Page name: Modern Magic 16 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2023-10-17 01:10:44
Last author: Sheamus Finn
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Modern Magic 15

After they were done in the shower, Oliver got redressed and prepared to leave. Bors Sr. was wanting him and his brothers at the office's to show what they could bring to the table. As he zipped up his coat he pulled Sam close and kissed her deeply, "You want more sex like that? Better get some condoms." And then headed to the elevator and gave her a wink as the doors closed.

Sam smiled and waived as the door closed and went to her bed. She took up her phone and searched though it as the events of recent played though her mind.

She heard the elevator doors open and there was Briana two bottles of root beer and a bag of microwave popcorn. "So, that was Oliver? You look sufficiently satisfied. Spill." she said setting on the side of the bed and looking at Sam.

With a giggle she sat up and took a bottle from her friend, she began on how she met him and their short time together. She spoke nothing of the table or events but kept it as truthful as she could. “So you see we may or may not like each other pretty well but I don’t know.” She trailed off a moment.

Briana listened quietly, "So, Ryan works for the law firm. You didn't mention who Oliver works for."

“A contractor of the same law firm.” Sam said with a smile. “But I’m afraid Oliver don’t like me like I like him. Or…” Her mind went straight to Ryan. But she looked shyly over to Briana. Her heart immediately tore, felt sad and almost regret hit her but Oliver’s sexual events made her like him, just like in the past with her other boyfriends or the ones she cheated on with.

Briana sat up, "Tough decision since they both technically work for you." It occurred to Sam both men served the table which technically meant they served as her bodyguards and agents.

Sam looked to Briana, “I know.” She looked around the room and reminisced a moment. She looked to the floor as she came to the thought of Oliver and herself just recently having sex in the shower.

"Seems like you enjoyed Oliver quite a bit, maybe he's the right fit for you?" Briana suggested.

“I haven’t found the right one yet. And you know how many boyfriends I’ve gone through.” She looked to Briana her eyes held a question of if her friend really knew of her past.

"We've been friends for years Sam, I know you are looking for something special. But, I think you need to be more choosey now you have a fortune and can do almost anything you want to." Briana then left, leaving Sam to her thoughts.

Sam watched her leave and then took to her bed and laid down. Her heart listened to her friend but she was also a one night stand kind of girl. She never really stuck with one man for long. She covered up and rested her head on her pillow gently. Her eyes closed slowly and she thought about what Briana had said. She thought of both Ryan and Oliver and what she wanted.

She woke in the morning with Briana on the intercom, "Get up!! Breakfast is ready and Sireen is coming to pick you up in less than an hour!" It then flicked off, but not before Sam heard Briana giggling.

Sam groaned and rolled out of bed, her hair a mess and she rubbed her eyes. She got around and dressed for the day in her nice blue jeans and a nice white top that was bell armed and a small rope held it closed at the top with a thin rope tied in a bow. Making her hair into the braid she finished quickly and then she wondered downstairs. “I’m up I’m up!” She told Briana with a smile.

There on the counter was waffles and sausages, a testament that the new housekeeper was truly a keeper. Briana was sitting at the table with her plate and a cup of tea, "I don't know about the tea but the food was wonderful."

The smell of breakfast lofted to her nose, “Oh my god…” She immediately began to drool and make her plate quickly. She poured a glass of tea and drank it quickly. “Oh it’s delicious!”

Leslie smiled from the kitchen sink, "Eat your fill Samantha, and what would you like for dinner tonight? I can go to the market and get anything."

With a mouth already full she smiled, “Leslie you’re amazing I’m glad we hired you!” She said with a stuffed mouth then went back to chewing. She gave a groan for Briana to look at her, “Hey you decide what we are doing for dinner and I’ll choose dessert.” She giggled as she crammed more food in her mouth and happily chewed.

Briana thought a moment or two then pipped out an idea, "Leslie how about something homestyle and filling?"

Leslie thought for a moment, "I could do a beef stew, or meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a vegetable if you like. Oh, and I can make a loaf of irish soda bread to go with it."

“Meatloaf?!” Sam chirped happily then took her plate and fork to the sink. “Leslie your amazing!” She came and quickly hugged the woman and went to the door opened it and stepped outside. Just as soon as she done so Sireen pulled up.

Sireen greeted her and pulled the SUV out into traffic, "I hope you do not mind the knights are putting Lancelot and his brothers through their paces."

“I understand, what’s on the agenda for today?” Sam asked Sireen as she buckled in and straightened herself.

"In truth I do not know, Mr. Archer has a few things he wants to see if you have any interest in. Other than that, the day is yours." Sireen said as they drove and then turned into the office's parking garage. She pulled the SUV in beside the three motorcycles and the cars of the other knights. "I will never get over seeing those parked with those cars." she said as she turned off the engine.

Stepping out of the SUV she headed to the door of the elevator, “Let’s see what the day will bring.” She said to Sireen. Once the elevator door opened she walked in and pushed the correct floor button.

