Page name: Moonlit Affair [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-02-08 04:35:04
Last author: Lirerial
Owner: Lirerial
# of watchers: 1
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D20: 9
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The sound of music filled the clearing and she danced with wild abandon, her long hair whipped the air behind her and she leapt high into the air. Silver flashed in the moonlight as she pulled out her swords and blended them into her dance. Her arms darted out, stabbing the air before she flipped back, all in time to the dance music that seemed so out of place in her savage dance. She suddenly bent backward, her spine bending in a perfect U-shape as her head touched the ground and a blade passed through the air above her, she snapped back up, flipping away from her attacker. Her silver eyes gleamed in the dark as she sent a feral grin towards him, her fangs glinted in the bright moonlight.
He stepped completely out of the shadows, his long black hair was tied back into a ponytail. He grinned and whirled his Guan Dao in the air and pointed the sharp blade in her direction. She chuckled, and but said nothing, this was how their meetings went, neither one of them talking to the other. She walked up to her i-pod speakers and carefully selected a playlist and hit play. She turned up the volume and closed her eyes as the music filled her body, suddenly her eyes snapped open and she lunged to the side, avoiding the sharp blade of her lover’s Guan Dao. She twisted down, and lunged up, but he sidestepped, her sword just barely brushing past his shoulder.
The dance started anew, this time it was much more violent as they fought each other, slowly as she danced her form grew darker, her claws lengthened and her fangs were large in her mouth. The moonlight gleamed on her long, blue-black hair as she growled and lunged once more. This time he dropped his weapon, and slipped effortlessly aside and grabbed her wrist, a quick twist and she dropped the sword with a small cry of pain. His eyes burned with lust as he jerked her close and pressed his lips to hers. She snarled and her last sword came up and she tried to bring the hilt crashing down on the back of his neck. He easily caught it, and twisted it out of her grip.
Now his kiss was answered by her own wild moan as she bit lightly on his lip, and he picked her and lowered her to the ground. His strong hands slipped underneath her shirt and lifted it, he lowered his mouth biting into her neck, licking the warm blood as she moaned and writhed under him. Her clawed fingers dug into his back, although the long wounds healed almost as soon as she left them. One of hands crept and stroked her back, catching and tugging on the tuffs of black fur that was sprouting on her body as became more and more aroused. He bit deep into her neck and growled possessively as their movements became more frenzied and violent.
She gasped and moaned at the feel of his tongue quickly wiping her skin clean of the blood. Her silver eyes stared up at the moon that stared down so disapprovingly and a small smirk formed on her lips as she suddenly pushed him away. She forced him down on his back and took control, her face raised to the moon her eyes closed as she rode each wave higher and higher until her howl echoed over the mountains.
The playlist ended, and with it her happiness. She packed her things and watched with longing eyes as he walked backwards, vanishing into the night with ease. She quickly wiped a tear from her eyes as she turned and walked back to where her Pack waited for her.
“How’d your exercise go, Zata?” Her mother asked as she heard Zata’s loping stride come closer. The black wolf only looked at her before shifting easily back into her human form, “The same as always, mother.” She answered and smiled sadly. Her mother nodded with satisfaction,
“Good, I don’t know why you ever found in that horrible vampire, but if you ever speak to him again… well you will no longer have a Pack.”
Zata nodded,
“Of course… I will not speak to him again.” She answered and bowed her head, hiding the smug grin that had escaped her.

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