Page name: lissa's Poems about Anthony [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-30 10:59:25
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My poems about Anthony

Back to my house: [The real life Bella Swan]
Back to: Lissa's Poetry and Stuff
Poems about my Mom: Lissa's Poems about her Mom
My poems about suicide and selfdesructivieness: Lissa's Poems about Suicide
My poems about society(screw it): Lissa's Poems about Society
My poems about my beloved sisters: Lissa's Poems about her Sisters
My Misc. Poetry: Lissa's Misc. Poetry
My Fantasy Section: Lissa's Fantasy Poems
My Phantom of the Opera Fan Fic: A Fox-Glove Fairy Tale
Short stories and other things: Short Stories and the Like

Well . . . hm . . . about Anthony. Well, lets just say that was a fucked up realtionship. I've gotten over it though. Sadly, we don't talk much any more, but for a short time he was mine. These are about the aftermath.

Because of Silent Walls
My Truth of You
The Disposed

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