Page name: Mythical Chars [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-02-17 15:27:03
Last author: Roxcie
Owner: Blood Sucking Beauty
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Mythical Land of Mystery Characters

Format For Mythical Creatures:

Powers:(limit to three)

Username: [Blood Sucking Beauty]
Name: Damion 'Demon' Glory
Age: 22(apears much younger as if 12 or 13)
D.O.B.: June 6th (Gemini)
Race: Half Vampire half   
Powers: transformation into helldemon, read minds
Appearance: 6'0", black and red hair. Wears all black. Mainly seen in long black leather pants that are slightly tight, a baggy black shirt, and a full body leather trench coat with pockets on the inside and a hood that would cover his entire head and face. His shoes are tall leather boots that reach his knees. The soles of the boots are covered with large spikes for attacking whoever comes near. The pockets inside the trench coat carry his small daggers and his throwing stars. A sword is attached to his belt and is hidden under the coat. He has pure blue eyes that seem to be nearly white and change to crimson red when he is in his blood feasting state.
Personality: Damion is much of an asshole and doesnt care about anything or anybody. He acts very mature. He is paranoid so with the slightest of sounds he will instantly react. He is very sexual and loves just to have 'fun'. He also comes off as being bipolar.
(Without his trench coat and his wings unfolded)
(art by

Username: [Blood Sucking Beauty]
Name: Takashi Nagaroshima
Age: 18
D.O.B.: june 22nd (Cancer)
race: Water dragon
Powers: Transformation into a dragon. Teleportation. Water powers.
Appearance: 5'7" orangeish brown hair. He wears very tight leather pants and a black and red shirt.He has black gloves on most of the time. He wears tall leather boots. He has a tattoo on his right arm. His eyes are a golden orange and change to black in his dragon form. His dragon form is 10 ft long from nose to tail and has golden scales that seem to shine.
Personality: Usually very clueless and clumsy. He looks up greatly to Damion even though he rarely sees the mans face. He is extremely powerful and strong but when it comes to a fight he becomes scared and afraid he will do something wrong.
Image/Picture: <img:> (Art by
(Note:Without the wings)

Username:[Blood Sucking Beauty]
Name: Tonani (Pronounced toe-none-e)He doesnt give out his name to people
Age: 25
D.O.B.: Nov 27th
Race: Vampire
Powers: firestater
Personality: Comes off as an evil person and really is but is protective of those he loves. He is one that always says how he feels and doesn't care what others think. He always curses or finds other ways to seem like he is evil.
Appearance: He is tall and VERY muscular. He comes off as extremely evil. His eyes are a deep rich green and his hair appears to be a deep red but is naturally dark brown which can be seen only a little at the roots. He wears semi tight jeans. (Look at image)
Image/Picture:<img250*0:> (Art by

D.O.B.:December 8th
Powers:(limit to three)telepathy, nature magic, healing (stronger with self than healing others)
Appearance: Long ebony locks so dark they hue a pretty violet. She has depthless golden eyes and creamy flesh. She occasionally wears a golden hair ornament, a sign of her nobility amongst her kind. She is extremely kind and generous, as well as very adventurous, and occasionally enjoys a good mystery.
Image/Picture: <img300*0:>

D.O.B.:August 10th
Powers:(limit to three)
Appearance:Star's older and very over-protective brother. He becomes popular when it comes to the opposite  , or at least he believes so. It's acutally amusing how is name is Tenshi, since he is anything but an angel, of course when he's either with a   or angered.

Name:Talyrai(pronounced Ta-lee-ray)
Age: 15
D.O.B.: August 5
Race: half fox, half human
Powers:(limit to three)Telekinesis, Healing
Appearance: She wears a white and red kimono. She's about 4 feet tall and very aware of her height. She's unbelievably shy, and gets attached to others easily.
Image/Picture: <img:>

Username: [Kiss My Sass]
Name: Luna
Age: 20
D.O.B.: July 24 (Leo)
Race:Half Human Half   
Powers:(limit to three)can control fire and wind
Personality:Sarcastic, outgoing, loves to get into trouble and push people to the edge ( is nice and knows when to stop) And for the most part is very quiet when around people she doen't know.

