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2009-01-22 [Artsieladie]: I know this. I have helped at the very least, over 500 pets. I have rescued them from abusive and neglectful situations. I have taken pets in that were only going to end up at a shelter. I have taken pets in that were about to be euthanised by a shelter. What we need is for more people to wake up and stop allowing more pets to be continuously and needlessly brought into the world. So many people just do not get it! When they do nothing to put a limit on the procreation, they are contributing to the death of millions of animals that are already here and then contributing to the inevitable doom for the ones they are allowing to be brought into the world, besides. Being a person that has been an active pet rescuer for many years, I know what I'm talking about. If there were MORE concerned people, at some point this scenario might have a chance to be plateaued at least and then hope for avertion, but as long as the majority of the public maintain a cavelier attitude, I do not see this situation getting any better, but increasingly worse.
2009-01-26 [Nomak]: Not with everying that leaves any shelter has to be neuter/spayed by law.
2009-01-27 [Artsieladie]: I'm not sure what you said exactly, but every pet that leaves a shelter nowadays is supposed to be altered. This is good, but what about the millions that do not go through the shelter nor through the shelter's process of adoption?
2009-01-28 [Nomak]: That's why we have animal control officers and laws against excessive breeding.
2009-01-28 [Artsieladie]: Well, the animal control officers are only there to pick up strays and 'supposedly' to help enforce the licensing of dogs. But, in my neck of the woods, there is no set criteria that has to be met to be a control officer and we've had some REAL dusies!
As far as excessive breeding, well, I haven't seen any real control of this yet. There are puppy mills all over the place and the only time something is done about such, is when there are complaints made about the care of the animals involved. Other than this, there are no REAL laws that prohibit useless, needless, unwarranted, excessive breeding.
So many people think that just because they go out and purchase a purebred dog, well! There MUST BE MONEY IN IT! It's a puebred, so let's breed it!!!!! WRONG!!!!!!! Only the very best specimens should be selected to be bred and I don't mean in accordance to AKC standards. I mean healthy and disease resistant wise and temperament wise for 2 very good examples. These are far more important than if the dog stands square or if the dog has a white patch that it shouldn't. Just 2 examples.
Almost every dog that is bought as a purebred by the general public, these dogs are NOT THE BEST SPECIMENS! They are nothing more than PET QUALITY. Any top breeder will NEVER SELL their BEST SPECIMENS to the general public. If they did, a person should expect to pay MANY, MANY, MANY 1000's of dollars for such an animal of SUPERB QUALITY! Anything less and they are purchasing "pet quality" and NOTHING MORE THAN THIS and therefore THEY SHOULD NOT BE BRED!
Sorry, but this is a subject that I know a lot about and I have worked YEARS trying to inform and reduce the ignorance that eminates from the public as a whole in regards to the over population of pets and the continuing practice of people in general that do nothing about this horrible, horrible situation. It's horrible because it's the millions and millions of INNOCENT animals THAT ARE PAYING THE PRICE!
This is nothing against you here. The problem is that there are so few of us individuals that REALLY DO CARE, while there are millions that could care less. ;,(
2009-01-29 [Nomak]: There indifferance is the differance between us and them.
2009-01-29 [Artsieladie]: Yeah, but there's not enough of us that care to really make a dent in the problem, but those of us that care mustn't give up, because we are the only hope for at least some of these innocent animals. :P
2009-01-29 [Nomak]: Not true.
2009-01-31 [Artsieladie]: What is not true?
2009-01-31 [Nomak]: That we are the only hope.
2009-01-31 [Artsieladie]: What is the 'other' hope?
2009-03-24 [Alexi Ice]: What did you change, Hedda?
2009-03-24 [Artsieladie]: He's indexing/categ
2009-03-24 [Alexi Ice]: I have always wanted to learn how to index ^^ I should try indexing my personal Wiki's sometimes.
2009-03-24 [Artsieladie]: That's the best place to start, I think, with your own. :) I have (guessing) about 800 wiki pages, maybe more, on Elftown, that I work on indexing in between everything else I'm doing. ;P
2009-03-24 [Alexi Ice]: You are an insanly busy lady, aren't you? ^^ Most of my wikis are not related but if I try indexing my own, it won't matter if I mess up. Thats my theory anyway! ^^
2009-03-25 [Artsieladie]: The key word being "insanely", of course! lol Even if you do mess them up and make spaghetti (What kind of sauce do you like on your spaghetti? *giggles*), you can always go back and undo your indexing and re-do it to a better way of your liking. This is why it's better to try it out on a few pages, to get a feel for how it works. Then if you need to go back and un-do, to be able to re-do, it won't involve being as big of an undertaking. ;)
2009-03-25 [Artsieladie]: You don't? Actually, I will always have a plate of spaghetti with butter (has to be butter for I eat no plastic and margarines and other spreads are just one molecule away from being plastic), garlic, onion, pepper, LaChoy soy sauce (has to be LaChoy, low sodium), and freshly ground Parmesan Cheese and sometimes other melted cheese poured over the top. I LOVE cheese!!! After I have my usual first plate of spaghetti like this, then I'll have my second plate with sauce. ...And with freshly baked garlic bread and a chef's tossed salad on the side, complete with anchovies! If I have fresh basil, I will garnish with this, too. Yummy! *licks lips* :D
Yes it doezzz! hehe
2009-03-25 [Alexi Ice]:
2009-03-26 [Artsieladie]: Oh, well, you can be sure that there's oregano in the sauce! ...And rosemary, a little sage, sweet basil, parsley, some bay leaves, some cayenne pepper, not too much, though, because people can always add to appeal to their own taste. The tomatoes should be beefy, mealy tomatoes, like the Italian plum tomato and/or the beefsteak tomato. They break down nicely in your sauce, but instead of contributing too much juice, they contribute the mealy tomato pastey consistency and just enough liquid for the sauce. I never add sugar as many do, but instead I add pieces of cut up carrot. The carrot naturally sweetens, reduces the acidity, and should your sauce ever stick to ze bottom of your pot, that can contribute to a scorched taste, the carrot will remove the scorched flavour. Amazing things, those carrots! hehe
You no like anchovies? I love 'em! But... I love fish and I like lemon, too. I can eat a lemon as many would eat an orange. So many people go for beef, but I only get a hankering for beef (steak) a couple times a year, maybe. ...And when I do, I like it rare, rare, rare! But you're not supposed to eat it like this anymore, and maybe this is why I'm not so crazy about eating beef as I used to be. I used to buy a London Broil, and cut chunks off before cooking it, and eat it raw. Cannibal! I love a raw ground round sandwich, with onion and pepper. Yum! I even like liver and liverwurst.
Actually, I like most foods. I am not a finicky eater at all, but I am finicky about what I eat and drink from/with and I like the different foods separated on my plate, not all run in together or mixed in with something else. I never eat or drink from something that someone else has eaten or drank from, either, with one exception only. If someone takes a sip from my cup or glass, that's it, I won't touch it after that. It's theirs! If they stick their eating utensil in my food that they have had in their mouth, eh, I no longer will eat what their utensil touched. ....And this goes right along with kissing, actually. I'm a very stingy kisser! I'll kiss people on the cheek, but the mouth is off limits! My lips are off limits to other lips! lol .....Unless, I'm involved with someone, then I have noooooooo problem. :)
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