oath and fealty to protect Roman citizens. He gives her a soft smile and moves his nervous horse back into motion.

" Wait!" the girl was no longer looked quiet so young. She looked like a maiden who was turning into a lady. The maiden climbed nimbly back onto the horse. " I have something to tell you... somewhere safer perhaps." the maiden says as if there was no thought as to wether or not her words would be followed.

Gives this a moments thought. Deciding that with so many rumors on the wing any information would be useful. Sidepassing his horse out of their path he calls to the rest of the legion, "Move on, back to barracks with you all!" This order is not questioned and the weary soldiers move off, leaving Venator with the young lady. He twists in the saddle, his brown eyes meeting hers, "What do you mean safe? You're with a legionaire my dear."

The maiden giggles. " Some where private where we can't be over heard." the maiden replies and smiles hugging the man around the waist and, then lightly kissing the legionaire on the nose.

Venator looks at her seriously, as if pretending the kiss hadn't happened he quickly spoke, "Such as? my lady." He reins his horse around quite overly aware of her slender arms clasped arounf his armored waist...she really wasn't that much younger than himself. As he walked his horse he thought...she wants to speak alone. If she did prove untrustworthy he did have his sword...He continued to walk the horse, waiting for her to indicate where she wished to go.

" My good kind resquer. Please lead us to a secluded place, for i am a humble maiden and do not know my way around." the maiden said in his ear mischeviously, staying as a young maiden right before she becomes a lady, she stayed this way since the legionaire seemed to be more accepting of her.

Venator nodded, "Of course my lady." Turning the coppery stallion down a sidestreet which led, a a short length outside the walls and to a lone tree standing aside the first of a stretching vista of fields. He dismounted his horse first and offered a hand to help her down, "Now. what is it you wish to tell me my lady?"

" OOHHH! What a fine gentleman." the maiden says while taking the offered hand she was no longer a maiden but a lady of about 25, "Might you have something for a partched throat?" The lady asks sweetly. " I am for now Selene. Come bring some drink and sit beside me. Do not worry the horse will not wander far." The lady said sitting a few paces away from the horse.

Venetor gave a nod and short bow. Nevertheless he tethered the horse to the tree, wrapping the reins around a low branch before opening the saddle bag. He rummaged a moment and found a leather pouch of water which he brought to her, "Here you are lady Selene. Now, I mean not to be hasty but what is it you wished to tell me?"
Caius smiled when he saw Lucius, finally, someone with brains around here. He turned back to the group, mindless scoundrels, he didn't understand what Lucius saw in this group, they were as dumb as the Caesar himself. He greeted Lucius, "Good day sir, I gathered your -er- accomplices. But sir, if you don't find me out of place for saying, they seem rather, under the cut. Hardly intelligent enough to be in politics in the first place." He scowled back at the group.

Lucius chuckled. "They will serve their purpose. Now mind you, I won't be assigning them anything special. I have met some rather interesting people at the inn i was in earlier. Perhaps you will be encouraged by them. Come, bring those fools and we shall go to the inn where we'll hold the meeting." Lucius said, his heart feeling cheery.
Discordia appeared behind Selene and Venetor near their tree. 'Hmmm now which one should I appear to? I rather like the man, he seems honest and they're always the best ones to play with' Making up her mind she appeared in front of him while Selne was drinking and held a finger to her lips. "She can't see nor hear me she said motioning to the madien. But I have come to warn you."

Veredus narrowed his eyes suddenly as the woman appeared from thin air. Training however had taught him to show reserve and he understood her gesture but had little understanding of how she was to carry it out. Glancing from Selene to the other he eyed the new arrival briefly and turned back to the young woman, "The water, is it to your liking my lady?"
He glances quickly back up at the other woman. This was getting stranger by the moment and he was comforted by the solid weight of the sword at his hip.

"No he is MY mortal! You cannot interfere Discordia!" the young lady had grown into a woman as she sat to facing the godess. " Humph. Can't even recognize your own kind even in a human form... pathetic. He is mine to torment... or we could tag team him..." Selene also known as Luna said only to Discordia.