Username: [Kiss My Sass]
Name: Yami and Yumi
Age: 19
D.O.B.: July 22 (Cancer)
Race: Oracles
Powers:(limit to three)Both tell the future
Appearance/Personality: Yami only wears black and sometimes white, but very little. Yumi only wears white and somethign that has a skull on it.
Yumi is quiet, and loves to read. She is very intellectual. She doesn't speak around other people much and   s to talk about herself. Yami is loud and loves music. She is loud, and doesn't care what people think of her. They both love each other, but they get on each others nerves, so they rarely are together.
Image/Picture: <img:> Yumi is in the white and Yami is in the black. (Yumi has blue eyes and Yami has green.)

Username:[~Crimson Angel~]
D.O.B.:April 15(Aries)
Powers:she makes plants grow,she can make rainbows appear,and she can calm people by singing.
Appearance:she has rainbow wings,she has white hair,purple eyes,and she always wears a dress.(She's a daydreamer)

[Dezmond]'s characters
sorry rach, there on diff wiki's i'll change that if you want

D.O.B:Dec.1 (sagitarius)
Race: half    (Drax   )
Powers: ability to transform into    form hieghtened sences in both forms, super human healing
Apearance: Lucian stands at 6'1 and has a slim but muscled build he has shaggy dark hair and stricking green eyes he has bags around his eyes from lack of sleep and seems normally distant he wears a black long coat,black t shirts, blue jeans, and black boots he wears three rings to silver with black thorn designs on the pointer and middle finger of his left and a black ring with silver thorns on his right pointer finger also he wears a spiked necklace. Lucian is also known to carry a ring hilt sword. Lucian doesnt sleep much so he has deep bags under his eyes he doesnt sleep for the fact that his father was a drax demon but not just any demon the great betrayer the one that tried to help the humans wipe out the mythicals Lucians mother was a human sorcerer now Lucian suffers from having his demon half as a nearly serperate personality in his mind the demon half enjoys tormenting Lucian in his sleep in attempts to gain power.After long years of dealing with his demon side he now seeks some one that can aid him in stopping his torment

Mythical Land Of Mystery

Username (or number or email):


2008-03-27 [Nae.palm]: *is worried*

2008-03-27 [Evolution X]: I can't find a photo...

2008-03-27 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: 4 this?

2008-03-27 [Evolution X]: yup. Rox told me about this place.

2008-03-27 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: well ummm ask [Nae.palm] if u can join.

2008-03-27 [Evolution X]: can I join?

2008-03-28 [Nae.palm]: I suppose. ^.^

2008-03-28 [Evolution X]: I need a picture though...

2008-03-28 [Nae.palm]: photobucket?

2008-03-28 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: i use

2008-03-28 [Evolution X]: There, done. ^_^

2008-03-28 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: three powers Evo...ur making him godlike...just take away the spitting things out of the hole thing......altho he still seems....idk....

2008-03-28 [Evolution X]: Yup, three. Taking in and spitting out

2008-03-28 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: its too much having them be spit out of a hole.....its adding to much to him rly.

2008-03-28 [Evolution X]: It's better the spitting out thing, that means he can just toss people around and not kill them in one hit... I know, I'll make it a bit harder for him to use it.

2008-04-04 [shadow_walker]: whats the password to add characters?

2008-04-04 [shadow_walker]: i dont know if it will show up on yours or not by my char is half Drax Demon

2011-02-22 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: woah. holy shit.....lmao i forgot bout this place.

2011-02-22 [shadow_walker]: lol yeah same here is the rp this is attached to still running?

2011-03-06 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: im thinking of starting it over......

2011-03-23 [shadow_walker]: thats cool if i have the gramatical chops to hand I will try and be active on it

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