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2006-04-26 22:03:46
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Welcome to the City of Spiders! This Wiki is dedicated to the Drow, especially those of the city of Menzoberranzan. I'm working on this page and it might take awhile to do all that I want, but I've got big plans for this place. So, check the place out and I hope you like it!
-[Ssapzyne Del'Armgo] (creator)


8/25/05- Well, after a while of working, I've finally got this wiki open! Yay! Look around and tell me what you think! Comments wanted...

10/8/05- I just opened a new page on the goddess "Kiaransalee" in the Religon section. Go check it out! Thanks to [Kalnafein] for the info on her!

11/9/05- I just got the new "Drow Stories" section up. Go check it out!

1/6/06- Just a happy New Year to everyone and a little notice: I recently signed up Menzoberranzan as a Safe Zone wiki. BAsically, this means that there is no discriminating people here. Of course, RP fighting and insulting and stuff like that is always allowed; this IS Menzoberranzan, the city of the Drow. But that was just a little FYI.

2/4/06- I just added another religon page, the god Thraud, done wonderfully by [Linn Scarlett]. Thanx!

Thanks to the creative thinking [Kalnafein], I've made the Menzoberranzan Debate page. Go check it out and add ideas if you've got them! I put two up already!

I've just put up a new religion page on the Drow god Ghaunadaur. I'm working on one for Selvetarm that should be up soon, along with House Agarch Dyrr!

Happy Pi Day everyone! Wait, nevermind... Anyway, a correction was made in the page for Vhaeraun. The picture I had was of the god the Mask, not Vhaeraun. The picture was changed, thanks to [Kalnafein] for telling me about that.

Also I added a picture in Lloth's, Eilistraee's, Vhaeraun's, and Kiaransalee's pages if you ant to look at them. I'll be getting Selvetarm's page up in the next few days... hopefully.

There's 3 new banners for the taking! Go check them out!

I've added the Drow Sites page. It has a listing of more Drow sites you can look at.

About the Drow

Ok, first off, being this wiki is dedicated to the Drow, I will first define what is a Drow. If you do not know what a Drow is, I suggest you follow this link:
What is a Drow


I've made a list of the top 8 houses of Menzoberranzan which you can join. I put down some Info on each other the houses along with the family symbol. Read about them, choose which you like most, and put your name there!

First House: House Baenre
Second House: House Barrison Del'Armgo
Third House: House Faen Tlabbar
Fourth House: House Xorlarrin

Because this is a new wiki and there are not too many members, the last 4 Great Houses will not be open yet. As soon as we get enough people, I will complete the last 4 and you can change to one of them if you wish...
Fifth House: House Agrach Dyrr
Sixth House: House Mizzrym
Seventh House: House Fey-Branche
Eighth House: House Tuin'Tarl

Drow Religon

These links will lead you to sections where you can learn about the different goddesses/gods of the Drow. Choose which deity you are the follower of.(Note: there are a few other Drow gods/goddesses, but there's not too much known about them to list them and info about them here)

The Demonweb Pits

The Temple of Eilistraee

The Shrine of Vhaeraun

The Tomb of Kiaransalee

The Wastelands of the Blade

The Cave of Ghaunadaur

Menzoberranzan Maps
Confused of were you are in the City of Spiders? Come here for maps of the underground cavern.

Menzoberranzan Role Play
Think you want to journey around Menzoberranzan? Come here and interact in the City of Spiders!

Menzoberranzan Banners
Tell others of our city! Get a banner here!

Drow Books
Love the books? Come here and talk about your favorite Drow books, characters, and other novel-related material.

Drow Games
Have a favorite game or want to talk about them? Come here!

Drow Stories
A section for all those creative writers who like to write about the Drow!

Menzoberranzan Debate
A section for debating aspects of the Drow VS all other random things!

Drow Sites
Still have questions or want to learn more about the Drow? Come here to check out more sites! (Includes Drow Language Sites)

Coming Soon
Bregan D'aerthe
House Agrach Dyrr

Username (or number or email):



2005-10-24 [Linn Scarlett]: ...i still think my teaspoon rocks

2005-10-25 [Kalnafein]: Worthless Witch of Lolth your weak Ash is no match for The Tick!

2005-10-25 [Linn Scarlett]: Go Belishtim :P

2005-10-25 [Linn Scarlett]: bah Lolth is for weaklings *huggs Belishtim*

2005-10-25 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Lloth champion Selvetarm kicked Vhaerun's butt, Val'har. I doubt he'd last a minute against Lloth. And as for Belishtim, what's he do?

