Page name: Modern Magic [Logged in view] [RSS]
2023-03-27 02:29:28
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Myrddin Wyllt, Merlin or even Emrys was a myth and legend of the Arthurian legend of Camelot. Except, what if the legend was real something young Samantha Wynn is about to find out for herself. A direct descendant of the sorcerer and his love Nimue, Samantha is about to inherent that which is her birthright and everything that goes along with it.

Modern Magic: Characters - Modern Magic: Locations

The twelfth night in a row, twelve of them strange dreams so bad that she could not get back to sleep. Sammy lost her job when she called off being too exhausted to report to the office. And of course without a job she got evicted from her apartment and to top it all off her boyfriend dumped her. All in such short order, even her parents shook their heads when they heard about it. They of course had invited her to return home, but so had her friend Briana Carrillo offered her couch meaning less disruption in Sammy's parents life.

Three in the morning Sammy's cell phone rang it didn't wake her, in fact she'd been awake since one in the morning. Looking at the caller ID she didn't recognize the number as it almost looked like an overseas number, like London or Paris even. Hunter, Archer, Singer and Steele. was listed as the caller.

Lifting the phone to her ear she mumbling a hello she waited for the response. She usually wouldn’t answer but her curiosity got to her. Her blue eyes flashed around the room waiting to her the other persons sell pitch.

"Hello, my name is Jonathan Smith. I am an attorney with Hunter, Archer, Singer and Steele. Is this Miss Samantha Wynn?" the man's voice was british or a very good actor playing at an accent.

Sam sat up and spun around on the bed, “This is she. Can I help you?” She asked not sure if this was real or not.

"I have the unfortunate duty to advise you, your great, great uncle Theodore Wynn has passed away." Mr. Smith continued. Letting the gravity of his words settle upon her before continuing, "You are listed as the sole heir to his estate. I understand that you would not be able to come to our offices, but we do have an office in New York and they would be able to help you."

Her mouth dropped. She hadn’t spoken to her great, great uncle for several months. She sat back in her bed and heart began to understand what he was saying. “I can be there by tomorrow. What do I need to do?”

"The office is near Central Park, I can make arrangements to send a car to pick you up. Per his wishes his body was turned over to a crematorium here in London. We can put you and any guests up at his residence in New York or a hotel if you wish."

Sam thought a moment, “I will stay in his residence.” She stood up off the bed, “What time will the car be here?” She asked the man on the phone. She rummaged and found a black duffel bag and began to put clothes in it as her ear remained on the phone. She would message her mom and dad after she was off the phone.

"I can arrange for the car to pick you up around ten in the morning your time." Smith said.

“Alright I’ll be ready.” She proceeded to tell Smith her current address before they got off the phone. As she sat back on her bed she messaged her mom and dad explaining her situation.

Her parents remembered Theodore but they had not seen him in sometime, "he named you sole heir?" her mother responded. "I do not think you should go alone sweetheart." he dad replied.

Sam rolled her eyes at her comment. “You going to go with me?” She text her parents back.

"Your father has a treatment this morning, why not take Briana as a way to say thanks for letting you crash with her?" her mother sent back. Lloyd had very early prostate cancer and the doctors set up for radiation therapy which according to them was having a positive effect. Her dad was ever the trooper through the entire ordeal and not wanting to disrupt their schedule is why Sammy decided to stay with Briana.

”I’ll ask her, but let me know how dads therapy goes today.” Sammy sent back to her mom. She knew it was far too early for Briana to be awake but the car would be here at 10 am. Ever so quietly she made her way to Brianas room. “Bri?” She cracked the door open.

Briana was tucked into her bed, but Sam could see that she had on her headphones. Slipping one ear off she looked over, "What's up? Other than you."

“You will never believe the phone call I just got.” She said as she began to go into the story.

Briana listened to the whole thing and let out a whistle, "So, you are going to New York to sign some paperwork. Sounds like adventure to me."

Sam nodded, “Do you think you would want to go?” She asked her friend.

"When do we leave?" Briana asked with a yawn.

“The car service will be here at 10 this morning.” Sam smiled at her friend.

"Okay, I'm going back to sleep for a bit. I will get up about five or six and get packed up and cleaned up. Do you need anything hun?" she asked as she began to pull up the blankets.

