Page name: Menzoberranzan [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-26 22:03:46
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Welcome to the City of Spiders! This Wiki is dedicated to the Drow, especially those of the city of Menzoberranzan. I'm working on this page and it might take awhile to do all that I want, but I've got big plans for this place. So, check the place out and I hope you like it!
-[Ssapzyne Del'Armgo] (creator)


8/25/05- Well, after a while of working, I've finally got this wiki open! Yay! Look around and tell me what you think! Comments wanted...

10/8/05- I just opened a new page on the goddess "Kiaransalee" in the Religon section. Go check it out! Thanks to [Kalnafein] for the info on her!

11/9/05- I just got the new "Drow Stories" section up. Go check it out!

1/6/06- Just a happy New Year to everyone and a little notice: I recently signed up Menzoberranzan as a Safe Zone wiki. BAsically, this means that there is no discriminating people here. Of course, RP fighting and insulting and stuff like that is always allowed; this IS Menzoberranzan, the city of the Drow. But that was just a little FYI.

2/4/06- I just added another religon page, the god Thraud, done wonderfully by [Linn Scarlett]. Thanx!

Thanks to the creative thinking [Kalnafein], I've made the Menzoberranzan Debate page. Go check it out and add ideas if you've got them! I put two up already!

I've just put up a new religion page on the Drow god Ghaunadaur. I'm working on one for Selvetarm that should be up soon, along with House Agarch Dyrr!

Happy Pi Day everyone! Wait, nevermind... Anyway, a correction was made in the page for Vhaeraun. The picture I had was of the god the Mask, not Vhaeraun. The picture was changed, thanks to [Kalnafein] for telling me about that.

Also I added a picture in Lloth's, Eilistraee's, Vhaeraun's, and Kiaransalee's pages if you ant to look at them. I'll be getting Selvetarm's page up in the next few days... hopefully.

There's 3 new banners for the taking! Go check them out!

I've added the Drow Sites page. It has a listing of more Drow sites you can look at.

About the Drow

Ok, first off, being this wiki is dedicated to the Drow, I will first define what is a Drow. If you do not know what a Drow is, I suggest you follow this link:
What is a Drow


I've made a list of the top 8 houses of Menzoberranzan which you can join. I put down some Info on each other the houses along with the family symbol. Read about them, choose which you like most, and put your name there!

First House: House Baenre
Second House: House Barrison Del'Armgo
Third House: House Faen Tlabbar
Fourth House: House Xorlarrin

Because this is a new wiki and there are not too many members, the last 4 Great Houses will not be open yet. As soon as we get enough people, I will complete the last 4 and you can change to one of them if you wish...
Fifth House: House Agrach Dyrr
Sixth House: House Mizzrym
Seventh House: House Fey-Branche
Eighth House: House Tuin'Tarl

Drow Religon

These links will lead you to sections where you can learn about the different goddesses/gods of the Drow. Choose which deity you are the follower of.(Note: there are a few other Drow gods/goddesses, but there's not too much known about them to list them and info about them here)

The Demonweb Pits

The Temple of Eilistraee

The Shrine of Vhaeraun

The Tomb of Kiaransalee

The Wastelands of the Blade

The Cave of Ghaunadaur

Menzoberranzan Maps
Confused of were you are in the City of Spiders? Come here for maps of the underground cavern.

Menzoberranzan Role Play
Think you want to journey around Menzoberranzan? Come here and interact in the City of Spiders!

Menzoberranzan Banners
Tell others of our city! Get a banner here!

Drow Books
Love the books? Come here and talk about your favorite Drow books, characters, and other novel-related material.

Drow Games
Have a favorite game or want to talk about them? Come here!

Drow Stories
A section for all those creative writers who like to write about the Drow!

Menzoberranzan Debate
A section for debating aspects of the Drow VS all other random things!

Drow Sites
Still have questions or want to learn more about the Drow? Come here to check out more sites! (Includes Drow Language Sites)

Coming Soon
Bregan D'aerthe
House Agrach Dyrr

Username (or number or email):


2005-08-29 [Kalnafein]: About time Lord Vhaeraun got some attetion...

2005-08-30 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Do you know any others who are interesting in Drow?

2005-09-05 [sheeby]: hey linz awesome wiki! i like!

2005-09-12 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Thanks! Can you tell I'm a bit obsessed?

2005-09-13 [RiddleRose]: woot! me too! R.A. Salvatore is the best! may i join and stuff?