2005-10-25 [Linn Scarlett]: Belishtim the Dark Seducer.....sais it all no? (also why my char is his decipel :p)

2005-10-26 [Kalnafein]: Selvetarm had home field advantage! Hes a Drider on a Giant Spider web!had they fought in the Masked Lord's Domain Selvetarm would have fallen to his father!

2005-10-26 [Linn Scarlett]: isnt selvetarm completely humanoid? i recall him being that in WotSQ and yea Vhea is stronger than Selv but Lloth owns them all, and Lloth lost from Belishtim and Thraud so.... :P

2005-10-27 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Admit it Val'har, your god can't fight for beans! And that's two against one for Belishtim and Thraud...

2005-10-27 [Linn Scarlett]: yea :P

2005-10-30 [Kalnafein]: I thought Selvetarm was a Drider and the Masked Lord Can fight for many beans >.< He could have easily dealt with Do'Urden!

2005-10-30 [Linn Scarlett]: everybody could

2005-10-30 [Foxspike]: is the tick for the cartoon the tick coz if so the cartoon ruled all i loved moth man and how the tick couldnt remeber his name so mint i loved it

2005-10-31 [Kalnafein]: SPOOOOOOOOOON!

2005-10-31 [Linn Scarlett]: *takes spoon from you* thats my spoon of doom!

2005-11-01 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: BOOM! *shoots spoon out of Scarlett's hand with BOOMSTICK)

2005-11-01 [Linn Scarlett]: O.o

2005-11-01 [Foxspike]: *ducks under table and pulls piece*. oh shit oh shit oh shit its happening again this always happens when i talk to people

2005-11-02 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: lol

2005-11-02 [Linn Scarlett]: did you know that Menzoberranzan was founded by some guy named Menzo Baenre? Seriously! Sides, the name Menzo means something like "lost soul" or "damned" (ive a char named menzo thats why i know) so Menzoberranzan doenst only mean "City of Menzo" but also "City of the Lost Souls"

2005-11-02 [Linn Scarlett]: and i recall Fey-brachne and Tuin-tarl being history

2005-11-04 [Foxspike]: wow thats mint where u learn that. im dead impressed

2005-11-04 [Linn Scarlett]: hm who what me? well reading

2005-11-04 [Foxspike]: oh right its from like the book i dunno i just thought it was like summit u knew still its kool lol

2005-11-04 [Linn Scarlett]: i know a lot because i read a lot and have a broad imagination ^_^

2005-11-05 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Menzoberranzan was founded by Menzoberra the kinless. I don't think she's a baenre though.

2005-11-05 [Linn Scarlett]: hm where did you find it? i took it from one of the DnD books O.o' its said Menzo, Male, Baerne ?

2005-11-05 [Kalnafein]: I agree with Del'Armgo on this, Menzoberranzan was founded by Menzoberra the Kinless and I believe she may have been from the ancient Dark Elf city that Matron Mother Baenre ( Triel) Mentioned in the first book of WOTSQ in the conversation between the Matron Mother and Zauvirr

2005-11-05 [Linn Scarlett]: oh the used to be dwarven one that collapesed? well DnD books are known for not corresponding :p it doesn't matter, lets stick to Menzoberra then, which sounds much more logical than a male to me anyway

2005-11-05 [Kalnafein]: No not Gauntlegrym though it starts with a G

2005-11-05 [Linn Scarlett]: hmm well iam a bitt lost on all the names at the moment, but i think i know which one you mean

2005-11-05 [Kalnafein]: The cities name was "Golothaer" Pg 78 of Dissolution

2005-11-05 [Linn Scarlett]: ah ok i see *was thumbing trough Disso aswell*

2005-11-05 [Foxspike]: i dont wanna sound rude or owt but whats u all talking about lol

2005-11-05 [Linn Scarlett]: the city from which the founder of menzoberranzan came

2005-11-06 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: And the general founding of Menzoberranzan in general...

2005-11-06 [Linn Scarlett]: jup

2005-11-06 [Foxspike]: ah right ok well ill like sit back and just listen then lol

2005-11-06 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: lol... I kind of wish someone would right a book that takes place when Menzo was first founded... It would be interesting to see how Baenre got into power and ect...