“No I’m good. I’m going to go finish packing some stuff.” She stepped out of the door way closed her door half way. She went back to her room and finished gathering her things to bring with her. She laid down on the bed after about forty five minutes of packing and gathering. She was having trouble going back to sleep as her mind whirled around what was going on.

At some point she nodded off and when she woke it was about seven thirty and she could smell coffee and breakfast coming from the kitchen. Briana was no doubt up and moving about and thought to get something to eat for their trip. Oddly, she felt rather refreshed and almost energetic.

Unfolding out of her bed she got around for the day and then walked to the kitchen and offered her help finishing breakfast.

Briana was dressed in jeans with her favorite sneakers and a tee shirt, "Thanks, but it's done and just in the oven on warm." Looking over Samantha saw their bags by the door with Briana's coat and her own. "So, you mentioned Theodore once or twice, he was your dad's uncle? But, what did he do for a living?" It was something not even Samantha or her dad knew, just that Uncle Theodore was an eccentric uncle from New York they saw a couple times a year.

Nodding to her first question about it being her dad’s uncle then she lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “I honestly don’t know what he use to do.” She looked at Briana as she sat down at the table.

A while later the car arrived, a polite young man loaded their luggage and started off for New York. "First time in New York?" he asked making a little small talk.

“Yes, are you a driver for my great uncle Theodore?” Samantha asked.

"I work for the law firm, but I did have the occasion once or twice to drive for him." he responded. They continued to talk for a little bit until they got on the interstate heading for New YOrk.

As they rode she made conversation with Briana. She thanked her for coming along with her ok this trip and then told her some stories she remembered as a small child of the holidays with Theodore.

The driver mentioned as they got closer to New York, "I was instructed that if you wanted to the firm will cover a stop over for lunch."

Samantha looked to Briana and smiled then she looked back to the driver, “That sounds wonderful but I would like to get to the firm.” She replied to him.

"Of course ma'am." the driver replied and within the hour they were pulling up in front of a building across the street from Central Park. A doorman opened the door and helped both women from the car. A woman in a grey pencil skirt and matching coat over a simple white blouse. Smiling warmly and held out her hand, "Samantha Wynn? I am Sireen el-Masih, I am one of Mr. Archer's assistants. If you come with me, they are waiting for you in the conference room upstairs."

Samantha reached out and shook Sireens hand and smiled back at her. She gave a nod of understanding, “Nice to meet you. This is my friend Briana.” She took a slide step and waved a hand at Briana. As the greetings were over she followed Sireen inside.

Sireen led them to the elevators and once inside hit the button for the top floor and leaned back against the rail. "Was your trip into the city a pleasant one?" she asked. Briana nodded and looked as the light lit up heading to the top floor and the offices of Hunter, Archer, Singer and Steele New York branch.

Samantha also nodded, “Yes.” She smiled to Sireen.

When the doors opened Samantha half believed she was somewhere that was not New York city in the least. The office looked like the interior pictures of a London gentleman's club, leather and oak furniture along with books and amazing artwork. Everywhere people were moving about with papers looking more like a modern law firm. Sireen nodded to the receptionist who made a quick phone call, "Mr. Archer and the other senior members will want to meet with you. Your friend can wait in Mr. Quinn's office until the paper work is all signed. It's a formality, I'm afraid." she added.

Samantha looked to Briana and she gave her nod, “I’ll see you in a bit.” She told her friend. She then looked to Sireen and followed her. The office was amazingly nice and she looked around a bit as she followed Sireen to the room where she would meet the senior members and Mr. Archer.

Richard Archer III was the most senior member of the board in America at the time, he was in his early sixties. He had salt and pepper hair and while he needed a cane, he still walked rather upright. Smiling warmly he extended his hand, "Samantha Wynn, it is good to meet you although I wish the circumstance were better."

Samantha took his hand firmly and shook it. “Mr. Archer thank you for the ride here.” She took a seat down the line that was open for her.

Mr. Archer opened the portfolio in front of him, "I would like to thank Miss Wynn for coming here today. As well I would like to thank the assembled members of the board as well." The large screen across the room had lawyers from every office of Hunter, Archer, Singer and Steele, all of whom were watching Samantha closely.

Samantha thanked them for having her and placed her hands in her lap. All their eyes on her made her nervous but she tried her best not to show it.

Modern Magic 2

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