2005-09-13 [Kalnafein]: I actually happen to have... By Lord Vhaeraun's good graces a book that lists atleast three other Drow Dieities but not Eilistree...which is no loss lol I'll send their information to you in a day or so

2005-09-13 [Kalnafein]: Oh Yea and please take my poll lol..and if I HAD to join any house it would be House Agrach Dyrr

2005-09-13 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: My apologies about that... if you want to help me get the House up faster, you're welcome to find as much info as you can...but I suggest reading the 6th War of the spider queen book first if you can. And Riddlerose, welcome! Sign up in whichever house you prefer!

2005-09-14 [Kalnafein]: Wish i Had the money to buy the Last Book of the War of the Spider Bitch.. I mean Queen!

2005-09-16 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: *glares* watch you mouth Pig-priest! (I actually when to Borders for a few hours a read the book, it took a few trips but I finished it)

2005-09-18 [Kalnafein]: Atleast I'm not a Spider Kissing bitch you wretch! ( Meh I take a few days to read lol I like savouring it)

2005-09-18 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: *sends spell "Lloth's Flaming Wraith" at Fenris* You shall pay for that! (and man are we getting creative with the insults! If you want to we can carry this over to the RP)

2005-09-19 [Kalnafein]: *grins as his Cloak of relfection merely bounces the spell back at Ssapzyne* Poor Spider Loving bitch ( yea no kidding lol and you ar enever online to rp with me when im online!)

2005-09-19 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: *dispells spell with wave of hand* Simple... I'm surprised you couldn't do that and had to rely on your ratty cloak (Just go to the Rp section and write a responce)

2005-09-20 [Kalnafein]: *smirks wildly* Unlike the slave sof the spider queen I do not see fit to break my back over such an easy task!

2005-09-20 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: *smirks back* As if it took me any effort at all

2005-09-21 [Kalnafein]: I'm sure it tok all two of your remaining brain cells to dispel your own casting wench!

2005-09-21 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: *glares* If brains were gasoline you wouldn't have enough to power a motorcycle around the outside of a pinhead and that's being generous

2005-09-22 [Kalnafein]: *chuckles* that insult was new when the former Matron Mother Baenre was a Babe! please try to use something from this Century Spider lover *grins*

2005-09-22 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: *grins back* I will as soon as you develpoe some class; and a few better comebacks.

2005-09-23 [Kalnafein]: *snarls* Daughter of the Spider Whore! you dare to claim I have no class! how dare you speack as such! look at the pitiful goddess you worshp... she couldn't even catch the last male of House Daermon N'a'Shezbaernon! ( House Do'Urden) not only can the worthless spider bitch NOT capture the last son of Do'Urden, She even lost her pet and puppet Matron Mother Baenre!

2005-09-23 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Well first off, that male caused much chaos to her worshppers and the great spider queen is a goddess of CHAOS. Secondly, no Drow lives forever. Lloth planned for Matron Baenre to fall and the Drow to be defeated. It's chaos; the way of Lloth.

2005-09-24 [Kalnafein]: So I suppose the defeat at Mithrill hall was caused by Lolth's "will"?

2005-09-24 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Of course.

2005-09-25 [Kalnafein]: atleast The Masked Lord cares for his sons and dos not throw them away like goblin slave fodder

2005-09-25 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Lloth cares for her daughters, but we must EARN her care. She doesn't just pick random rouge bozos for priestesses

2005-09-27 [Kalnafein]: No lolth's priesstes smust KISS HER BULBOUS ASS to become her loyal servants.. the masked lord only asks that we servehim and do his will no ass kissing

2005-09-27 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: We are loyal to Lloth through ALL things, not just at the opportune moment!

2005-10-01 [Kalnafein]: And that is why you are doomed to the maw of the Soul reaver!

2005-10-01 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: The Soul Reaver is only a test of Lloth's faithful, to insure no heretics come to Lloth's doorstep.

2005-10-02 [Kalnafein]: Only the sane oppose the ways of the Spider Bitch! So Lloth must love surronding herself wit hinsane idiot souls..perhaps those to crazy even for the devils of the Nine-Hells?

2005-10-03 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Better to be insane than hopelessly witless like her son's followers!

2005-10-03 [Foxspike]: hello every one kool the soul reaver thats from the legacy of kane. lol bang one point to Matty sorry im gonna be quite now just dropped in to say hi

2005-10-03 [Kalnafein]: We have learned to survive on the surface wench of the spider bitch! We have come back to the surface to recalim our lost heritege all the while Lloth and her idiot daughters and content to huddle in the dark making pointless war upon each other for merger gains!