2005-11-06 [Linn Scarlett]: hmm ghehe you can read how things went in Gorgornoth in my book ^_^ *lol* Baerne is the Second House there (the first has only three members left :p)

2005-11-08 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Yeah, once Baenre gets the top place though, they hold on to it. Im actually writing a story that has to do with the fall of House Baenre... but it's barely even started... I only have a chapter or two...

2005-11-08 [Linn Scarlett]: cool ^_^ iam writing a story too :)

2005-11-08 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: I should probably put up a section for stories that people are writing (about Drow of course). Let's have a vote: Who wants a section for people to put up stories about the Drow?

2005-11-08 [Linn Scarlett]: i want one i want one!

2005-11-09 [Kalnafein]: I'd write a story but I can never finish the ones I start plus I'm geeking on Star Wars right now and I secnd the motion for a page on Drow Stories here!

2005-11-09 [Linn Scarlett]: hmz well ive 25 pages so far

2005-11-09 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: I have... 10 I think... Well, since two other people want it, I'll work on it and get it up soon!

2005-11-09 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Well, I've got the Stories section up! (with chapter 1 of my story in it).

2005-11-11 [shadow_walker]: i was wondering how to jion any info would be appreciated thank you

2005-11-11 [Linn Scarlett]: hmm ill upload some aswell if you like

2005-11-11 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Well Met [shadow_walker]! All you have to do is choose one of the 4 houses that are open and put your name in it. If you want, just tell me what house you wish to be in and I'll put your name down (btw, chec out the info on all of the houses to see which one you best fit in!) Welcome to Menzo!

2005-11-11 [Linn Scarlett]: hail :)

2005-11-12 [Foxspike]: wow i didnt know we need to join i just showed up. i been writing my own star wars one its like up to page 60 now and was bothersome if fuck all really happened and i think its gonna be too long. 

2005-11-12 [Linn Scarlett]: well i totally adore my own story *warning: EGO*

2005-11-12 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Hey, it's better to like your story than hate it... don't woory Matt, the longer a story is the better... unless you're trying to write a short story... then you could have a problem...

2005-11-13 [Foxspike]: lol yea i dunno i just write till its the end and like i dont really now when it ends but i know how it ends etc lol im just odd like that

2005-11-13 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: lol. On one of my fanfiction stories, I changed the ending at the last minutes because I thought the original was bad... now that I look at it I'm glad I changed it.

2005-11-17 [Foxspike]: what was the original ending?

2005-11-17 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Basically, it was about aliens searching for a "magical artifact" and this girl found it. At the end I had wrote she was able to split the artifact, giving the aliens art where they took it back to their own world and she kept the other part. I changed it to the aliens taking her and her friends to their own planet... now I have to write a sequel. lol

2005-11-18 [Kalnafein]: I Still think It would be an interesitng Idea to create our own Houses and or own Hierarchy. Though how we would determine rank and conduct inter-house wars is beyond me.

2005-11-18 [Linn Scarlett]: i already did

2005-11-18 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: ? huh... I'm slow so humor me...

2005-11-18 [Linn Scarlett]: i created my own city with houses structures and hierachys O.o

2005-11-18 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Oh... i see

2005-11-20 [Foxspike]: these aliens are they good or bad, coz i mean its a matter of opinoin and stuff im curois

2005-11-20 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: the fanfic actually is about my person favorite aliens: Predators. So they are kinda good... and kinda bad...

2005-11-20 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: BTW... The banner I made is copywrited so we can us it... I'll try drawing and making one. If any one out there wants to make one it would be appreciated.

2005-11-21 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Just a little announcement, a bit offtopic, but I just got 2 new adopted kittens! (they are so CUTE!) And in honor of the Drow, I am naming one of them Gwenhyvar (sp?).

2005-11-21 [Linn Scarlett]: yeah something like that ^_^ sides the guard (a good friend of mine) told me you had more records of breaking the UAR X_X and my tip is to not do it again, becaus A LOT of people get their asses and IP banned for it >_< and i dont want to lose you *huggles*

2005-11-23 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: I know... sometimes I just upload things without thinking *smacks head against wall* stupid little me... I've got to be more careful

2005-11-23 [Linn Scarlett]: yea i learned that the hard way too X_X

2005-11-24 [Kalnafein]: Pointless rules, Since as Drow we should Strive to break or tiptoe around such rules

2005-11-24 [Linn Scarlett]: no, the rules have a point. they keep people from commit the copyright crime. Since in the banner was artwork by fantasy artist, known fantasy artists. and you are not allowed to use their art without their agreement for your own perposes. I had my art stolen once, and it HURTS in a way it would hurt if someone would steal your child or pet.

