Page name: Lissa's Poems about her Mom [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-30 11:01:51
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My Poems About My Mom

Back to my house: [The real life Bella Swan]
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My poems about Anthony: Lissa's Poems about Anthony
My poems about suicide and selfdesructivieness: Lissa's Poems about Suicide
My poems about society(screw it): Lissa's Poems about Society
My poems about my beloved sisters: Lissa's Poems about her Sisters
My Misc. Poetry: Lissa's Misc. Poetry
My fatansy section: Lissa's Fantasy Poems
My Phantom of the Opera Fan Fic: A Fox-Glove Fairy Tale
Short stories and other things: Short Stories and the Like

Ok ya'll these are some poems I made after mom was getting me down, or just about my mom. Now, I know you're probaby thinking how bad can it be?
But me and my mom have a really bad realtionship you can ask [Stagitha Ravina Pointe Du Lac](Meg), [crazzy888s](Jenny), or [fallen_flutterby](Caleen), all three of them have been there for me throughout it all and have seen just how crazy she's gotten. Thanks you guys.

Death of a Thousand Kinds
Guilt of a Rebel
Hope and Despair
I'd Sell My Soul
Something More

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