"My lady?" Inquired Venator, unaware of the women's conversation.
Daska's ears pricked softly at the sound of voices, listening closely, but not that it showed.
The streets fell silent as the sun began its retreat towards the western sky. It was niether hot nor cool, but shivers ran over the people as Helios began his descent, for night was not the time of mortals but the time of demons and gods. Only the rouges, theifs, scoundrels made the night their time of operation. Only villans and monsters found pleasure in the night, and at time only those that could not be seen by day could have made there way through the darkness.
Alexander Maximillius entered the outskirt streets of Latium He moved sliently in the shadows. A cloack covering his armor and his features. He moved like a shadow, shooting brief glances to scout for danger. Once he strolled through these streets in honor. Once he had commanded the armies of Rome, but now it was all a memory soon to be forgotten by time. He stood at the corner of two buildings and glanced about. A small building shimmered with the glow of a earthly fire from inside. It was a quaint building, that wouldn't attract the attention of those whom would want to discover the truths that lay within. Alexander stood before the threshold of the building, three times he rapped upon the wooden beam. For mere seconds the darkness swallowed him in. Slowly a faint glow appeared. It bobbled and moved awkwardly. A small man, rather old with time and the ravages of battle made his appearance known to Alexander. The light drew shadows upon the old man's face with shadows. The old man bowed and turned, following the path he had followed. Alexander kept in tow with him. They winded through stairs and rooms, through gardens and halls. Finally after they had descended a flight of stairs did they appear before a door.
The old man looked back " Welcome my lord Alexander." Alexander removed his hood and opened the door. He entered into a room, decorated in poor trappings and lined with statues, to honor the gods. A fire glowed within the center its light shun about the room. " Theltichlus we must prepare for Rome shall change, it must change." The old servant bowed and closed the door behind him.
Slightly dissapointed by the fact that her chance of eating for the day had dissapeared along with the sun. She strode through the streets, now humming the small tune.
Discordia smiled politely and answered, "I have no interest in your dear mortal..." She thought quickly, whom should she choose...? "Proserpina sent me here, told me to warn this silly man of you." She sighed innocently, "Nothing I can do now is there, such a bossy god." She winked at Luna and Discordia disappeared back to the Pantheon
Caius walked discreetly down one of the side streets in the Latium, watching his back although appearing to be completely absorbed in his own thoughts. With a flash he turned a bend, arriving straight in front of an old house, crumbling at the stone edges. He rapped lightly on the door, and then disappeared through the dark entryway.
" Oh the water is just fine. But do you have anything stronger?" the lady asked Venator sheepishly.

"No my lady. It does no one good to carry anything stronger on a march." He watched her apprehensively now, the other having come and gone. "I do apologixe my lady..."

"Do not trouble yourself overmuch. I am here to warn you. There is trouble with the Ceasar, Rome hangs in the balance. It will either fall and crumble or be saved. We think that you may have something to do with these events. So be wary and remain in good favor with Ikilios, protect him." And with that the lady kissed Venator on the lips and slowly disapeared. Luna went to the Pantheon

Venator swore to himself. She had told him no new information. He had heard rumours of the threat against Ceaser and of course he had something to do with it, was he not sworn to protect Ceasar and Rome. He rolles his eyes and untied his horse. Swinging lithly into the saddle he moved the animal into a canter and headed back into the city. He slowed to a brisk trot on the stoney streets and the clatter of his horses hooves now echoed eeriely up and down the street and into dark allies in the stillness of the night.
A few minutes later, Caius emerged from the building, still watching his surroundings and headed off to the palace

Venator rode on through the quiet streets. His sharp eyes catching nothing out of place he headed for the palace.
Alexander sat alone within the room. He looked upon the tattered old walls, and the obsurce items that lingered about. Slowly he moved to a corner of the room and grab the wine that his old friend, and family sevant left behind. He took the pitcher and poured some into a nearby cup. A lot has changed, yet a lot more will change.
Alexander moved to a chair lying within the rear center of the room overlooking the fire. He sat down and let the shift of the weight of the world fall upon him. His mind was troubled. He gazed into the fire and took drink from his cup. He brought the cup down and wiped his beard of any remant of the drink." Rome shall see a new day." He said it aloud, he said it to noone, he said it for he felt it needed to be said.
The hour slowly swept by as he was in deep though praying and meditating the events that will occur. A sudden opening of the door brought him back into reality. The old servant Theltichius entered the room. "My lord I have broug..." Alexander caught him short of finishing his speech. Alexander looked into the old mans weary eyes. " Old friend I am not honored of that station any more. I am just a man like yourself. Please do not refer to me as anything else then Alexander." Silence crept upon them for a mere second before the old man spoke. " Aye, I shall try my best." He grinned for a moment. " Lord Alexander I have brought news to you from Ithlios." Alexander smiled at his comment, then took a more serious composure. " What is it?"
"The men sir, they are ready to fight for you, they have been camped for several days North of the Gracolia outpost. They receavie supplies from supporters loyal to you and have found allies amongst the goths, and the tribal people of Europe.They are ready to moveon your word my lord."
Alexander glanced at the floor. "Theltichius are men ever supposed to play gods?" He looked at his friend with a solemn smile. "No me lord, we play the role of men. Fate thrusts us into the role of gods. All we can do is play our role out to the very end." The old man smiled.
Alexander felt better hearing the old mans words. He stood and grab the cloak that had hidden him from veiw earlier. " Very well I go to find supporters of our cause my friend. Rome shall have a new destiny, I swear to that." He left the room and disappeared into the streets.
Alexander Maximillius left Latium
please continue at Latium 2 due to length of page.

You can see Ikilios in Ikilios' Palace, Ikilios' Palace 2 or the gods at the Pantheon, Pantheon 2 or perhaps you would like to see a game or race at the Colosseum, Colosseum 2!
back to the Powers of Old

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2004-02-07 [cheesemonkey]: interesting! finally we're getting somewhere!

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: :D

2004-02-07 [test_drive]: this is so awesome! *squeals*

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: I know...

2004-02-07 [Pnelma Tirian]: God help me. first time you RP and then I get on as soon as you all are off.

2004-02-07 [test_drive]: since its the weekend, i'd hoped we'd all be on at the same time! thats y i started yesterday....lets hope i chose wisely!

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: People think we're divine?

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: People think I'm divine?

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