2005-11-24 [Linn Scarlett]: breaking rules will get your ass banned. elftown doesnt work like the underdark

2005-11-25 [Kalnafein]: Speaking of the Underdark, which is funny because I don't recall mentioning it! Has anyone read " Promise of The Witch-King" Yet?

2005-11-25 [Linn Scarlett]: Should it ring a bell?

2005-11-25 [Kalnafein]: Promise of The Witch King Has Artemis and Jarlaxle In it, Evidently it's a sequal to " Servant of the Shard" or "Sea of Swords"

2005-11-25 [Linn Scarlett]: iam still reading both (dont have that much time due to my exams)

2005-11-25 [Kalnafein]: I've been rereading the WOTSQ

2005-11-25 [Linn Scarlett]: ah i havent finished it yet, so SHHH :P *drawing one of her stories main characters*

2005-11-25 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Strangely enough, I actually skipped reading Servant of the Shard. It never really captured me like the other books did... I'll probably try rereading it soon... *walks out of room looking for book*

2005-11-26 [Kalnafein]: Well I just really Like Jarlaxle Baenre lol >.>

2005-11-26 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: I like his hat... lol

2005-11-26 [Linn Scarlett]: i like a lot of chars :D

2005-11-26 [Linn Scarlett]: i havent read of Jarlaxle yet *blushes* i do totally adore the archmage, Gromph ^_^

2005-11-27 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Pharaun has to be one of the funniest Drow charaters I've read about...

2005-11-29 [Kalnafein]: Yea Pharaun needs his own religion. And Vhaeraun is the best Drow deity! he was cheated >.<!!!

2005-11-30 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: I must agree with you on the Pharaun religion... but Vhaeraun lost fair and square to Selvetarm... and he lost his hand in the process.

2005-11-30 [Linn Scarlett]: which is kinda sad because he came around as the kind of god you want to run into in your bed chamber :p

2005-11-30 [Linn Scarlett]: by the by. no WotSQ spoilers puhlease, i am still reading the buggers (got behind on scedule due to exams)

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: Vhaeraun meant to lose! I mean Selvetarm is only a Demi-god ( and Vhaeraun's son!) while The Masked Lord is a true god! ( Sure he's only a Lesser but thats higher then Demi!) so the only way Selvetarm could have Possibley defeated him was if Losing was Part of The Masked Lord's Ultimate plan

2005-12-01 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Right... admit it, your God lost to a demi-god! (Don't worry, we won't reveal any BIG stuff about the WotSQ series)

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: Heresy! Your worthless Spider Queen couldn't even keep watch over her own city! she let the lesser races assault them and was unaware of the Lich! The Great Masked Lord merely awaits the right time to strike!

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: all hail to Belishtim the dark seducer and death come to the imposter patheon (Lloth and her kin, pah.)

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: What divine Rank is Belishtim? ( Demi-god, Lesser, Intermidiate, Greater) Death to the Spider queen and her spider kissing bitchs! The Masked Lord shall rise up and claim rulership over his dark children!

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: Greater God. Do you not see that Vhaeraun = just another Lloth?

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: The masked lord will rise and turn out to be like his mother.

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: (are we actually having a debate about fictional gods? O.O this is fun :p)

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: ( yea this totally rocks lol) Your Belishtim is nothing more then an Imposter god! ( I have neve rhear dof him, he is from Forgotten realms or maybe Greyhawk?)

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: Forgotten Realms, just as Lloth and her Pawns. you should read your books better ;) there are a few gods, She of the Veil, The Dark Mother (lloth), Belishtim, Thraud and some others. But Lloth is the only SM-sick bitch

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: she 'created' her own patheon to drive the other gods out because she has influence on her own patheon. wether you like it or not, Vhaeraun and his siblings are puppets in her web :p

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: I think Drizzt Do'urden should become atleast a Demi-god >.> be better if he worshipped the Masked Lord >.<

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: I get nearly all my Deity information from D&D books, thats were I found the informaiton of Kiransalee so Belishtim may have never even been brought up I mean Selvetarm is not in either of my books either

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: drizzt sucks ass >_< Quintessential of the Drow & The Tome of Drow Lore. Either one of those he's in, i forgot which but i can look it up and scan it if you are interested?