Sireen stopped her from pushing the button, "Care to see what the knights are up to?" Sam had noticed the elevator did have a couple buttons she had never pushed. Meaning there was more stuff to the tables facility than the conference room and a couple offices.

Sam nodded, “Sure!” She answered Sireen.

Sireen punched the button marked 2 and the elevator moved silently along until it came to the floor. When the doors opened Sam was a little surprised the floor had several small dorm like rooms with restroom/locker rooms for both male and female members. And as they walked Sireen let her know they had a sword smith and with the addition of Lancelot and brothers they were going to add gunsmith and armory to the facility. As they approached a large set of double doors Sam could hear the sounds of fighting beyond. "And of course a large enough facility to not only workout, but work on sword play for out in the field." she said opening the doors to the chaos beyond.

Sam’s eyes widened as she heard the commotion. Once the door opened her eyes went straight toward the sound and watched curiously. “Wow…” she whispered as she looked around now.

Oliver was facing off with the younger Bors and Ryan and not giving much ground. The others were watching, including Bors senior who was growing irritated by his son's lack of progress. "We have been trained to fight one on one Oliver." he said. "True, except when do you know an enemy to fight fairly or by rules? We should be prepared for such a situation." Oliver retorted pulling Ryan with a free hand and then shoving him into the younger Bors.

Sam watched closely and did not speak. Her eyes followed Oliver and Ryan mostly. Finally she looked back to Sireen, “Shouldn’t I be taught this?” She asked as she turned back to watching the men.

"No Merlin has ever learned this, as far as I know." Sireen answered. "For would it not remove the need for the knights? And as it seems Lancelot and his team are almost too much for Bors, Gwain and the others." she said watching as Oliver dispatched Bors and then Ryan before walking to Bors senior and pointing his sword, "Master Bors, despite two to one disadvantage. I will accept your surrender in the name of Lancelot and in service to Emrys."

She took another step forward to wait to hear if Bors would give up. Her hands crossed about her chest and she had a slight tilt to her head.

Bors senior dropped his weapon, but did not outwardly admit defeat. Oliver smirked furthering the older man's dour look. Turning he spoke to the rest, "From here out we drill with new tactics from being outnumbered all the way to including firearms while fighting with a sword. We will protect our numbers and Emrys as the original Merlin decreed to our ancestors." The rest of the knights took up a cheer and broke into smaller groups to begin practicing.

She turned to Sireen, “Why did you bring me here?” She asked quietly to the woman. Her understanding of how the Knights were was playing in her mind and she looked to Sireen for her answer.

As they headed away from the training room Sireen explained, "Sir Bors would prefer you not see these areas of the Table's branch here or any other around the world. But, Mister Archer and I agree that these places were built by Emrys's to house and train the knights. And moreover you need an idea what they are putting on the line to protect the innocent and yourself of course."

Sam stopped and turned to Sireen, “What is the Emrys used for then?”

"To guide humanity and stand against Modred and the corruption he causes." she answered. "Theodore had turned quite a bit of Emrys's resources towards medical research, clean water and sustainable power programs." she continued. The elevator opened and they were back on the level where Mr. Archer and Sam's private office was. Sireen stepped out and led Sam to the double doors which now had her name on them.

Sam looked at her name and then back to Sireen, “So I am supposed to do the same?” She asked her. “I’m suppose to keep Modred from winning? I’m supposed to help with medical research, clean water and sustainable power programs?” She pushed open the door and turned to walk in.

As Sireen opened the door she answered Sam, "Theodore said that Merlins over the years have done a wide variety of things. As long as Modred's influence is kept in check you may focus on anything you wish. Most of the ill of society have Modred behind them in one fashion or another."

She nodded and began to understand more. Taking a seat at the table she looked back to Sireen, “I don’t know what I’m suppose to do yet. I am beginning to wonder if I am worthy of this.”

Sireen nodded, "Only one is born when the current nears the end of their journey. Theodore knew you would get the mantle of Emrys, that is why he took great care in leaving everything to you. And one day you will know the name of the person who will take your place."

Shocked she sat there and took in what Sireen had said. “What about what I’m supposed to do, like am I suppose to do medical research or something?” Sam asked and began to ponder her life’s journey with this new power she held.

"That I cannot answer." Sireen replied, "Theodore did not do medical research or anything like that. He founded medical research and many other things using the power of Emrys to guide people into making the world better."

Sam fell quiet and then spun new chair around. Her mind wondered what she was supposed to do but she would have to figure it out.

Sireen waited for a few moments, "Shall I return later to get your lunch order or would you rather dine out?"

“Has the Knights ate?” Samantha asked as she looked back to Sireen.

"They have had breakfast I assume." she replied, "As far as lunch I could not say depending on their training schedule."

“I request lunch with the Knights today. All of them. Take their order from a restaurant locally and have it delivered. We will have lunch together today. Including you Sireen.” Sam told her.

Modern Magic 17

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