Page name: New Varse Beastiary [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-12-09 22:43:41
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Well here is where you can chose your type of Character from, this list isn't exaustive so feel free to run by me anything you want to add

Mandrake: What many say are the male version of a Siren. To say this though would be to underscore truely what they are. They are divided into two classes, high borns and fallen. Highborns are noble, loyal creatures who are often exemplify most any desirable trait. Fallen are dark beings, twisted and sick individuals whose only means of living is preying on the agony of others. Mandrakes survive in much the same manner as Crusnik and Vampire, though Highborn will only drink the blood of a willing particapant. They span all races, and are immortal. A trait unique to their race, both highborn an fallen is that they can meld with the shadows and nearly all are well versed in the spirit arts. They make the deadliest shock troops if amassed for war, for they appear out of the tiniest shadows and strike without warning. Their skin appears to have neon green veins criss crossing their skin. Why these are there, as well as their origins none know fully. Many would blame the machinations of the Necromancers, though this is dismissed by many. For how could a Liche lord create something as noble as a Highborn? A final note, Fallen cannot communicate verbally, their faces bear no mouths, noses or ears, and their sight is unparalled though their eyes are a sickly green. High borns look similar, however their facial features are normal, if alittle guant, and their hair is always snow white.

High Elf: Immortal, and wise, though they can often be very rash and arrogant. Despite the tumultuous events of Ullari and Lomien, the High elves are perhaps one of the most unified of the races and this has allowed them to endure where others might have long ago faded. Magically they are the most diverse, though far from a complete race of magical beings. Most take it upon themselves and further their knowledge at one of the institutions.

Wood Elf: Immortal, protective of their realms, and secrative. Descendants of the High elves who have left the city life for that of the wanderer. There is only one kingdom of wood elves, the rest are scattered in small enclaves as each group sees fit. The do not particularly care for war, and are more amicable than their fortress building kin. Magic wise they are almost exclusively earth bound, with very few exceptions. There are a few call the Ullaru, or the Shadow elves that act as assasins. Fortunately this group is small as the warrior covens are at war with each other as much as anyone else.

Vampire: Immortal after a fasion, the Sunlight is their greatest nemises. While not overtly fatal to them, it will burn them severely. They need blood to heal, and for some, to live. Magic is limited but diverse. Usually they are found in Covens along the Guild mountains that Seperate the Dark lands from the realms.

Wer-creature: Mortal, no particular place though they tend to gravitate towards the realms of men. Shape shift into any creature, and some say the dreaded Druchii race is a by product of this. Magic wise they are very limited, their most powerful mages only being the rough equivalent of a human acolyte.

Dwarf: Mortal, though very long lived (the oldest; Brother Ancient Ragnarook lived for 5,000 years) it is not uncommon for them to live up to between 1 and 3 thousand years of age. Stubborn as any ass, they are renowned miners. Their ancient holds though are declining, once spanning every mountain and cliff side, now reduced to a few vast fastnesses. Magic wise they are adept at metalurgy, and skilled at making the finest of Magic weapons. Elementally they are limited to earth and fire.

Dragon:Immortal. A dying race tht once held New Varse as their realm and theirs alone. Dragones are Immortal, but there are few of them, nor is there a race so bitterly divided over allegiances brought about by the brewing war. As far as Magic goes, Dragons are exceptionally talented and diverse.

Elder Dragon:Immortal, first borne of the gods. Elder Dragons have observed the fate of Avelorn for centuries uncounted. A Dragon is only ever elevated to the Status of Elder once over ten thousand years and that is only if he can pass the tests of proving. To date there are only three Elders left, and two fallen Elders. One of whom has sided with the Vile Druchii and the other has taken up the cause of Ullari. Elder Dragons are traditionally neautral and will almost always expell any from their order who takes sides for they veiw it as beneath them to get intertwined with the stuggels of the younger races. Elders are nearly unmatched in the realms of magic, and only a select few elves can match them.

Lich: Immortal. Powerful necromancers, this is their sole magical ability, though to diminish this would be to invite certain doom upon yourself. They control all things dead, and can weild raw spirit energy better than most. They bear no specific allegiance, though the oldest and most powerful are said to be fallen dragons and elves. The most powerful are solitary, with perhaps a cadre of acolytes to act as generals for their often vast armies. Many dwell in the dark woods between the eastern and western portions of Avelorn. The most powerful of these lords, Terivorn Lord of Decay, dwells in a mighty fortress along the northern wastes. Mortes festus or the city of the damned, has been a scourge on all races. The Lich above all are feared and hated by the Druchii, for the ratmen cannot wear down the legions of the undead, and seek to avoid them whenever they can.

Deamon: Immortal, bloodthirsty, and Thankfully few, coming from the north wastes and brought about by the uncontrolled magics of human shamans. Deamons vary in size from 6 to 60 feet tall, most can fly. As far as magic goes they are very limited, but are immune to it themselves.


Book Fea:Bookworms exist wherever books gather in large quantities. It's rare but sometimes the books when gathered together can gain a sort of awareness of things and the power to affect their surroundings. When this happens, one bookworm in the area goes into a cocoon like a butterfly and emerges as a Book Fae. Book Fae are very rare little creatures that keep control of the awareness of gathered knowledge in libraries and such, to keep it from harming itself or others. The Book Fae are sometimes thought to be related to brownies because they take care of the libraries they live in, though no one really notices the work they do. They also tend to pick up a certain kind of magic related to the written word called Rune Magic or Paper Magic which is even more rare.