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: book says in the index: Gods of the Drow: Lloth the dark mother, alsythuth, azzanoth, belishtim, kez'skul, mu'ushket, nazrakoth, olyet'naru, polshoath and thraud (and the page itself says: most have sub patheons to claim supreem rule, like Polsoath or the dark mother)

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: What is your book called? I'd definietly like to get a copy of it if it speaks of Drow deities in more depth

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: The Tome of Drow Lore, i just looked it up ^_^ big blood-red book ^_^ cant miss it. it tells in depth about the Game of Bones/Sheathed War, the different races of drow, creatures of the underdark, boneforging, fleshcrafting, soulbinding, lifebinding, prestige classes, the gods, different devisions (the cabal, seekers of na'koth) and special houses and the Lost Tribes

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: Is it a D&D book or made by someone else.. with christmas coming up I amde hoarde some money and order it

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: D&D, though its D20 I just said. but hey, D&D = D&D :p (D20 is the old D&D system, but its an info book so who cares)

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: ( yean o kidding if it's D&D iot's cannon in my books lol)

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: exactly my thought. They are info books so what does it matter? I can easily read the old term for the Underdark as Underdark instead of Underdeep (<---old term of underdark i recall)

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: you know guys, maybe we should make this page in a HUGE Underdark page and link it to the Underdark page of the WFR (which i heard i got ordered to maintain X_X)

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: I've ehar dof something called ( Under mountain) but it sounds like a knock off udner dark ,that and ym friend lieks to make shit up.. stupid golden dragon >.>"

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: Undermountain. Noooo that is a location! I don't recall where, but its not the Underdark :P Underdeep though i recall beying the old fasioned term of Underdark (as drow were purple back then :p and they are now darkgray to black)

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: Well Undermoutain spunds totally lame ass anyway lol probably built By Kobolds or Goblins lol

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: i think it was a dwarven thing...wasnt it where Bruegnor(sp?) 's home city was?

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: no that wasnt it...darn i hate it when i forget stuff

2005-12-01 [Kalnafein]: oh you mean Gauntlgrym? nah that is an ancient Delzoun Dwarven fortress long lost in the Forgotten realms universe lol it ahs a Veyr brief Mention in the Hunters blade trilogy

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: it was found in Icewind dale remember.... *shrugs* anyhow i recall Undermountain as being an existing thing.... wasnt it NWN related? (neverwinterngiths one of the campaigns)

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: GOD! wasn't Undermountain beneath that one city?! where that wierd wizard has some maze! you go into it in the Hordes of the Underdark Expansion!

2005-12-01 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Making a wiki for Forgotten Realms would be cool, but it would have to be pretty extensive... we could all band together and do it! (despite out disagreement over the power of gods/goddesses)

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: *chuckles* well i am overseeing the Underdark of the official elftown Wiki Fantasy Roleplay

2005-12-01 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: OOOO! *goes and check it out*

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: its not much, i just started

2005-12-01 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Still looks good though... if you need any help with anything (especially stuff that has to do with Lloth) I'm always around... (or I'm at WDP planning to take over the world! lol)

2005-12-01 [Linn Scarlett]: *chuckles* ill remember ;)

2005-12-04 [Linn Scarlett]: *evil grin* me drow books ----> <img200*0:stuff/drowbooks1.JPG> <img200*0:stuff/drowbooks2.JPG>

2005-12-04 [Linn Scarlett]: the second are, from left to right (should you not be able to read it :p) Monstermanual 1, Player Handbook, The Tome of Drow Lore, War of the Drow, Book of Vile Darkness, Quientessential of the Drow, Hero Building Guide, Plot and Poison, Warhammer Darkelves, Drow Arcane Magic, Relics (and tomorrow I am going to get Sheoloth)

2005-12-04 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Impressive :)

2005-12-05 [Linn Scarlett]: :p

2005-12-05 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Where did you get all of those? I've checked the local bookstore near my home (borders) but I couldn't find any of them

2005-12-05 [Linn Scarlett]: i have a fantasy store roughly 5km away from where i live...IT OWNS :P and zepher has four BIG fantasy shops within 5km of HIS home :P so yeah...i think those pics are over 500 euros on books together

2005-12-05 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Man... where do you guys live? I want to move there! lol

2005-12-05 [Linn Scarlett]: netherlands Delft and Utrecht

2006-01-21 [iliketoast]: *Ssapzyne speaking*: I want you all to welcome my friend Dirz [iliketoast]. She is somewhat insane so do not be alarmed! (Dirz says hi and eat more toast) I'm introducing her to this sight.

