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2023-04-17 01:31:27
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Modern Magic 2

When they arrived at the offices, Sireen met them when the doorman opened the door for them. "Good morning. Mr. Archer is upstairs with all the legal papers." she greeted them. "Ryan, it will probably be at least an hour or two and we got confirmation the others have landed at JFK and need a pickup. Michael is getting the other car to follow you."

Ryan nodded, "Yes ma'am. Don't worry Miss Wynn, I will be back in plenty of time to honor my offer." He then drove away into traffic, Briana caught up to Samantha and Sireen.

A slight tremble came over Samantha as they followed Sireen. Her hands held the papers tightly and she could fell herself shaking.

When the doors closed both Sireen and Briana noticed her, "Is everything okay Samantha?" Briana put her hand on Sam's shoulder, "You okay?"

“Just nervous.” She told them. She looked to each woman and offered a quick nod a small nod. “I’ll be fine…I think.”

Sireen offered another smile, "We have all the time you need. I know it is a lot to take in all at once. Mr. Archer and the board understand and would never pressure you to sign anything if you have unanswered questions."

Samantha took a moment and breathed deeply. She turned and smiled at Sireen, “I’m alright, this is a lot to take in but I’m ready.” She told Sireen. Her stubbornness and complete confidence returned to her. Her racing thoughts she put to rest and gathered herself in her normal composure. She straightened her body and gave a nod to Sireen.

When the elevator stopped they all exited and headed to the conference room, this time it was only Mr. Archer waiting for her. "Good Morning Samantha and Briana how did you sleep?"

“Very good, thank you for asking.” Samantha said with a smile to Mr. Archer. She sat in her appointed seat and crossed her legs and then her hands clasped together in front of her on the table.

Mr. Archer set several pieces of paper down and explained them in great detail to Samantha. He then indicated where each page was to be signed and initialed. "If I may have a moment alone with Samantha?" he asked Sireen and Briana.

Samantha leaned forward and gave a nod to Briana to go ahead to leave. As they left she looked to him.

He passed her an envelope, "These are some things you will need if in the next couple days you have any strange dreams. I am under instructions that unless you call me with a particular word, to take that envelope back as what inside will have nothing to do with you. I am sure will talk over the next couple days. And if you wish we can get you and Briana passports if you want to visit your new homes."

Her eyes went to the envelope, “Mr. Archer, I don’t understand what do you mean strange dreams.” Her eyes went back to Mr. Archer. “And new homes? Both of us?” She added. All of this was all so new and sudden she wasn’t absorbing it all.

"Surely you looked over the property list, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Venice and Rio. Theodore had homes in all those cities and they now belong to you." he gave her a reassuring smile. "And Theodore said if you called me using a word you heard in a dream I was to tell you to open that envelope. I do not know what else to say." he took a drink of water and waited for any further questions.

Samantha nodded and again looked down at the envelope, she looked over to a few pens that were sat in front of her. She picked one up and looked to Mr. Archer. “Where do I need to sign?” She asked. All of this whirl wind of news and information was swirling around in her head.

"Only a few more to go. And if you wish I can send Sireen and Ryan along one as your assistant and the other as security." Archer pointed to the places she needed to sign and the process would be over.

“Would I need to pay them like Theodore has?” Samantha asked him about Ryan and Sireen. She finished signing and looked up to him.

"Both would be paid by the firm, as they would be escorting a client to view her new properties and keeping her safe." Mr. Archer said to her. "If I were a younger man I would probably volunteer to go myself."

“Sounds like a good idea. I would love the help anyway.” She told him with a smile. The dream thing kept creeping its way into her mind though but she kept thinking maybe it was a joke. “What is there to do now?” She asked as she laid the pen down.

The next couple hours were spent going over everything in the will that now belonged to Samantha. Briana and Sireen came in and helped with keeping notes for Samantha, Mr. Archer was right she would probably need both of them to help her out with all of this.

Periodically she would ask questions but mostly she would listen and nod her understanding. As she listened she found herself looking at the envelope again. Her eyes looked over it and she wondered what was inside it. As the next while came to an end with more new information she sat back in her chair and waited to see if more information would be given to her or not.

It was well past noon before they finished up and Mr. Archer had insisted they stop long enough for lunch. Sireen led them back to the elevator and back to the car, "Is there anything you need before Ryan takes you home? I know you were planning a first adventure into the city and anything we can do to help." she offered.

“Oh no you have done enough. Thank you Sireen.” Samantha extended a hand to her.

She shook her hand and then shook Briana's hand, "well if you think of anything, don't hesitate to call." She left them to the door man and the car which had just pulled up to take them home. As the exited the building Samantha got the feeling someone wa watching her closely.

Taking a glance around she didn’t see anything that stood out to her so she made her way to the car. “Do you feel like moving into a new place?” She asked Briana.

"New place?" Briana asked as she settled into the seat and Ryan pulled away from the curb.

“Yea, I want you to move in with me.” Samantha told her with a smile as she set paperwork and envelope down next to her.

"Really!? What about your jet setting new life?" she asked with a wide smile.

“You’re want to come with me?” Samantha smiled and gave a giggle.

Briana nodded and wrapped her arms around Samantha, "Of course I will! SOmeone has to watch your back."

Sam embraced her back, “Glad you will join me!” She gave her a pat on the back to her friend and smiled broadly. “Let’s get changed and go out to celebrate.”

Ryan dropped them at the house, "I will be back at six o'clock to pick you up. Oh, Ms. Wynn I was given this to give to you before we left." He handed her an envelope before heading back to the car, inside Samantha found money and a note $2000 to have a good night out in NYC. Sireen.

As Ryan got back into the car and was leaving, Samantha was in shock. She headed toward the door and was waiving for Briana to hurry up and follow her inside. “Thank you Ryan!” Samantha called as she swung the door open and went inside to enter the alarm code. As soon as the door shut behind Briana, Samantha squealed. “Oh my god! Sireen gave us $2000 for tonight’s entertainment!” She jumped up and down happily as she waived the envelope in front of Briana.

Briana smiled, "The money is probably from one of your accounts, they knew we were going out and figured we would need some money. But, it was very nice of her to include the note."

“You know I didn’t think of it that way.” Samantha said as she composed herself. “We got a few hours till Ryan gets back. I’m gonna take a nap, all this paperwork and information has me tired.” She smiled and then gave a wink to her friend as she headed back up to her big fluffy bed.

"Set an alarm! And set the alarm!" Briana shouted after her.

“On it mom!” Samantha giggled and held up her phone to prove she was on the alarm app. As the elevator dinged and opened its door she set her alarm for a hour. Once she was to the right floor she aimed straight toward the bed and kicked off her shoes at the foot of the bed. She flopped face down and sprawled out.

Samantha was asleep faster than she could ever have imagined.

Modern Magic 4

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