2005-10-03 [Kalnafein]: Wrong wouls reaver there buddy lol Raziel didn't make a pit stop by the Demnweb pits lol this is a diffrent creature they call the Soul reaver and yes Legacy of Kain kicks Supreme ass! Vae Viictus!

2005-10-03 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Woah... I didn't realize you two love Legacy of Kain as much as I do! Sweet! We should make a wiki for that! (man, how cool would it be if Raziel showed up in Forgotten Realms!)

2005-10-04 [Foxspike]: i dont really know alot about i know its about a sword and kain is a vamp and raxual is like some kinda vampire spirt neither alive nor dead. but other than that i dodnt really now much more 

2005-10-04 [Kalnafein]: Kain vs Drizzt Do'Urden lol now thats a fight I'll watch

2005-10-04 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Definately! Who do you think would win? I'm betting Kain if he has the Soul Reaver with Raziel's spirit in it. Without, I'm not so sure...

2005-10-05 [Kalnafein]: Drizzt has the bracers he got off of Dantrag so he could run around kain quickly and cut him up HE'D CUT KAIN OPEN LIKE A PACK OF FRANKS! lol

2005-10-05 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: lol. Yeah, but Kain can heal pretty fast. One good hit with the Soul Reaver and part of Drizzt's soul is sucked away.

2005-10-06 [Kalnafein]: Kain can only heal if he gets blood so if Drizzt lures him away from a food source and doesn't let Kain feed...and lets not forget about Guen!

2005-10-07 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: That's true, but I thought this was a one on one fight. If Drizzt gets Gwenhyvar, does Kain get a side-kick or something... maybe Raziel?

2005-10-08 [Kalnafein]: Technically the reaver is Sentient lol so it counts

2005-10-08 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Hmmm... I wonder what would happen if Kain killed Gwenhyvar with the soul Reaver? Would she just return to the Astral plane or would the Reaver's powers have any sort of effect on her.

2005-10-09 [Foxspike]: i heard the Seraphin are in the games as bad guys. which is wierd considering they kill vampires which i thgought were the bad guys

2005-10-09 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: The games pretty much make the humans the bad guys and the vamps the good ones... it all depends on perspective...

2005-10-09 [Foxspike]: well sadly mine is always the blind one of vamps evil and need staking, decapitating, burning, holy watered and generally killed

2005-10-09 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: lol... most people think that way. The way I think of it is,if I were a vampire, would I be so keen on rooting for the vamp hunters?

2005-10-09 [Foxspike]: good point there u have id be like angel and hunt other vamps and help the innocent and still kill humans but the evil kind like murders etc thats how id use my vamp powers course trying not to get staked by vmp hunters try maybe talking to them lol

2005-10-10 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: True, that is if they were interested in talking and not solely focused on sticking a piece of wood in your heart.

2005-10-11 [Foxspike]: yea but then i can fly so its better to run and atleast offer peace than to kill the whole lot

2005-10-11 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Than if they don't accept piece, you can dive bomb them! lol.

2005-10-11 [Foxspike]: yea or use the gift as it was ment and kill bad people and any prat dumb enough to think they can kill u

2005-10-12 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Pretty much if your a vampire, you can kill just about anyone if your careful. If you don't pay attension, eventually you're gonna get killed...

2005-10-13 [Kalnafein]: I Prefer WereWolves and the reaver wouldn't affect Guen because shes not really "Alive"

2005-10-13 [Foxspike]: lol a slayer gonna hunt u down

2005-10-14 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: werewolves are cool, but I'm definately more of a vampire person. Wait, scratch that, I love ALIENS! (man, we're really off subject, but I don't mind, it's my wiki!)

2005-10-16 [Kalnafein]: I'll just call Men in Black on you alien man!

2005-10-16 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Why? I like aliens... heck if met one I'd be excited... unless it's trying to eat me or something...

2005-10-17 [Foxspike]: lol yea its the evil ones i dont like i just hope if they did come we didnt all of a sudden nuke them lol coz we were afraid give them a chance they cant all be evil. sides there is somthing out there has to be its too big not to be

2005-10-17 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: If they did try to nuke them, that would be a VERY bad idea... most likely they could turn our planet into dust with a snap of their fingers if they wanted...