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: Does anyone else think Prince Lotor from The Original VOltron looks like a Drow elf?

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: yea he does ^_^ he's sexah ^_^ I dont know the series but I know the dude *chuckles*<img200*0:>

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: Omg! Switched-at-Birth! He looks like Meldor in there :p it's on this site, the back ground image:

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: LOTOR ROCKS! and he could so beat up Meldor becaus ehe has a higher "coolness" factor and charecter shield!

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: Plus an Armada of Planet killing ships, Coultness Robot soldiers and Robeasts lol >.>"

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: meh... he's got to listen to his daddy :p Meldor doesnt have to do that (he killed his 'dad' way back)

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: "King" Zarkon is jsut a puppet for the Mighty Prince Lotor.. i mean just look at the prince's head gear! that helmet is sweet.... I SHALL USE ALL MY DROWY SNEAKYNESS TO STEAL IT AND MAKE IT MY CROWN Bwhahahahah!

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: *chuckles* it looks like a flower basket :p sides it's much like Meldor's O.O and ive never watched the freakin series

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: ::scowls;: Un upside down flower basket? HERESY I say! Obviously you can't see That Prince Lotor is the earth bound Incarnation of the Masked Lord =-p

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: No... cause Vhaeraun prances around BUTTNEKKID and Lotor doesn't *doesnt know if she actually wants to see that* which reminds me, i mean to draw the Masked Lord ------you know, there is a reason why he's masked... *runs away before she gets garroted*

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: ::merley rests his palms on his Scimitar and Curved Dagger:: The Masked Lord is maske dbecause he doesn;t want people to se ehis face and know hes related to that spider loving bitch Lolth! the only reason she even likes spdier sis because theya r eon her less-then-exceptional mental level! :: gives chase howling madly::

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: you know that spiders are one of the smartest creatures right? ::blinks and mutters:: he just hides his face because he has horrible acne

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: oh yes, we all know the deities suffer from acne.. and if Spiders are so smart why don't they have spider robots or spider golem?

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: the Viking-1 and Voyager had spidershapes.... *chuckles*

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: Were they built BY SPIDERS No! because spiders arne't smart enough to have thumbs lol!

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: Did apes built robots? or dogs? No, but they are smart animals too, as are horses. Only the human being is -much- smarter, or so we claim.

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: How oculd an ape build a robot? and what would it build the robot out of? it's own feces?

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: What do we build robots of? Our own shit?

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: Oh so now the apes can mine the raw resources, refine them and THEN build them into robots? And If Prince Lotor is a Drow which he obviously iscould someone write a fanficiton about him and have it posted on this Wiki?

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: well, you are the Lotor-addict, you write the fanfic :p you like him a little too much if you ask me ;)

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: Not my fault his hott >.> and cool with his Helmet of Kickassery and his Cloack Of evil cuteness >.<!

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: I still like gladiator's cloak better though O.o

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: I don't know about writing a fan-fic.. I'm not very good at thinking up such things you see ^-^"

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: so i noticed :p

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: Thanks for your support orbb ssinssriggin elg'caress

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: say that again male and ill cut your tongue out *growls*

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: ::grins wildy:: aww does Lolth's pet not like the truth :: his grin widens nearly taking in his ears and showing off very sharp canines:: Poor little lost girl.. thrown into a pit of demons with only a harsh and very worthless mistress to look after her

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: Lloth? Joking I hope O.o' It was long ago 'we' lost our faith in that particular bitch *quote Meldor*

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: ::nods rubbing his temples:: you'll forgive me, I'm use to verbally sparring with the Female From house Del'Armgo

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: *nodds* that is ok male, I do not engage in a battle of wits with unarmed opponents ::smiles:: Our Lord is not a merciful one, but atleast he kicked those bitches out

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: D' heen vel'bol dos xuat zhaun zhah nindel uk V'renen Lolth's izznarg orbb t'zarreth vel'drav nau uss zhah kyorlin ussta tet Jalil

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: ::smiles innocently::

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: Obok naut seke , 'zil orbben xuat inbal t'zarrethen, jaluk ...

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: Lu' dos zhaun natha orbben khel ji al lu'oh?

