Page name: Mike's Party [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-12 21:45:22
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[To a collection of Photo's from Mike's party on Friday 10th November 2006.. It rocked!!]

Naph's comment: This is [Beki in Wonderland] aka Beki before the party, she went as a vampire!
[Juju's comment: Mwahahaha, mah fangies!! I look like a backwards chav o___O ...Makes sense to me XD]
Atay's comment: Bugger me! I seriously screamed when I first saw Beki like this! Her teeth looked so real!

Naph's comment: This is [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] aka me aka Alex before hand (looking like a mime) I was meant to be a corpse bride kinda thing.
[Juju's comment: Hehe, i love this picture... you're the corpse mime *nods*]
Atay's comment: Oooh! Corpse Alex! Whee! :D

[Juju's comment: Bwahahaha, Alex looks mellow XD]
Naph's comment: Thats coz i was rather mellow we were 2 3rds of the way through the cider and ouzo at that point.. and i was kinda shocked you were taking a photo! xD

[Juju's comment: Aaaand i just look completely smashed...]
Naph's comment: yup.. smashed or insane possibly a bit of both.. i only just realised you're sitting down! o__O

[Juju's comment: Mwahahahaha, MOSH GIRLY, MOSH!!!!]
Naph's comment: yesh i shall! damn my nose looks strange.. o__O hehe flying hair! xD

[Juju's comment: FECK! Where have i gone!?]
Naph's comment: Yeah i took the photo when your head was back nad it flashed just before you disappeared off screen..

[Juju's comment: ...Now i think about it, we were really lucky we didn't smash our heads together doing that XD]
Naph's comment: We so were.. that become our 'thing' it's our personal mosh style!!

[Juju's comment: Both still alive, and Alex is doing her Gene Simmons impersination!]
Naph's comment: Is it my fault my tongue is long and pointy? I was born this way dammit!

[Juju's comment: Mwahaha, it's Nathan.. Drumming... Yeah..]
Naph's comment: yesh.. nathan hates me *nods* but he gave me a hug at the party for some reason o__O He rocks on the drums though.

[Juju's comment: "I never smile *cough, splutter* Must... Not...Smile..." XD]
Naph's comment: aww bless his little cotton socks! He was so sweet and he did attempt a smile.. xD

[Juju's comment: Bwahaha, a new take on the 'from above' emo photos XD Rock on!]
Naph's comment: yup.. but tipsyness meant that we felt the need to bend over double Mr K style and fall over! >.<

Naph's comment: ...Yup... Beki has her face in cake.. it seemed like a good idea at the time! =D
[Juju's comment: Mweheheheee, it was amusing though XD]

Naph's comment: SHAUN!! aka dick on the guitar! ^-^ hehe moppish hair! awww!
[Juju's comment: Wayhay, it's Dick XD Ahhh, he is such a mop, isn't he? XD]

Naph's comment:Freyah and Beki... Beki looks scary frayah looks mellow! xD w00t we got her moshing a bit!
[Juju's comment: Yup, she made an effort and that's all that matters XD ...I do look weird here o__O and drunk, but i look drunk in all of them XD]

Naph's comment:Beki's ear.. drunken photography at it's best! xD
[Juju's comment: Wooo, i rock at drunk photography.. not sure how i managed to get a photo of my own ear though o__O]

Naph's comment: MIKE!! it was his party.. he went as Jesus but he lacked the beard to which he said something like: "Jesus wasn't born with a beard" I guess he's right.
[Juju's comment: Peh, that's no excuse.. he should have had a beard..]

Naph's comment: Rob with a blow up crown! He started the pit i think which surprised me! xD and he hugged me.. which was quite shocking because i thought we hated each other..
[Juju's comment: Yeah, he was being surprisingly nice considering we don't get on at all in school o__O]

Naph's comment: ATAY-CHAN!! *huggles* looking very cool and with it! How come your photo's are so good?
[Juju's comment: w00t! The only person who managed to get tipsy without looking drunk at all XD]

Naph's comment: Beki and Atay (aka holly) aww Beki looks so stoned it's unbelievable!
[Juju's comment: Mweheheheee, i love this pic... i look so out of it XD]

Naph's comment: ANDY!! hehe rock on!
[Juju's comment: I don't actually remember taking this o__O]

Naph's Comment: Steevo - Mike's brother.. looking PISSED!! he took the photo himself.. he gets points for working out how to use the camera! xD
[Juju's comment: I worked out how to use the camera!! I deserve a nobel prize for that... jeez... I think pretty much everyone looked pissed by this point XD]

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2006-11-20 [Beki in Wonderland]: lol, bits of tree? why tree?!

2006-11-20 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: i dunno for some reason i have an image of the battle being in a forest.. i want aka to arrive so we can start fighting! >.<

2006-11-20 [Beki in Wonderland]: stop being impatient child, im trying to make my mind up about what he's going to do...

2006-11-21 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: lol okays sorry it's just i'm really getting into the RP nad i could have written at least 3 times more than i did on Naph.. i shall go wake Lee up at somepoint too..

2006-11-21 [Beki in Wonderland]: i know i just wrote mine, and i wrote it on word first and it was about 3 pages XD so i had to shorten it or it would have been rediculously long.. its still long, but not as long as it would have been if id left it as the original XD Akayuu being a show off <33

2006-11-21 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: yesh i saw! It was cool.. and i managed an even longer post o__O

2006-11-21 [Beki in Wonderland]: i'm going to try and shorten my next posts... i can see our battle scene being very long winded XD

2006-11-21 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: yeah same here although battle posts are meant to be shorter..

2006-11-21 [Beki in Wonderland]: yes, but we're us.. both of us tend to go overboard on describing everything <img:img/mood/44166_1160062686.gif>

2006-11-21 [Beki in Wonderland]: i luff the emoticons ^^

2006-11-21 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: yesh emoticons are cool and yes we have description addictions! eh it rhymes! =D <img:img/mood/44166_1159651136.gif>

2006-11-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: they suck

2006-11-24 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: peh you have to get with the spirit! careful use of emotes ist sehr cool.. overuse is suckish..

2007-11-19 [Beki in Wonderland]: o____O I've just read this back... I sound so bipolar XD one minute i'm all 'I love the emoticons!' ..then 'They suck'....wth?!?!

Aaah, hooray for commenting on wiki's a whole year after the last comment was made XD

2007-12-02 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: lol yayz! and lolz to that!! XD yeah.. can't believe that mike's had another 2 parties since that and we've become boozy whores :o wow!

2007-12-02 [Beki in Wonderland]: Aye, boozy whores indeed! I'm cutting down on my alcohol, it's not doing anything good to me XD I drink way too much for someone my age i think XD

2007-12-02 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: I am too. I have made a pact to only drink 2 - 3 glasses a week and maximum of one shot. No smoking either coz i'm pretty sure my insides are starting to fuck up. I'm going on the straight and narrow!

2007-12-03 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yeah, i've realised that i'm becoming somewhat of an alcoholic... I think i'm going completely T-total for a while, maybe just a glass of cider or wine with meals or something... Tea will be my new alcohol XD

2007-12-03 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: lol i don't drink much anyways except for at parties tbf coz i never drink sunday to thursday anyways! Just want to cut out the binging!

2007-12-04 [Beki in Wonderland]: Lol, yeah no more binge drinking! My problem is i've noticed that i'm having a drink every day without fail... I just don't want to become dependant on it! XD

2007-12-04 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: aye that doesn't sound good o_o ...

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