Drow: Also known as Dark elves, they are the corrupted and depraved kin of all the Elven race. Reserved however to being a mostly raiding race to which they are the most effective. Limited for some reason though in magic, they have very few powerful mages, and most of these remain on their home land far beyond the mainlands of Avelorn. It is said when the original drow broke away from the High elves, their three most powerful earth mages formed their island home, though it has no name for none who go there ever return.

Siren:Immortal. A maiden slain and tortured well before her time. Enchanting, they are however embittered beings most, seeking revenge instead of an end to their plight. A Siren can end its' curse and live on normally if it finds love, but this has rarely happened. The Siren Isles are a dangerous place for sailors, many of whom have died on the rocks, slain by either the crushing waves or rocks, or by the beautiful women who lured them there. They remain immortal if they are turned back, and it is said their lover becomes immortal as well.

Crusnik: An immortal and seldom understood race that, unlike any other was both a born race as well as it was created by a long forgotten wizard to hunt Vampires. While they remain staunch enemies, Crusnik have endured, though the Created ones are shunned. The born, or natural Crusnik prefer to keep to themselves, though it is not unknown for them to intermingle. Their magic stems from blood and water, many of whom are formidable weilders of such arts. Like a Vampire or a wer-wolf, a Crusnik can create another Crusnik through bitting a victim, though unlike their enemy this can only be done if the individual asks for this to happen.

Druchii: Mortal. Their origins where born out of war. The Great Elder Dragon, Stiro, created them, an amalgamation of rat and man. This horrific combination earned Stiro the ire of the remaining Elder dragons, but originally Stiro intended it for good. Through the rat men, the Elder and his allies had a force that even when they where inevitably defeated, the victor would still suffer. None except Stiro and perhaps his closest allies know how, but the Ratmen themselves carry all variety of disease and pestilence. Their appearance is that of a Rat that walks on two legs, with an average height of 5'3 they where the perfect fodder race. Then the Civil war came, and with it the decline of the Dragon. An ambitious Vampire General, whose name has now been forgotten stumbled upon the secret of the rat men. Chancing upon the hidden laboratories of Stiro, the General learned that the rat men thrive when set free, and that the Dragons routinely culled their own creation to prevent it spreading to the world. The General had no such noble intentions and set them lose on the world. Toragon, Lord the of the Elder Dragons attempted to halt the spread of this deadly race, but was intercepted and attacked by Stiro and Nyrenthilar, one of the few female Elders. Toragon lost, barely escaping with his life. The release of the ratmen sparked a short, bitter, and secret war in the North wastes. By time it was over, the Rat men where ascendant, and the Dragons divided and confused.

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2010-10-27 [Talos Cyrion]: lol i know, which kinda suits their appearance...they look intrigueing and fascinating only especially in the case of the fallen it is better to be killed by them then be captured

2010-10-27 [Mrs Vicious.]: but you said they were mermen..type thing. make siren. its a plant.

2010-10-27 [Talos Cyrion]: Mermen? lol no. They are like sirens, but unlike a Siren their power lies exclusively in the shadows and spirit realms

2010-10-27 [Mrs Vicious.]: So why did you name them after a Plant?

2010-10-27 [Talos Cyrion]: idk....sounded cool lol

2010-10-27 [Mrs Vicious.]: but its a plant?

2010-10-27 [Flisky]: Okay, we get it, it's a plant. Can we let it go now?

2010-10-27 [Talos Cyrion]: besides the "It sounds like a plant" part, what do ya'll think?

2010-10-27 [Mrs Vicious.]: no, it doesnt sound like a plant. its like naming a fish rocky. youve named that has nothing to do with plants, Mandrake.

2010-10-27 [Flisky]: What? Haven't you ever heard of the rock bass? (That's a fish named rock.) :P Your argument is invalid.

2010-10-28 [Talos Cyrion]: lol well that an i took it from a game i played and added to it. They are a type of shadow warrior who look awesome

2010-10-28 [Mrs Vicious.]: what are you? borg flisk? should I call you 3 of 9 now? the rock fish is named so because it looks like a rock, and or thats what it eats.

2010-10-28 [Talos Cyrion]: huh? uh...ok

2010-10-28 [Mrs Vicious.]: never mind, fuck it. *shrugs* whatever, woopee, we have a mandrake.

2010-10-28 [Flisky]: You really should not throw such fits. This is Talos's RP. He can have flying monkey men for all I care. ^_^

2010-10-28 [Talos Cyrion]: V if it bothers you that much, think of a different name, submit it an i'll see what i can do

2010-10-28 [Mrs Vicious.]: I wasnt throwing a fit. Tal, was I throwing a fit? I really don't care I was just stuck on the fact you named it after a plant.

2010-10-28 [Talos Cyrion]: ok, no you seemed irked but no not a fit. Like i said if it annoys you enough come up with a few substitutes

2010-10-28 [Mrs Vicious.]: psh, its your char you do what you want with it. lol mandrake is fine.

2010-11-04 [Lirerial]: Hmmm... how many characters can a player have?

2010-11-04 [Talos Cyrion]: I honestly don't care, just whatever number you can keep up with (most find 3 or four the limit if the rp gets active)

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