2005-10-19 [Kalnafein]: I bought "The Lone Drow" & "The Two Swords"!

2005-10-19 [Foxspike]: they sounf familir where have i whered those before?

2005-10-19 [Kalnafein]: They are High-Grade Forgotten Realms Porno!

2005-10-19 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: They are two books written by R.A.Salvatore... they are pretty good. Ah...Val'har, I'm guessing you are refering to the scenes with Obloud and Tsinka... I didn;t hink it was THAT bad...I mean it wasn't very descriptive.

2005-10-20 [Foxspike]: lol well i read a shit one there was no good stuff init my bro had to write a scrip for a radio show and it was like nope nothing that gave it away but the point of it was the guy thought she liked him and was banging him coz every time she saw his marte she told him the clear off but turns out she was banging them both

2005-10-20 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: You do find books like that. I don't mind if they have one or two "special" scenes in them, but they had better had a damn decent plotline!

2005-10-21 [Foxspike]: yea i didnt really like this was a bit on the weak side if u ask me

2005-10-21 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: true. You have to have a good plot line or the book's no good.

2005-10-22 [Linn Scarlett]: hail ^_^ *jumps in and does a Look-at-Me pose*

2005-10-22 [Linn Scarlett]: hmm technically my char is related to the Baerne's via Gromph's brother Ilharn (i invented Ilharn, yes i know that it means sire :p)

2005-10-22 [Linn Scarlett]: *looks over* is it me, or do we miss Selvetarm?

2005-10-22 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: lol... welcome to Menzoberranzan. The two here are Matt and Val'har. Val'har is a priest of Vharaun and Matt... hey Matt, what Drow god/goddess is yours?

2005-10-22 [Linn Scarlett]: *chuckles* mine is Belishtim, the dark seducer ^_^ .....there are other gods next to the Dark Mother's Patheon, you know that right?

2005-10-22 [Linn Scarlett]: but like i said, Selvetarm and Gaunadaur(?) are part of Lloth's little circle of deities too

2005-10-22 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Yep... I need to put info up on those two...

2005-10-22 [Linn Scarlett]: *puts on teacher's face* i have can buy it,,,, for the right price *quote Kelmyr*

2005-10-22 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: *pulls out boomstick* Give info, or feel the wraith of the BOOMSTICK! (don't ask...)

2005-10-22 [Linn Scarlett]: *pulls out a small rusted theespoon* pay or be smitted by the Theespoon of Doom :p

2005-10-22 [Ssapzyne Del'Armgo]: Grrr *attacks with BOOMSICK* so random, I know...

2005-10-22 [Linn Scarlett]: well the Theespoon of Doom is actually a weapon my char made out of a theespoon and some of her sire's best spells :p

2005-10-23 [Kalnafein]: I'm not a Priest of Vhaeraun.. Merely an Interested Observer lol and I Worshipped him BEFORE My D&D Charecter " Val'har Agrach Dyrr" becme a Demi-God by Slaying Tiamat lol So Techinically I am a Drow Deity too =-p though I'm not offical lol though maybe we shold put me on the Deity Page too loung with Selvetarm whos is Lolths Champion though strangly hes not in either of my D&D books about Gods

2005-10-23 [Kalnafein]: Oh yea ::Pulls out the Ancient Bone Saber Of Zumacalin" My Saber shall smite thou foolish mortals.... and the scenes with Obould-who-is-the-smelly-stinky-pig-faced-God and His weirdo Priestess was a bit disturbing!

2005-10-24 [Linn Scarlett]: he is in The Tome of Drow Lore and in the Quintessential of the Drow i recall *goes to search in pile of drow dnd books*

2005-10-24 [Kalnafein]: Vote Val'har to go onto the Deity's page! and umm...I'll Smite thou foes!

2005-10-24 [Foxspike]: what if all the foes u had u killed and lost your self in grief and dispair, this knight that destroyed all he loved, not physically but mentally now lost he walks alone, waiting for the time when action calls him to fight where he will fight his war ond hope to die simply to escape the tormenting nightmares. his grief is now lost to anger, until now he wishes that his loved ones never lived so he would be spared the pain.

2005-10-24 [Linn Scarlett]: i can smite my own foes :p

2005-10-24 [Kalnafein]: Feh but you don't have thee umm ::searches his pockets:: the quater of damnation!

2005-10-24 [Linn Scarlett]: I've the Teaspoon of Doom...

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