2006-01-21 [Linn Scarlett]: D'heen, zhaun dosst ogglinnar jaluk. Ol xal sreen'aur dosst xa'huuli dro ...

2006-01-21 [Kalnafein]: Dos mora 'zil ka Usstan tlun natha zhal'essin d'lil orbb valsharess iltan! dos pholor l' byr lu' mzild t'yin likely onhir ilta wun szeous feithin whol l' ditronw draeval ulu sila rath ilta ilstar phor dosst che'el

2006-01-22 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Nin, dalharen, ori'gato udossa naut malar. Lloth xuil ilstar phor jal l' Ilythiiri ulnin lu' dosst "phraktos" orn tlu naubol drill e'trit pholor l' harlil d' Lloth's zha'trassen...

2006-01-22 [Linn Scarlett]: Lloth sucks cocks in hell.... *snickers and winks at Venris*

2006-01-22 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: *smirks* I believe you have Lloth confused with your own pitiful sack of Rothe-dung creature you call a god...

2006-01-22 [Linn Scarlett]: No cause he's a dude ^_^ Sides, Lloth would only be jealous if she knew how much demon-loving he gets *roles on floor laughing* (no i didnt drink anything! yet..)

2006-01-22 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Lloth doesn't sell herself off to a bunch of ass-kissing Imps... (Man, this is fun!)

2006-01-22 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Curious but what does everyone think of the Drow goddess Eilistraee? Being a worshipper of Lloth, you can probably guess my opinion

2006-01-22 [Linn Scarlett]: she's a twit O.o' *worships Thraud, who's a warrior-god since 3/4th of her MALE council is -aside from male- also a warrior class* eilistraee worshippers are the kinda drow that are born to be used :p (oh yes Lloth does, I bet she had to do some really nasty things with Asmodeus to get herself godhood)

2006-01-23 [Kalnafein]: Eilistraee's worshippers are nothing more then misguided do gooders.. I'm suprised the Do'Urden Renegade didn't flock to her call... or to The Masked Lords either >.>

2006-01-23 [Linn Scarlett]: the masked lord is evil remember... dear righteous drizzt would NEVER flok with him *lol* sssssides, he worships Meilikki which is just a sad form of Eilistraee if you ask me >_< i never quite got that part of the story. ANYHOW Eilistraee sucks high elven cocks.... (sorry it's my new proverb :p)

2006-01-23 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Man... [iliketoast] isn't going to like that... she chose Eilistraee for her deity... than again she isn't a very violent person...

2006-01-23 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: BTW, Linnerial, could you send me a picture of you god's symbol (if he has one). I'm making a new banner b/c the old one isn't allowed due to copyright rules... I was going to make one with the symbols of the gods/goddesses of the drow (Lloth, Eilistraee, Vhaeraun, Kiarasalee, and any others that people suggest)

2006-01-24 [Kalnafein]: Lotor should be ATLEAST a Demo-god and hissymbol could be his helmet lol

2006-01-24 [Kalnafein]: Lotor should be ATLEAST a Demi-god and his symbol could be his helmet lol

2006-01-24 [Linn Scarlett]: idiotic male *ignores Venris and talks on with Lady Ssapzyne* :p he's symbol is a broken shield and/or two crossed rapiers, you can see it on Linnerial's clothing

2006-01-24 [Linn Scarlett]: <img300*0:stuff/Linnerial2.jpg> (click to enlarge) :p

2006-01-24 [Linn Scarlett]: oh and i am going to be bold and enhance some of the pages... like give my Lord-god a page ;)

2006-01-24 [Linn Scarlett]: Wastelands of the Blade <--- Thraud's page ^_^

2006-01-24 [Kalnafein]: :: mumbles to himself, something about Lynn and a Drider having very personal relations in a large pile of Rothe dung

2006-01-24 [Linn Scarlett]: *mumbles something about how nice the mage's head would look above her dinner table*

2006-02-02 [Foxspike]: bloody hell thats amazing

2006-02-02 [Linn Scarlett]: hm what?

2006-02-03 [Foxspike]: the picture

2006-02-04 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Yes, It's very good! :)

2006-02-05 [Linn Scarlett]: *ponders* we should try to figure out how to set up some sort of 'house wars' game

2006-02-05 [Kalnafein]: Oh you mean like How I suggested a few months ago?

2006-02-05 [Linn Scarlett]: i don't know?

2006-02-05 [Kalnafein]: lol, the problem is figuring how to conduct them and how to determine a winner

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